The main rule of playing for Malthael is focus on an enemy tank or bruiser. Advisable to take talents that increase damage to a single target.
The problem with that talent are the words âafter 2 secondsâ. Thatâs an insanely long time to wait for spell armor to activate. You basically have to make a prediction on when the damage will hit you.
Ok, lvl 1. I very strongly suggest picking âFear the reaperâ
Fear the Reaper
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
Activate to increase Movement Speed by 25% and pass through other units for 4 seconds.
This talent will help you much more than deathâs reach. You can still use W to reposition, but you now have an escape and chase tool. If an enemy is in killing range of last rites, but just out of cast range and running away, you can just pop your move speed, press R, then back off. And it also prevents body blocks. Lack of mobility is Malthaelâs biggest weakness.
Ranged heroes are unlikely to be hit at max range, because Death shroud is one of the gameâs slowest skill shot. And because the talent makes it longer,it becomes even easier to dodge at max range. They buffed the talent but it still isnât worth it. If you want to win 1v1âs you have to pick âDie aloneâ
Die Alone
Soul Rip deals 50% more damage to Heroes if it hits only one Hero.
This talent is what makes duelling Malthael scary. Your Q deals 50% more damage, and it hits every 2 seconds. It doesnât matter what your targetâs maximum health is, it shreds everything. Some people think the talent wonât work often because it has to hit only one target. But that doesnât mean that you canât mark more than one target with your trait. It just means that you have to keep only 1 enemy in range of your Q. So you can benefit from it in team fights as well.
This is the solo/ 1v1 build.
1-Fear the reaper
4-Die alone
7-Cold hands
10-Last rites
13 is situational, But usually âSoul Siphonâ or âInevitable endâ
16- Mortality
20- Often âAngel of deathâ, but depends on enemy comp and game state.
Tormented souls build can work as well, but I donât recommend it if your enemies have silences (If you canât hit Q, you still die). But not picking "Die Alone" is very likely why you lose to enemies you should be beating.
Thrall also wins against Malthael every time. He hits harder, and will match your sustain until you run our of mana and he doesnât. Also, him having a root makes a huge difference.
I like Mortality because itâs both good in 1v1 and allows my team to secure kills by putting taggets in kill range for them within 6 seconds. And during Team fights, itâs easier to manage than die alone since you donât care about range as much.
I would disagree. I go onto whichever target my team is focusing.
Chen is absolute garbage
People say this sometimes, but I think itâs based entirely on the talent Die Alone.
Basic Attacks: AoE
Trait: Applies easily to multiple targets, but continuously applying to the same target doesnât do much.
Soul Rip: AoE
Death Shroud: AoE
Tormented Souls: AoE
You might be playing him wrong.
He literally does no damage to Malthael until Malthael runs out of mana, and Deckard is going to run out of health pots and mana well before Malthael will.
Ana has no stuns or baseline slows, only a sleep that is broken if she deals damage to him. She also deals basically no damage to Malthael, and her self-healing is pretty laughable.
Malfurion does not do nearly enough damage to kill Malthael, and heâll run dry on mana trying to heal through Malthaelâs damage.
He also does basically no damage, and his self-sustain is almost negated by Malthaelâs trait. Heâd be annoying, but no real threat to Malthael in a 1v1 is the Malthael isnât an utter potato.
Oh, I agree with you on that, heâs worse at Tank-killing than most Mages, who usually arenât geared towards killing Tanks.
But including the Healers he absolutely can beat in your list just gives the impression you donât know what youâre doing and undermines your whole point.
How come he can only 1v1 5 of the healers?
This is interesting as I was trying to think what heroes I lose to in-lane on Malthael. There are probably 4-5 in the whole game, and you donât lose by enough for it to matter â and you can out soak the few that win, still putting you up.
Malthaelâs main âproblemâ is that he is relatively squishy against burst in team fights. Outside of high-burst team fights, he has few if any downsides. Donât draft him into a blow-up comp when you are going to be the obvious target.
Good players focus on the most easily accessible target, which is usually a tank or a bruiser.
Most duels is a skill matchup
Like sonya it depends who heals better on the wave. Malth can beat her if he can stay on a distance
lets say on the point of braxis he loses against
Alarak chen varian thrall
Most range also yes OP spoke true about that but most range doesnt have substain. Malthael wins vs most of them trough substain and brings the value of an extra body late game
Most annoying heroes accourding to malth mains are falst tychus valeera and zerathul
Iâve never beaten a Raynor, Lunara, Fenix or even Valla.
Ive never seen a solo lane valla lunara or raynor before on a point like braxis
Fenix I have seen but then you just soak exp and loose slowly, wait for a gank and try to hit shades or Wâs
Worst case scenario you switch lanes with somebody who can duel that hero
Watch good enough streams and Ana is beating everyone in solo lane (though itâs a GM smurfing in really low ranks). It really comes down only to skill, then the hero.
Iâve had a few teams send Lunara in the solo. And itâs a nightmare for any bruiser.
The actual worse case scenario is having teamates who will never rotate, no matter how many times you ask.
Yeah that sucks. In malth case you just need to hope for lvl 4 so you can pick the range.
But losing slowly is better then losing hard. So soak that exp and cry in the corner
Iâve stated to not like soloing with Malthael , because your siege is so pitiful, that even if you kill the opposing solo laner, you donât get much done.
Leave Sonya, or most Bruisers alone for a minute, and you lose a gate or tower.
Like on Dragon Shire, I was Malth against Yrel. I consistently beat her. But I canât open the gates or remove the fountain. But if I get ganked, I will lose structures for sure.
When I play with harby and plays him good. he has a 63% at high dia low master so I refrence him a lot
He rarely attacks buildings. Most of the times he just hides in a bush looking for possible ganks or spams camps. Or goes to the teamlane and gank the team. Goes for the minion wave so their minions wont att his.
He just does everything but sieging
with the exception of the first towers. He positions himself so he aaâs both tower and wall. So yes I think he finds it completely pointless to hard push with him
Yrel canât clear the bruiser camp as fast as Malthael. If top and mid are both pushed out after that camp, he can rotate to his team for 15 seconds.
I usually find myself unable to take camps, since no one will replace me in lane. When my wave is cleared, Iâll rotate and see if I can assist my team. But a lot of times I deny enemy soak by not killing the minions, when I see theyâve rotated mid. So it would be counterproductive.
No, but she can come steal it from you when you try to take it. Taking bruisers costs Malthael most of his health and mana. So unless someone covers the lane for you, youâre stuck not getting much value. (Plus I think Yrelâs E plus charged W is an auto steal against Malth)
If Iâm soloing against a Malthael, and I think heâs taking bruisers, Iâm 100% invading.
I do badly with the hero so the hero must be bad.
A tale as old as time.
1v1s are more often than not a skill matchup. If you lose more 1v1s than you win I suggest you change your approach or try a new hero.
That being said Malth isnât exactly built for 1v1ing, he can do it if youâre very careful and if the enemy misplays but itâs often a huge risk depending on the enemy laner.