Lunara's Movement

I like playing her but I avoid her cause her little skips/hops just annoys me and I can’t naturally move her around.

When she’s at her peak height of her hop, she slightly slows down for like 0.1 seconds and while the overall distance from point A to B may be the same as other heroes in the same time, it’s just the animation and how she’s programmed.

I thought it might be lag but I tested her in training mode and she does have a tiny slow with her hopping which I find very annoying.

Anyone notice this? I feel like her movement slightly hinders me playing her effectively, everytime I run to a hero or run away or turn or whatever, it just feels so… jolty and not smooth.

It’s a stuttered movement by design.

She even has a trick of using intentional ‘stop’ keypresses to use the faster acceleration duration and cutting off the deceleration.



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Fresh? We don’t know how old she is.

Thanks, I know it’s by design but every time I play her, her movement just feels so staggered and naturally unsmooth. That’s just me anyways.

I actually wonder if I would play better with her without her movement speed mechanics and if it were just smooth hopping throughout.

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Coincidently, I’ve been learning her to.
Her movement is very alien to get used to but it does have its strengths.
The big spike in movement comes first and just like now stopping can skip the slow down period, so can auto attacking. This makes her really good at essentially dashing in to range for an auto and then dashing back out.
This kinda mobility feels tailor made to bully tanks and bruisers and it ends up feeling like the only heroes who can stop you are those with as much range as you.

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i dont care her movement, in fact i found her very pleasing.,… its relaxing… but what annoys me is she dies in the blink of an eye and any thiny thingy poke from hanzo or other just eat almost 25% of her hp, i’ve played her on aram and despite im very bad with her i always have top dps yet feeling not killing anyhing and if i get focused she has very little ways to get out or mitigating dmg… you need to go an specific build just to avoid some dmg and some stuns before getting ripped out by any sthealty… while i dont know about those stops tricks and i usually dies a lot with her… i find her quite fun and interesting in her walking

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I can relate to this!

This discussion makes me sad. I played the heck out of Lunara for a couple of years after she was released, and had a very respectable winrate with her. Now I can no longer play her as her jumps, bounces and skips give me a feeling of motion sickness, which is kinda pathetic, but unfortunately true.

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Since playing on NA servers, I noticed (well feel like) I actually play her better, almost like due to lag from Aus my movements with her are more “jumpy” and harder for enemy :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah, pretty much.
damage numbers are a fairly misleading way to judge someone’s performance in general but with lunara, its extra doubly the case.
Its real easy to get high numbers on her but if your not applying that damage properly, its just gonna get healed up by basically anything. even the natural health regen on some heroes will save them from her dot.


I remember there was a patch where they modified Lunara’s attack speed animation. On release, her attack speed used to be slow and often it got cancelled if you tried to stutter step. This meant that you did zero damage as a result. It was clunky and akward.

After that patch, the timing between AA and her leap coincides nicely. I love bouncing around out manoeuvring everyone. It’s especially fun with her level 20 upgrade which boosts her movement speed. Chasing down wounded stragglers has never been more satisfying.

One of the biggest things i love about lunara is her talent tree design. Hanzo is dangerous yes. However, i have fun memories of a few QM games ive had when it was range vs range, poke war match ups.

  • I’d pick the level 20 thornwood vines, which would grant two poison stacks
  • i’d hit the slow button to get my third poison stack
  • i’d then hit him with my extended range noxious blossom Q (level 4 talent)
  • the Q would do bonus damage thanks to the level 7 talent and 3 poison stacks.

Boom! Goodbye 75% of hanzos life and i didn’t even have to get into AA range to do it. Go leap over that wall and hearth you big sook.


Her animations were changed?

I don’t think so, I was speaking more to my brain changing.

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Oooh. a mutation. Did you get telekinesis, pyrokinesis, flight, strength ,energy projection or mimetism?

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