How do you feel about full Lightning build vs Discord strike talents? When do you pick either build? How do you feel about the level one quest that reduces sadism outside of a full E build?
pff i was level 100 at the vikings months ago AND i had to level up 3 heroes to get taht, but i mean they soak about 3 times as much xp so i guess it balances it out.
Lightning build is boring but effective against standar formations (2 Tanks or 2 Bruisers, Healer, Ranged assasin.), Discord Strike is more fun but only works when you have a lot of roots and stuns in your team and when the opponent team lacks displacement tools.
10% sadism is a cheap price for 40% slows.
I hate BHB, Sky temples and the Nuclear map.
Both are great and none of them deserves a nerf, however Applied force needs to be moved to level 1 in order of make both Ruthless Momentum and Show of Force less dominant.
Alarak Facing a mindless creature? That’s unworhty of the attention of the Highlord, also, that’s job that suits much better to certain inferior templar who used to be almost naked during the brood war.