Matchmaking is broken badly

Please Blizzard explain me the following:
Me and a friend played about a year ago on HL and TL toghter, I’ve played a bit more (with better winning % of about 80%) and For that I was higher back then on ranking.
We came back now at the same time and did our placement matches (ALL TOGETHER). and happened to be that after 10 games (we did 9-1) I was SILVER 4 and he was GOLD 1 - Almost 2 divisions away !!!
Moreover I was MVP on our game on 6 out of the 10 games. this is complete nonsense. please Blizzard explain me the reason !
p.s no wonder people leaving this game over this ridicules matchmaking.


MMR was grouped from both game modes into one bigger MMR.

You have no knowledge of your actual MMR at any times (hotslog may offer a quite precise reading but it’s never the exact number).

The division you’re currently sitting in has no links with your MMR. You can be Gold 2 with a lower MMR then someone in Bronze I, simply because they got seeded there due to bad placements and you had good placements.

I was Platinum two seasons ago, took a break from the game because university hit quite hard and when I came back, I had terrible placements. I got into low silver and made my way towards Platinum. Took me a bit less then 200 wins but I was winning on my own 75 % of the times, so I didn’t mind the low ran, I just played regularly and started climbing.

The matchmaking is fair. You just don’t understand what grinding refers to and you’re probably not willing to put efforts to get better.

I don’t mind the calculation - I mind the HUGH difference for no reason.
Simply bad matchmaking, I don’t understand how you say it’s fair.
PS on my main I’m master/Diamond

From my experience the biggest problem is matchmaking. Equally skilled teams aren’t being matched anymore. I am on my way to plat after being master/GM every season since the first season. 50 games and I play mostly solo. The teams I play against are consistently, and blatantly better than my team of typically other solo players.

They are pretty much always the same rank, and I suspect they are often groups of players but I have no way of knowing, since blizzard conveniently disabled my ability to see the enemy team’s groups.

that’s is absolutely not true. I continuously get stuck with the same people over and over in solo queue who single handedly are dragging down an entire team because “lulz” or because they don’t bother trying to practice the game (got stuck with one specifically last night who admitted they don’t ever play the game, thankfully my other teammates and I were able to carry them HARD). Seriously, bronze rank is not a mark of skill, it’s a punishment for not having a team or being able to carry an entire team by yourself. There is nothing fair about loosing a match before the draft even begins.

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The match making is far from fair, players are making accounts, getting bronze and grouping with plats to help them get easier matches to climb faster, Its honestly nonsense.

The system was fine the way it was before when solo and team were seperate ques

It is fair, you win some, you lose some. Make the better out of it. Good players can climb to GM alone. Why so ? I’d recognize a pattern at some point.

The problem is if you solo que you will not climb, I dont care how good you are, grand master or not I promise you can not carry most of these trolls.

Do not promise something you can’t assure.

Some can. You can’t. Some others are able to do so. Not all players have the same level of reflexes, micro/macro, mechanics, game sense, map awareness. IT would be foolish to believe otherwise. You can solo climb up to Diamond easily I’m sure. Being in a group is more of a liability if the group is not communicating with themselves. The MMR is based off their grouping and they’re not working together most of the time. What to do ? Outsmart your own team.

If a player decides to go afk in the middle of your game or starts auto walking into the enemy team and feeding kills. You can and will lose.

I’ve peaked in low plat but spend most of my time in gold 2. My issue is I play vs a duo or big party on the other team way more often than I get a duo or party on my team. This is over hundreds of games. I would say opponent team is way more likely to get a party than me when I’m grinding and trying to climb. Is this really fair? I can go streaks of 5 games in a row where they have a duo and i don’t.

By your comments, it sounds to me like the game is somehow rewarding totally abusive players that don’t care about making their team die or suffer to get the spotlight of the game, people can be more proficient in bullying others and forcing others to play their game style, taking advantage of the stiff situation they create, than actually having brawls and exchanging skills with the opposite team…

Honestly if you reward players that play for the pvchat more than the game this is definitely the result, self entitled “best player” will rise and people that could make the game funnier or rise the actual skill level will leave.

I do not understand how anyone can defend this terrible matchmaking. Personally, I can not remember when was the last time I got a properly matched game. It’s 90%+ rolls. Either my team gets rolled, or we roll. And by roll, I mean one team gets many times fewer kills, while staying 2-3-4 levels behind troughout the entire match. And those how say that one player can carry with this riddiculously unfair matchmaking, are having a laugh. Half the time I can tell which team is going to lose in the first couple of minutes, simply by looking who takes care to do such extremely basic things as soaking, or keeping watchtowers on teams side of the map. And if there is a serious mismatch in such simple things, it’s completely matchmakings fault. I don’t mind winning/losing close games, but those are nowhere to be found. Blizzard lost it’s touch.


The only people who defend this system are people ranked well over it, The people who premade so they get free wins against these people or the final which is the people going around trolling cause they have nothing better to do. Its a shame such a good game is well not a good game due to such a simple fix but oh well.

Just had a game where we destroyed enemy team 20 - 1, with no tower losses on our part. Then after the victory screen I get a pop-up from blizz: “How fair was the matchmaking during the last game?”. I am convinved that they have no idea what they are doing.

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They doing this on purpose, blizzard is a troll company.

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