Made the change Lili broken?

They are broken if you don’t pick macro heroes, gankers, double soaker, lane bullies; don’t lane pressure them, don’t freeze lane(s), don’t kill them 24/7, don’t steal their camps.

If TLV want to kill someone, they need to group up together (and lose soak), take specific talent (you need all 3 TLV together, grouped near target for max damage), and you need 16-20 lvl to be sure you will kill (Olaf’s stun and Fury of the Storm).

Yes, this is really hard to counter 3 half-heroes with no basic abilities and what are very weak during early-mid game.

You have 1/3 |1/2 of all HotS heroes to counter TLV :clap:


By fire be purged!!!


Yes, Ragnaros with Lava Wave is good to deal with TLV. He has enough dmg to kill them and enough waveclear to double soak.

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Yes, they are kinda equal in power to soak exp, the other hero I would like to add is Murky. Especially this 3 heroes has almost always the highest amount of soak I’ve encountered in the game that reach 30k+.

is lili broken? hmmm let this video i just made explain the situation with Lailai

(late game, we are both lvl 22)


Li Li defends top keep. That says a lot about her team being useless.

Plus full meat Butcher (with 300-400 meat if he killed her so fast)


lol yeah kinda, they were taking the bot beacon for obj, my team went there, but when i saw lili in top i just ran there, my healer said to leave and come to help, but i said no, i just wanted to 1v1 lailai hehehhe

yeah i was around 300, her team has a Dva so i got plenty meat from her mech lol :cut_of_meat: (a mech gives me :meat_on_bone: ahahha)


Li Li’s team deserved that lose.

lol yeah, well if lili was not broken, I think with that I just left her very broken B)

That combo is easy to execute on any hero with low hp and with high meat stacks.

Your auto attacks already hit for 700+ and charge with lvl 13 and Furnace Blast already make it impossible for LILI to heal that huge burst up.

Its a build that basicly delete any squicy in secs with no counter play unless the player gets a divine shield or Tyreal ult.


“already almost-broken Lili”
Damn lol, some things will never change


Or Medivh’s W
or any physical armor sourse
or Blind Butcher during his combo
or use Unstoppable on Butcher’s target so he can run away
or get fat shields
or use Divine Palm
or heal as Uther with Guardian of Ancient Kings (Healing a Hero that is Stunned, Rooted, or Silenced grants them 50 Armor for 3 seconds.)

… You got my point


well my AA was 650, but i dont rely only on AAs to kill, i use hamstring 100% dmg to stunned+ Furnace + 10% maxhp damage on charge in the end with only 1 AA at the can delete almost everything that is not protected in like 1.5 seconds

yeah i use it when i see i can delete squishies with no major counters (like uther or medivh), or anything else that protect the target, thats why i try to use it if a target is isolated or is distracted, and his teammates cant help him fast

yeah yeah there are many heroes that can counter burst damage, most of them need to timing the “protection source” in the right second during burst attack

or any physical armor sourse or Blind Butcher during his combo

actually most of the damage is dealt by spell damage and % dmg, so armor or blinds do not represent too much problem and they can still die

or use Unstoppable on Butcher’s target so he can run away
or get fat shields

yea that can be annoying and can save the target, but it leaves him with such low life that he has to retreat or some other ally with mobility can finish him off…

or use Divine Palm or heal as Uther Or Medivh’s W

yeah divine palm, medivs protection, uther shields, tyrael sanct can nullify the combo completely if they timing it pretty well, but the stuff is they usually expect me to dive to use their protection spells, so sometimes i’ve to wait for 2 things to happen:

  1. my teammates force them to use their protections on other targets, so that allows me to dive without any major counter
    or (the funniest and dumbest)
  2. they wait all the time for me to dive to use their shields, protections and stuff, but somehow one of them ended dying because one of my teammates killed him, because they didnt use their protections spells just because they wanted to use exclusively only against me LOL

throttles Sami


Li Li seems pretty Li-git now though, I’ve seen a complaint saying this hurt build diversity though. Not that I’d know about Li Li builds, but there’s probably truth to it.


Or they say “YES, YES that’s what we want her to be!” :sunglasses:

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I’m not too afraid of Lili ruining the game or anything, but my impression when playing her was that her numbers just seemed a little too high. Maybe I’m just imagining things though, because while she felt very very strong in my hands, I may have simply gotten particularly weak opponents in QM.

Yeah, I laughed at that one too.

It’s true though!!!

Lili broken? Since when? She gets a little boost, coz she was garbage. Talents on her are now a little bit reshaped. Her 16 lvl serpent talent is nerfed again. She is fine. Ana is much more broken, or even Anduin is much more broken.


I agree, I think the numbers just look a bit too high. Granted I think this is because the dev want us to try out the new talents or builds and once enough people like and use that build/talent, they’ll balance it accordingly.

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