Mei to powerful and rewarding

Thanks, I am not kind of person to argue, I simply want to show my point. For me Mei kit = most of other characters kit 2.0 but I agree with some counterarguments like width of gust. For me clear indication where target goes and stun for 0,5 sec in small distance is better than 40% slow as slow can be removed instantly by hero hit by gust and stun can’t without external help. + those 300+ dmg on level 10 and fact that you can literally push some characters in deathtrap … same as her cryo-stasis

Mei seems to be getting more and more division each day. You have the group that think she’s weak, the group that thinks she’s balanced, the group that thinks she’s good in coordination only, and a group that think she’s overly performing by a large margin.

I’m more considering the 3rd option that she’s good in coordination only. It’s still kind of early to tell, but given how she plays I think it’s a fair assumption.

Stopped there.

No relation to how Mei is in HotS.

It was example. Noticed that they make Tracer, Junkrat squishy while they could give them Stacked Raynor, level of HP

You do a poor job at data analysis. Checking a hero’s winrate in complete vacuum is pointless, afterall. It’s almost like you cherry picked a situation where Mei appears to shine. So Mei appears to have the second largest winrate. Except…

Games played: 52
Uh oh…
This stat also appears to include games where Mei got banned rather than anybody picking her. Given the 80% banrate that means we talk about 12 games or so.

The sample size is ridiculously small. Which makes the stats entirely unreliable. For the record, Gaz on patch day had 100% winrate with about 20 matches.
Another problem is that even excluding the abyssmally small number of games played there’s a very specific meaning to low popularity combined with success: niche
That’s almost the opposite of an overtuned hero. When a hero gets OP their popularity skyrockets. See what happened to Cassia as a prime and fairly recent example.

So yeah, what exactly did you try to prove?
Because you just managed to shoot your argument in the foot.

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Indeed. Anger at Mei is bubbling just beneath the surface. As each day passes, the anger will only grow further, eventually erupting in an explosion of nerf threads.

Cassia have been buffed for how long? … ahh 1 month so it is logical she will have much more games than character that is officially out for 4(?) days. That is first point. Second proving wins on all ranks of players is worthless as Blizzard will listen to 100 GM more than even 1kk low ranked players from both skilled and marketing approach. Using argument that I interpreted data wrong because of small sample is low as Mei wouldn’t have huge sample due to her Marketing purpose new hero cost - people will buy her either if they saved money or gems or throwing 5 bucks at Blizzard. I don’t mind her blizzard being mix of Tempest with spice of stun at the end, I don’t mind her slide being controllable sister of ETC slide, I don’t mind her blind which is mixture of Tychus granade with spice of cc. Only skills that triggers me are her clearly better versions of other character abilities that is cryo-stasis and avalanche - I don’t mind her ice wall ult - it is balanced. For price of width, lack of 40% slow, 5 less secs of cooldown and short delay her Avalanche gets dmg, range, 10 mp lower cost, indication where it will end, stun, passing through walls. As you can see 4 negatives vs 6 positives. And Cryo-stasis compared to Chrysalis, Cryo-stasis wins in all: is shorter, heals more (both amount and percentage), more durable, lower cooldown, available instantly. While I agree with some points you can’t throw away that taking one character ability, upgrading it and giving it to other character is kinda unfair move.