Mei to powerful and rewarding

I got accustomed that most of new heroes or heroes after reworks become to OP, however Mei in skilled hands is way to powerful. In OW, Mei have less hp than Zaria and Zaria with her bubble have less HP than In HOTS not only situation is turned by 180 degrees but also have lots of CC which can be chained and are better versions of some other character skills.

Lets start with most popular ULT for Mei - Avalanche. Technically it is gust 2.0. But in opposite to gust it deals damage, can pass through walls, have bigger range, affects characters with unstoppable effect, stuns after end and have clear indicator where it will end. Only cons compared to normal gust is slightly thinner area of effect and lack of slow - which is replaced by stun. Since it has much more pros than cons one could have expect that it will have at least 50% higher cost of MP and cool-down. Only difference is that Avalanche has 5 second of cool-down more …

Next thing I want to touch is her trait - basically 2.0 version of Kerrigan talent Chrysalis. Not only it heals faster (3 instead of 5 second), heals for 10% of max HP more, and have almost 50% more hp but also have over twice lower cool-down … If Mei would have been really squishy character such as pilot I would have understand bonuses, but for heavens sake she is already thick enough to take full burst of any character even with talents for slaying tanks…

I could have talk about many other skills and talents but my point is that right now Mei is powerhouse and in skilled hands she is quite literally nightmare (like in OW in skilled hands).

My observation is this that after month or so she will be nerfed which is kinda unfair towards players that didn’t spend gems or more gold on her in current moment. Also scary point is the fact that with this approach it is possible all of us would soon see in Nexus hell difficulty, players 8 Rakanishu, with 150% movement speed, 20k hp on level 1 and basic damage dealing 4k per hit… JK of course but seriously, Blizzard, please focus little more on balance of reworked or new heroes. Thank you for attention and have a nice day.

Avalanche isn’t like gust. Not nearly the same width. Gust basically doesn’t need to be aimed. Avalanche also lacks an upgrade like wind tunnel.

Her level 4 trait is a bit much. I don’t think it should reduce the cooldown of her trait. Maybe reduce the base cooldown by 5 seconds and remove the CDR from that talent

Other than that I think she’s mostly fine. Maybe some small number nerfs

Well i am not sure if this is a serious thread or not but i think she is way more powerful than people let on in here.

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The width is a bit wonky i definitely got people that should not have been in it with it.
It does damage and stuns at the end.
If it did crash on walls like gust to guarantee wombos it would be better than gust.
I would say they are pretty even right now.
Avalanche is super good let’s not pretend it is not.

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Do you prefer Johanna who is “powerful” in every hands?

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Thank you all for replies. HailFall yes, while casting it doesn’t looks like that but avalanche itself is much wider than indicator of cast - affected targets that wasn’t in indicators way. Plus lets be honest - ability to throw Johanna away from team is powerful. Moreover, despite quote “At the end of the path, snowball crumbles, releasing consumed Heroes, dealing 220 damage” it still hurts Deathwing. Imagine Stitches using Gorge on Deathwing and instantly doing 244 dmg on lvl 10 vs Deathwing with all armor plates or 406 to character with unstoppable status and no armor.

Wait. That’s illegal.
Didnt test it because it shouldnt be possible, is it true?

It is not. It’s exactly as wide as the indicator shows.
You can see, I tested a lot with this ability:

Also -tho since I was alone in thast Custom Match I couldn’t test it there but- it does not work on Unstoppable targets, at least I saw a Mei in her trait being uneffected by the enemy Mei’s Avalanche.

Also comparing Mei’s, a Tank’s trait to a Melee Assassin’s lvl 13 talent who has her own trait and different kit in general… not wise.

If you need help, maybe you can find it here:


I don’t see how or why.


If I wouldn’t be dumb I would have show you screen shots providing that on resolution 1920x1080 there is like 0,2 inch of difference between actual hitbox of Avalanche and Indicator. If you hint me how to post screens I will show it.

OK it doesn’t work on unstoppable targets but still damages them. Must have been that Johanna shields literally run out the moment before it hit her. Though still - if level 10 Stitches could use Gorge on Johanna with iron skin it would have still been about 30%-40% of her Iron Skin on same level.

About last part - because while it is genius marketing it is unfair - imagine you buy booster for 7 days, next day HoTS team removes 7 days booster replaced by 5 day booster as next closest booster and your booster time is reduced by 1 day - you would be probably pissed of that Blizzard literally take away something you payed for away from you. Like after 13 days I’ve collected enough gold for Mei - played 3 matches and next day suddenly - Mei Hp on lvl 1 got nerfed from 2,7k to 1,7k … OFC Blizzard would tell about it first hand (most likely) but still.

Since you are new to the forums, your options are more limited.

But upload the images to somewhere linkable (like imgur), and post it between two of this symbol: `

So it makes the link look like this, and that’s how you can post links.

Once you did so -especially if you hit the replay to my comment to write that comment so I’ll get a notification- I can share here the pictures themselves. here are proof. Thank you mate for answer. Also I am new to new forum - I had about 1000 in old which was abandoned :stuck_out_tongue:


Probably has a third part the OP missed to post?
Anyways, people already were surprised that Mei has no “hero is OP” thread.
Be careful what you wish for.

“Mei to powerful and rewarding” are you sure about that?

Check link please. If people on higher leagues on lvls 10+ with Mei tops character winrate …,15,20,25,40,60,80,100&game_type=sl&league_tier=master,diamond,platinum

Plat is not higher league, just so we are clear


Honestly, I don’t agree with more than half the stuff said here, but credit where credit is due – this post has more thought and perceived logic than most posts on the forums. IF we’re going to get OP threads, I’d take one like this over a “MEI IS OP, GG DEVS” thread any day.

Keep up the research, OP. Regardless of the outcome, it’s a step in the right direction for constructive feedback and an opportunity for everyone to learn.


Well healthy discussion is good. I agree with some arguments of those who tells that Mei is perfectly balanced or underwhelming despite my all experience with current Mei (between diamond and plat - would be diamond but 6 matches in row I had dcing 1 or 2 players in team) is that team with Mei always wins. When it is QM and 2 Mei are present rest is dependent on QM matchmaking, skills and bit of luck.

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that’s true cause being aggressive just cause people disagree with you and taking what they say as an insult is just stupid. that’s why i’m glad you aren’t like those who take everything offensively rather than accepting it or just simply disagree with it whatsoever.

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