Game mechanics you feel stupid for not figuring out

that one has hit closer to home for me; well, not for me, but I’ve seen other players have similar issues.

Back on the old forum – it had access to beta days achieved as read only – I’d get into arguments with posters about kerrigan/trait/ultrlisk mechanics as an authoritative guide (at that time) claimed that ultralisk was a terrible heroic because it didn’t build shields. Despite the ease by which someone could test that claim, some took that as word of the Almighty and refused to actually check if Ultralisk procced the trait.

so :+1: for that, even if I can’t link back to the days of yore for my anecdote.


this is super imporant for TLV lol, you can “fully heal” Erik by shift clicking in circles around a safe area while micro’ing someone else.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that summoning a Nydus worm as Zagara has global range. You just need creep to place it on, but otherwise you can cast it from anywhere. I was walking down to both lanes to set my network up like a doofus before.

This is not true. Just today, I saw an enemy Rehgar that was nearly dead hop into a Protector. We killed it really quickly, and he popped out at half HP (and promptly died). The reason people normally come out of vehicles with more health is regen globes continue to work while you’re inside a vehicle, and you tend to pick up a lot of them while pushing a fort.


Yea, hp just regens inside it, perhaps a bit faster but I doubt even that. It’s just ppl can sit in it for a really long time and passively get to full.

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Ok thanks to you both for clearing that up. It was the hp regen after all. Figures too cause I didn’t see anyone in the history of the internet mention that either. But literally no topic about it, nobody ever questioned it. Which is wild!


Lunara OTPs not figuring out hop skipping till 2022. (It was there since her release)

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Now I’m curious. What is hop skipping? Some sort of animation cancel?

Lunara’s has passive 20% movement speed, but its in the form of hops, the gmae simulate it through an algorithm in which she gets massive boosts of movement speed followed by decaying till 50% of her movement speed (in other words, she gets 50% slow penalty), which then repeats frequently, giving her that movement animation in the process.

The offender is when she goes from 100% to 50%, like how movement can be stopped at any moment with keys like Stop command, so is her movement, and because she stopped, she loses all the speed modifiers and she will be “100%” while idling.

Meaning that before she goes from 100% to 50%, pressing S in timed manner and immediately move, will dodge the 50% penatly and immediately reset the algorithm to instead go from 100% to 200% (gradually and decaying again), if you time S and then move again will keep doing this, if you continue doing this correctly and in perfect way, you make her very much faster than 20% of her passive, which could translate to an extra +5%/+10% more movement, with Galloping Gait on level 20, that bonus with this strat will be quite larger.

Is it OP? No, its actually quite hard, effective if you are moving from one place to another, and requires some focus on timing, which is affected by server lag, it’s almost difficult to maintain in team fights though, because its very much micro, its a neat feature that I don’t think anyone discussed about until Lunara got enough buffs and became meta, which is comical by itself, but it was an interesting trick.


Thanks, super comprehensive. I don’t play the deer that much and this sounds like way too much work, but I’ll definitely give it spin at least sometime.


That quick cast on Portal Mastery wasn’t even the issue. It was the second portal activation via Portal Mastery that felt cluncky for me. That, you could finish the second portal via E key. /facepalm myself.

To elaborate to people who don’t know, with num key 1 (the default Portal Mastery key), your second portal location could go out-of-range, in which, you could fail to make max range portal fast when fraction of a second counts. With E key, your second portal location can’t go beyond max range, meaning, key 1 E flick would make max range portal fast.


And, Q build Valeera. That you don’t need to cast W, or even E in your damage rotation.

i hate this so much.

Valeera was complete wasted potential IMO stuck in a state of stasis because of dead gam


Before that nerf she could place it anywhere on the map that is revealed. Also reason why Aba/Zag backdoor became a plague until it got nerfed. Also her lvl 20 upgrade would spawn 5 minions with a 20 sec. That one got removed too.

For myself I took along time to figure out you can Z teleport as BW into someone by clicking on them on your map. So many I could have saved in time if i just knew that.


This wasn’t originally a feature though. It was added during her rework.

When was her rework? I’m pretty sure I played her for the first time after the rework and had no idea, that it was possible to reactivate the grenade.

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I wonder if that’s correct. In original design grenade is a pure skillshot. The rework notes however aren’t displaying the reactivation as a change and neither did I find any commentary where its novelty was touched upon. For all intents and purposes it felt like old news. So it is possible it was a minor balance update somewhere between release and rework. And indeed it was added september 2016 without much ado.

Medic was added october 6, 2015
active grenade change went live on sept 13, 2016
Energy rework sept 5, 2017


Tidbits not pertinent to current day HotS, I managed to spend some 45 minutes digging out. Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing with my life.

You are living it dude. You are living it :slight_smile:

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Some heroes, like Tyrande, have been tweaked and reworked so often, the different versions often become a blur.

I thought I remembered all the different versions of the Zag reworks, until QBW3 mentioned that Zag’s Nydus upgrade would spawn five bugs. I had deliberately buried the memory of the Zag/Abathur backdoor shenanigans, as I both hated playing that cheese and playing against it.


That Azmodan’s Annihilation number actually makes his globes stronger.

For a while there i thought the level of annihilation was just there to set the goal for his quests. I was dunking like a champ, 700+ matches into the character before i learned this.

But then, i’m the type not to go reading up a ton on a game before playing it. I just dive in and slowly but surely, learn everything through 1st hand battle experience. Which i’d argue is a positive. There’s so much misinformation on character’s floating around out there.