Matchmaking Update - December 21, 2018

genius matchmaking!

Assigned me 1200 HL games with players who have 0 YES 0 HL games… THX for lost

Can you let us know when there will be another Matchmaking update? It has been 3 months since this last post, and a lot of us are eagerly awaiting things like the new role classifications, merging of HL / TL, and other possible game mode improvements like better role parity in Quickmatch and possibly an ARAM mode.

Team league is a crap shoot now. There need to be some minimum requirements to be able to play in ranked. You should not be able to play ranked if you don’t have a certain amount of characters over level 5, at least 2 of each class. It is really annoying to have someone select a healer, have that healer banned then 5 seconds before the timer runs out they say they don’t have another healer. So many of the changes to this game lately make me feel like you guys are activisionly trying to kill the game.

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QM Matchmaking is damn broken right now.

  • The discrepancies between how much a team is loosing and winning is huge in every match. It’s not fun to either win or lose with a 40-2 kills match. A match is fun when the outcome is as close as possible to equal number of team kills/death (when it’s balanced). No matter who wins or looses.
  • Although some might argue that this is not important, I would find it peculiar to see a team of players summing up lvl ~200 against another team summing up to 2000~ or even ~4500 in some cases.
  • Not only that the level discrepancies is huge, but also the higher level team were all playing in a group, and they were matched up against us (none of us was in a group).
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Call of the nexus should give extra 10 gold and shards to tanks and healers. Ppl never ever want to tank especially in low ranks, bronze - gold are really silly and getting ppl to tank should be goal. Maybe include a partial call of the nexus in League as well to encourage more tanks.

why guys, why so much necromancy

What’s wrong with necromancy?

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Can I BAN a HEROE in my QM. Like I don’t want to be matched with ABATHUR when I playing Nazeebo. That is a really bad match.

This is fine, waiting for a good match. I’ll just browse the Internet waiting for the ding that a game is starting. At least let people choose if they want a fast match or wait for a good one. Simple little tick box will do.

Players want good match quality. But to what cost to the queue wait? How long the queue time for me? 10-20 minutes. Game breaking? You bet.

I could find a match immediately in another game with two hundreds online players.

Just let it sink it. 10-20 minutes to get into a match.

I’m just throwing this out there: merge QM and Ranked modes. Something like that. You can even go further.

They will merge HL and TL with the next big update, which is also the start of the next event.
This will supposedly reduce waiting times for ranked by a lot.

Also, HL is already dead so you shouldn’t put too much effort into queueing up for that. Just go to TL.

If HL is dead wouldn’t TL be deader?

TL leaves more room for combinations.
Currently in TL you can queue both as solo or as team, matchmaker will have a larger pool of players to pick from for its matchmaking.
So a lot of solo queuers currently join TL for shorter wait times.

I really want this “tick box” option. For me I try to queue as a healer and get no tanks. Queue as a tank and get no healer.

If there is no place people can practice the heroes they want (Don’t get me started on the joke that is AI) then people go into ranked without any knowledge of their hero.

I like how this thread is already in a different era at this point

It is painfully obvious you updated the “Roles” but didn’t update the way matchmaking works with the roles.

We still have bruisers being treated as tanks, and specialists being treated like supports.

You can’t do half the f***** work. Varian is not a tank, stop treating him like one.
Murky is not a support, stop treating him like one.

Matchmaking and Picking times in the new Storm League are now much faster and more similar to LoL. Only 2 minutes waiting time instead of 10-20 minutes. So far really good work with this change

Maybe you update your matchmaker one more time that not every game is a disgusting stomp of one side and the match quality in general is ultra low.


Wow it’s already April 19th. Time goes by so fast.

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