Merge Hero League and Team League for faster queues

By merging both we would see a huge reduction in queue times which in turn would entice more players to play. Not everybody loves the game so much to wait a few minutes in the hopes of a quality match.

The only thing is I DO NOT want it if you do not address the Grand Masters queing up with bronze/silver. Too many abuse the system.

The simple solution is to queue against people with the highest in groups MMR as match maker. That way the matches would certainly be more fair. Don’t forget about performance match making just incase the big boys on top are reading. :slight_smile:

Great game overall I am enjoying the changes to maps and balances.

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Change were asked years ago and they didnt fix anything. This is the result. Dont expect anything from Activision. This game was abandon years ago and confirm when they remove ressource from the game a couple of week ago.

my condolences


It has been announced to come in the next 2 seasons or so with rank restrictions in place and/or rank anchoring.


they also announced performance match making and haven’t brought it back.


And it wont as it was as they learnt that they couldnt tell the skill of the player from statistics.

When it comes back its just gonna be the “You did 10% more something than on average, congratz on nothing”

unless you can post a link as to where they said they completely abandoned it, I think otherwise. Last I read they wanted to gather background statistics and some other info I can’t remember, which was posted by a blue atleast over a year ago maybe 2.

It will be brought back but only as an informational tool to tell you how you did compared to other players.

Hopefully it will have some egative feedback as well like “you died 10 times more than average players in your rank” so people might learn smth…

“Performance-based matchmaking will be used to educate players, giving players a guideline on where and how to improve”

Was said in Blizzcon 2018

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