Medallion was a indication of how items would work wonders in this game

And a shop of course.

Gladtiors medallion made certain heroes alot weaker which was unfair, this is where the shop comes to play. You make different items that are strong against different heroes, and remove generic talents like block, spellshield and blink and make them into items in the shop.

This will mainly affect 2 things which I find to be very healthy for the game:

  1. Opening talent diversity. With alot of generic talents being removed we have space for better and more fun build diversity.

  2. Reducing emphasis on solo lane matchups. You dont have to worry about automatically losing the lane if your opponent has a block talent and your AA’s are slow, it opens up for more intuitive and different matchups.

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Eh, items always just end up part of cookie cutter meta sheeping anyway.


I think it’s safe to start out with the basic items, we dont need to copy other moba numbers. Then possibly over time partake in community voted items.

Yea not happening. If they tried to impose items on us i and most of the community would just leave for better tested old time mobas. Hots beauty comes in its simplicity.


The only one I could think people would go to is LoL. The other mobas from my point of view don’t stand a chance or at least aren’t popular enough for my time. I don’t like dota and that’s the only other popular moba to me other than LoL

I think it’s more likely people would just stop playing mobas if they didn’t play hots because if they despise mechanics from other mobas those mechanics will be waiting for them in the other mobas

They tried it in alpha (artifacts) and it was so unpopular it was removed immediately. Personally, I like the talent system and would prefer to see improvements to that as opposed to introducing artificial complexity.


What’s that tracer? You want to buy some [Claws of Attack] or an [Orb of Fire]? These are Warcraft 3 items

Why of course you do! Having heroes that exceed the ias of other mobas from lvl 1 means that any +attack mod from a shop is just going to go magically swell for you!

Gladiator medallion resembles more LoL’s summoners spell than it does items. I cannot see items ever coming to this game. Summoner spells however, I could possibly see. However with the removal of the Medallion, I think the idea is now tossed, which sucks, cause I actually liked the Medallion. I do not see why there was so much fuss about a spell that had a 5 minute cooldown.

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You… didn’t read the dev’s comment did you? They said they will circle back on something like the medallion and something along that line.

Well yes, but it was affecting the higher league games very much where there aren’t many opportunities for a chain CC lock in the first place.

Boy, I love [Flash + Ignite].

I know I know, there’s also heal and cleanse and ghost, and smite for JGs and barrier for more steady defense, it’s not as bad a system as it gets bagged for.

But seriously, Flash was a mistake.

GMed was hard to stomach in the meta, because every enemy hero having a pocket disrupt to an engage meant one good medallion could determine the results and tracking the CD is, in practice, actually kind of difficult.

Instead they’ll take less direct routes to CC control. I’m hoping, like Spell Shield talents, we see CC resistance talents pop up.

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I still think that adding specific items for specific roles would be a good idea to try out at least.

You can choose different talents against different enemies, but lots of players don’t bother to think, they just click on the first guide on the internet and then they use the same build from that guide in every single game. Honestly, LoL is the same and you often see people buying the same items in every game, because it was the first thing google found when they wrote “champ X guide”.

Additionally, items aren’t the only reason why you can play champs in different roles and if you think with items you could reach GM while now you are stuck Bronze 5, you are totally wrong!

suggesting we add items to HotS in the Official HotS forum is like going to a mosque :mosque: and suggesting they make a big bonfire out of their korans :expressionless:

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I’d love to see Spell Shields become a bit more solid, or at least a new version of them added, such as Spell Wards, that completely blocks the effects of a spell once (or within a very short duration after being triggered).

That’d be a very fun mechanic to work with, and I hope some new Support, Tank, or Bruiser heroes get something like that.

My custom marksman has that. It’s slightly different from sivir spell shield in that there’s a delayed lesser diablo stun ult for the one person’s spell you blocked but ehhhh it’s not the support option u want. Too bad blizzard said no more supports when there’s many other ways to get supports

They haven’t said no more supports period, they just said they have none in the works right now.