Melke’s Overdramatic goodbye thread

I’ve played with them before, I just did not tank very well and felt awkward. Pesky knows what I’m talking about :sweat_smile:


Oh. Sad to see you leave ;-;
But good luck with the game development and everything :>


It’snot as easy as a lot of people think let me tell ya. But I’m diving into this because maybe just maybe I’ll save someone like Warcraft safed me.

Yeah, this Project taking precidence in my life has been a very long time, the Design Brief has been in my writing journal for 2 years, it’s high time I made like Shia Labeauf and “Just did it!”

Don’t get any funny idea’s, you’re not meeting my Qhira on the battlefield until this event is over! That said May the best gamer win
“Die by the blade of the one you love to hate” - epic rivals song by Beast in Black.

Don’t kill too many Panda’s while I’m gone unable to defend them.

Thank you for the well wishes.


Sometimes I feel like I need to say that to myself lol

Challenge accepted.


This would probably be a great idea for me too if I didn’t know I’d just find something else to distract myself with…

Sometimes people just need to take a break, and they don’t want to up and vanish. It’s not like they’re hurting anyone, and it’s nice for the people who are used to seeing them post to get a heads up.


This is half of it
The other is that making a statment of a goal or what not public is a good motivator thus saying on the forums “hey I am leaving game for a few weeks and am ONly coming back when I’ve got a good habit of workong on my project a bit every day before gaming” then it makes it more “real” in a sense,

Credit to the Book “Willpower, rediscovering mankinds greatest strength” for this info

Good luck Melke! I hope everything goes well for you. Internet hugs

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But your still here? You replied 1 hour ago
When you say goodbye I wanna feel sad because its goodbye but I know your not really leaving so there is no point in all of this

I hardly knew you at all Melke

I was too late

I want to say that I enjoyed reading your writing as a lurker(the forum and not the StarCraft kind) and you are quite a creative soul

I hope the path you have chosen in life grants you happiness

Your friends will miss playing with you so I hope you will still come once in a while and play

You will be missed

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I’m really gonna miss Melke. and I know I’m not the only one. Oh melke, you made this place so perfecty. I’m gonna miss you every day oh melke. :sleepy:

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You should marry Melke

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Why would you be sad Even in the OP I never said I’d be gone forever I said a few weeks, I also moreso mentioned this because I actually uninstalled the games, and while it’s easier (and the Forums are still a distraction I should find a way to uninstal from my brain) fact of the matter is this was more a goodbye to the people I play with like Pesky and several others.

I’ll be back in a few monthes, at some point before the new year dont you worry, and if you play on NA maybe we can group up :slight_smile:

My non existant editting skills not withstanding, thank you.
I’m sure an ew chapter of Prodigal Daughter will be the trumpet I make my full blown return to so look forward to that.

I’m detecting Mockery I don’t know why

But I am betrothed to my Waifu Qhira I can’t marry Lyras

Hidden tidbit

Just gonna gloss over the fact that in the fanfiction about her Qhira is going to actually be a married woman lol

Please do not uninstall forum from your brain

You are wanted here and needed too

Sadly I am only a big fish in the small pond called Europe

I came here because of how lonely I was over there wanting to get the opinions of the cool and more active American forum people

Your posts are among the few I always wish I could respond to but held back from doing so because I play in a region far away and wanted to keep the Europe forums alive


Just killed a qhira in lane as imperius and it reminded me of you :heart:

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melke?? you’re back :grinning: :blush: :heart_eyes:


Melke never truly fades away


Forgot to like this, was very funny. I doubt id be able to kill your qhira as imperius but idk if youd do as well as they were in 5 man. Then again have never seem you in a low diamond game before.

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I don’t know I don’t think I’ve been in higher then a high plat game when I was with you and hoku and a few others
that time you guys said “no that samuro gonna be leet don’t go Qhira” and then I’m headdesking as i realize he’s falling into all the pitfalls I could have exploited.

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Yea hoku and i thought that was a low plat game but it was actually low gold. You could’ve played qhira ez.