Matchmaking Update - December 21, 2018

The changes to QM are ridiculous!

The best thing about having 1/1/3 was that it limited the amount of badness I had to endure during a game. now its back to 4 monkeys just facerolling…

I can carry as a solo tank up to some degree. when I have a healer all I need is one competent dps to get it done most times. I can do nothing when I have 4 monkeys running around each flinging their poohs wherever they like to…

No big surprise here really, there is a reason why we usually advocate that changes should be made with proper feedback from higher ranked players rather than casuals.

As you can see what happens is that it literally just keeps going back and forth, I mean the changes even prior were again made because people couldn’t make up their minds about speed VS quality. Now because of the flip flopping, and currently incomplete role changes that still need to be rolled out, it looks exactly what you’d expect from the mess of opinions regarding what QM should be.

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The point is that some people like istant queue no matter what while other prefer a better match but are ok with waiting some minutes.

Instead of just mindlessly follow who yells louder, Blizzard should do what is best for the game: if QM is where the new players go before jumping into Ranked (or even Unranked) then this mode should provide a good experience letting them learn the basic of the game. But how can it be a training ground if each match is just a total random clownfiesta with absurd composition?


Balance so hard to find :smiley:

People are a little divided by what they want from QM and clearly playing unranked is an issue for people … i cant see why. So… why not give them both options?

How about if you play tank or healer that’s ‘clearly lacking’ it rewards you by giving you the option to wait longer for a healer and tank or at least 1 of, to appear, or the option to jump right in. And for ticking this option be sure to avoid double heal/tank comps.

I think tanks are probably the most important role so players should be rewarded ‘in a game play sense’ for taking them. And if people are bothered for ‘balance’ to wait long enough then hopefully they will be the ones bothered enough to play the tank or healer correctly.
It should also give an indication 10 15 30 mins how long they may have to wait and suggest unranked play lol! If you don’t put that option in peoples face they won’t take it.

Not necessarily.

It prioritized roles while ignoring MMR. I don’t care about roles when people are literal monkeys who will still feed.

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I didn’t even notice this dev thread until now but.

Will this stop the matchmaking threads? no

It won’t. The matchmaking is worse than it has ever been in history. I tried queuing up as whitemane just now, and as soon as I saw that my team consisted of the following: Tassadar, Murky,, Zagara, I INSTANTLY logged out to dodge the queue pop.

I guess playing when my friends are offline just isn’t an option now.


Hope this gets somewhat of an interest/discussion about the MM

Or, just the document version:!At05MlSwg8Tcf6lfFccrnU1RALU

Hope some of the community members (or even a dev member :crossed_fingers: ) get a grasp about the points I was trying to make in the doc, despite people not (yet?) discussing much about those

Hope the feedback in it would be helpful to make a good/useful discussion overall

GL HF and may 2k19 be a better playing experience year than the one before

Might I ask, what was your enemy team comp? It still beats waiting 600 seconds for the EXACT SAME TEAM COMP any day. Do you catch my drift?

(see: )

This is a welcome change from a week ago, at least some degree of feedback and communication is happening.

To me this matchmaking system has it been this terrible in a long time. I swear to God I’m babysitting a lot and I even lost like 13 games in a row which brought my win percentage heavily down LOL

After getting into Call of the Nexus with quick match, I realized that the proper comps were making the game fun for me. I was actually eager to play more than the few required questing games, and that was an exciting feeling. I didn’t mind the long queue times as I could go read something or fire up Smash Ultimate for some quick grinding.

However, after the very recent changes in the matchmaking and the looser restrictions, I’ve noticed that my game quality has dropped almost to the point that made me want to avoid the game even with quests. I played a game yesterday where my team was an assassin, a healer, and three specialists. The other team was three assassins, a specialist, and a healer. It was an incredibly frustrating game to play. Other examples include solo-warrior Varians that don’t tank or having to play Tassadar as a solo ‘healer’ against an actual healer like Morales.

My wish for the game is to be able to wait and have a balanced and fun game in quick match rather than get into a game that’s going to be twenty or more minutes of frustration with wonky team compositions. I understand that a lot of players want short queues, but I hope the dev team can find either a happy medium or a method that allows both sides of the scale to play how they want to.


As i said earlier, who hindered of devs to add 2 buttons - ‘‘fast time Q but bad MM’’ and ‘‘long time Q and good MM’’ ?

This new system is actual garbage.

I don’t want to get a stomp game, I want to get a good game.

But no. Better stick the no brain Specialist main onto the team after only five seconds of actually searching for a game.

Very disappointed in this change.

The matchmaker is one of the worst aspects of this game by far, in all game modes, and this only exacerbates the problem.

Committing to get players into a game as quickly as possible without regard to quality compositions results in 25 minutes of 10 players’ times being wasted.

There has to be a middle ground.

Whatever algorithm was being used to create the good quality matches we had needed to be tweaked, not scrapped entirely.

Not sure who genuinely wants to be in matches that will be 20 minutes long and just be a horrible stomp one way or the other.

Not sure what Blizzard is doing behind the scenes? It seems they have given up after the dev team was axed. This is a horrible disservice to the remaining players. Very sad.

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With the current situation they should probably revist all the actual game mode, making change in what they are in order to avoid futher spread of the player base and keep it in the same place to ensure a better matchmaking.

That is STILL just buying time though, need more thorough change

Think that “League” format I suggested in the doc might be a good change, with a decent advertisement can make wonders, just don’t treat players like “baby dolls” and let them control their “matchmaking flow” as a change

Let everyone know in draft who has best hero X, best role Y, let them choose what roles they look for in ranked, map vetoes, even a bit of “practise match” feature where even if ranked you can choose a particular game (make it 1 every 2nd day, up to 5) to be marked as “practise match” they won’t lose points for a loss and won’t gain points if won either

Just anything, anything that would make people feel more “in control” of what they play against and their placement as a result of that

I just had this idea while waiting for quick match. What if blizzard rewarded bonus exp/gold for long wait times? at least then if I am waiting forever for a match i get something in exchange?

Imho, they should give to Call of the Nexus also a bonus in gold and shards. Exp is not so attractive while gold have a limited use (or a completly useless for lots of players); on the other side a bit a shards is always fine since their used to craft whatever you want.

So, back to quicktrash games? Gotcha.

Games were still trash with tank and healer in all of them.