Loss forgiveness when there's a leaver, but what about

Can’t we also get a loss forgiveness when we get teammates who don’t listen? Like today I had this game, where nobody went to soak top lane (and I was the support, so I couldn’t go there myself, like I would have otherwise). Or this other game, where our last pick had pre-picked a tank, but in the last second changed his pick to Diva and we ended up with no tank.
Ofc I lost both of these games, but it just feel stupid when people troll like that, and we still get the full “loss penalty” xP

Why not make a system where everyone just gets to Gm#1 even when losing every game? Much better.


I think that the PBMM would’ve been okay… but now that they gave up on it, we need alternatives.

Why not make a system where people’s skill is accurately represented by their rank?

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it’s already been represented by their rank. Put me in bronze 5 and i’ll give you 100% win rate

That will never happen in a team game. Any team game. It’s just impossible.


play a thousand games solo and you will stuck in your “elo hell”
unless, you learn some new tricks along the way, then you will improve

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Because it will never account for crappers who get carried and it will never account for people who are one-tricks and it will never account for all sorts of human elements.


Exactly. If people play enough games they should climb until they reach their skill rank.

people that got carried will eventually settled in their own “elo hell”
1 trick hero even easier to beat since you can see their name and ban his/her 1 trick hero


PBMMR was the supposed answer, with a possibility of spreading some points based on the votes.
I really don’t understand how some people can end up at specific ranks. Unless at least 20% of the playerbase is flat out toxicized, which explains the mandatory stupidity every 2nd match. Zero map awareness, charging 1v5 3 levels down, feeding… those guys should be bronze 5, unless they do it only in my matches. But I’m not a snowflake, so…

Today’s match was 8 minutes loss on BoE.


I do this all the time. You either come soak or play without healing, its simple deal. My conscience is clear.


PMBB is an atrocity that never should have been even tried. All they needed was to look at Overwatch that did that before and how much it failed. Actually winning games is the ONLY measure needed to determine some1’s ability to win games (which the “skill” rating is).
The simplest system is often the most effective.


This Wombro right here. I get smack talk for it and then I tell my dumb allies that I’m sure as hell not leaving a lane empty just so they can continue to suck at counting to FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!

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While theoretically correct, relying on your winrate alone to get you to your rightful place isn’t enough when you are getting people who have no idea how to play.
Another example from today: we are 5 alive vs 2 enemies. We could go for core, but team went for camps.

since you seems to be smart, explained something for me
i played solo q in my TL placement this season, i was matched against gold/plat and i won 9 games out of 10. Played as tank 2, assassin 7 (loss 1) and healer 1
so, what’s my “skill” rating suppose to be?

What exactly do your teammates have to do you with YOUR ability to win games?
Do you lose AI games with AI teammates?

You speak as if your teammates don’t matter. You are alone, they are 4. I’d say that your teammates’ abilities are 4 times more important than yours.

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scroll up, I just gave you example

Win streaks prove nothing, lol. My win rate is also positive, but it sucks when games are being thrown by teammates.