I’m your new highlord, ask me anything.
Edit: A pixel art imagen to celebrate the ocasion.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Were you aware that Sylvanas was not only in the game but also the best choice for a main?
Congratulations, and welcome to the 100 club!
Which skin should I use when playing Alarak?
I hate Silv because she reminds me kerrigan, altough I love when she dies (A undead can die?).
Base skin Alarak is the best Alarak.
Yes, it’s one of Syl’s specialties to be honest.
Who do you think is supperior in a fight ?
Artanis or alarak ? ( lore )
Alarak is clearly superior, but talking honestly I think in a lore fight would end in a draw.
First congratulations, very nice achievement!
Okay so question the first - what mode did you play to primary level him or did you play him in a variety of modes about evenly?
Question the second, was there any hero you consistently hated playing against? How about heroes you liked playing against?
Question the third, what would you say were your most fun and memorable games while leveling up?
Question the fourth, what advice would you give for mastering his combo?
I tried to play Ranked but I ended filling all the time so I Played in QM mostly.
Abathur, there isn’t nothing worst that play against Abathur as Alarak.
I like to fight Against Gul’dan, Chen, Azmo and other fat heroes, also heroes with several bodies.
Playing with other forums users is fun, also playing with another 4 dudes in a group in Ranked is really fun.
Just keep playing. There isn’t a way to mastering his combo besides than practice.
Neither of them would be stupid enough to get in a fight with each other in the first place.
What games do you play aside of HotS?
A lot of super smash bros and sometimes I play project mirai, skullgirls, starcraft, cuphead and witcher 3, although I don’t have a control for now so I can’t play any of my games in steam.
And for regular games I play rugby cube, yugioh and basketball (the last one alone because I’m shy).
Funny but true But if I had to guess, as much as I love Artanis, Alarak has ranged attacks, as long as he doesn’t let Artanis get close to him he’d win the fight.
Purple gold Alarak all the way.
What’s your everyday drink?
Favourite food?
How much time do you got per day for HotS?
When did you start playing?
Favourite map?
Tacos al pastor and hamburgers.
Usually around 2 hours, but in the last 2 weeks I spend 6 or 7 hours in order to get level 100, but now that I did it I’ll return to the usual.
Around chromie release.
Alterac and braxis.
Do you keep W n Q both on quick cast? (i kept both, n i did better with my W, but now i feel i shud go back to defaut W n keep Q on quick cast, suggest)
Which healer you prefer to b by your side?
Are you in EU? Bcoz, im thinking if you tolerate a few QMs with me where may b once a while I b alarak so you can point out mistakes on each step, i reallly want to get decent with alarak.
Any pixel art to celebrate your 100 lvl Alarak?
LV 100 Alarak
Is this the best you can do?
Are those good Alarak maps or do you just like them in general?