Madame Lazul, Supporter of Fear

Madame Lazul is a support hero, replacing Tassadar as a support, with a kit tailored to reduce the enemy heroes damage, bringing allies to preferred position, and Keeping the enemy always looking behind their back.
(Passive) Madame Lazul has vision on all enemies she hits with an ability or auto-attack for 10 seconds
(Q): Curse Of Weakness: After channeling for 1.25 Seconds, Lazul curses an enemy hero, reducing their spell power by 15% and preventing auto-attacks for 4.2 seconds, raising by 0.2 seconds per level of the opponent. (base 4.2 due to their level starting at 1)
(W):Whisperer’s Warp: After channeling for a few seconds, Lazul opens a rift in time and space, bringing the target allied Hero to the select location and giving the target the passive for 8 seconds
(E):Mind Shatter: Lazul shatters the target Hero’s mind, fearing them for 3 seconds.
(R1):Grand Scheme: Lazul Curses the target, making their abilities do no damage for 9 seconds and Blinds them for 4.5 seconds.
(R2):Corruption Plague: Lazul Targets an Enemy Hero, Causing something similar to Kael’thas Living Bomb, but it takes longer to explode, deals more damage, fears, and is visually shown By an Eye of C’thun

  • Skins
    A Dark Nexus skin
    An Old God Speaker, with a color scheme for each of the 4 main Old Gods
    A skin where she is a Witch Doctor, similar to Nazebo
    An undead Skin

  • Lv. 20 Old God’s Gifts
    At Level 20, You pick an Old Gods gift, augmenting your Passive
    C’thun: Your Passive is Passively increased to 15 seconds
    Yogg-Saron: Your Passive can be Activated to detonate the vision, fearing them and dealing damage based on how long the passive was on them
    N’Zoth: Your Passive Slows
    Y’Shaarj: Your Passive deals damage over time


Who is lazul from? Diablo? Xuls mistress?

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/20 char

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hearthstone, part of E.V.I.L

really like the concept, and i though myself of something, she can have like temporarily use the power of one four of the old gods?

could be a lv 20 ability

A hero from Hearthstone would be cool, and I’m in for a good support.

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So w8 does she deal dmg other than AA? ;D
I think that’d be way too niche.
And the W has no way to use the trait, that needs to change.
Maybe the first enemy hero that your warped ally attacks will get your trait. That could work.

And then we need some synergy with the trait. Knowing where people are on the map combos very well with other heroes. But you should also have some solo options. Maybe you gain ability power for every enemy hero that is visible to you.
And the Q… it needs to do more, it doesn’t open up many options.
Maybe the trait that leaves marks on enemies make them visible for a few seconds like you said but they also reduce their ability power like “Curse of Weakness” would do otherwise. This would free up your Q to do something else. And then you can also say that the trait effect stacks so if you Q, E an enemy they reduce their ability power by 20% and are visible for a few seconds.
Not sure what the Q could be then, a point$click or a skillshot would be a bit over done at this point. Maybe an area effect on the ground? Like a circle appears and enemies on it would gain a stack of your trait and get dmged. This could be good wave clear as well.
Though this sounds a lot like your ult “Old God’s Slash” now.
hmmm maybe alternatively for an ult you can have a living bomb kind of ability but instead of exploding it fears enemies and the fear can spread from enemy to enemy just like living bomb.
Adunno, what do you think ;D

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I worked on some of the issues with the ability, and messed with the abilities numbers a little.

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R1…isnt that basically silence and blind?