Lootbox system in this game is a gacha mechanic

By the way, I did the math a while back (I had to take all of this engineering statistics math, gotta use it for something) and if you’re going after shards and have a heavy collection of items like I do, it is mathematically better to buy shards directly with gold.

Either way, congrats, I guess you solved the mystery of the loot box, OP. I’m proud of you. :heart:

You dont pay for blue essence in LoL either. And you can obtain that currency way easier! I dont know what else to tell you, hots players

You said you couldn’t buy heroes with gems or gold (in-game currency) which was factually incorrect. So rather than deflecting and changing the subject constantly why not just take the L?

Hots player, could you be a human, and quote that in the forums?

There you go, fellow human.


Ok he is taking it out of context. The ingame currency which is DISENCHANTED. To explain it for the hots players.

This game has lots of currencies like a mobile game to create confusion around lootboxes. LoL only has a free one, and a paid one.

As I said earlier - EVERYTHING IS FORGED in the monetization of this game to MAKE SURE YOU ARE SQUEEZED OF ANY MONEY.

you know… you literally cannot buy them with real money in any way current?



I never said they can be bought with real money…

You guys are trying hard to find flaws in my text like lawyers.

Gacha is a term that speaks to monetization in free to play games. Your inability to even know what you’re talking about is astounding.

Also I just bought 11 loot chests with my gold, just to spite you.
I opened them, got 1000 shards or so, a legendary cloud mount, a few unowned epic and rare skins.

I think they just removed boosts from chests except for the starter chest that drops one when they moved from stim packs tbh.

As for hero drops… Yeah, loot chests have never considered a good way to get heroes.

Again, one of the starter chests (or is it two of them) are guaranteed to get a hero. Maybe they’re both also awarding boosts–I know the 7 day boost in one of them is hard coded along with the free random hero.


It’s a free gift. All yours! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They didn’t. I got a 3 day boost from a Varian chest 3 days ago.

They’re not in the loot tables for event chests though, which is why you almost never see them anymore since we’re always in an event.


I think I just met the first defender of mobile microtransactions in the PC gaming. He is actually doing lawyer job for a microtransaction company. Things which they PAY FORTUNES in the court right now to defend

Dude, the model in this game used to be predatory, but it’s not even remotely like that anymore. You can reasonably attain a full roster just by playing the game and unless you have a burning desire to own literally everything in the game like I do, you have no real need to spend a dime.

I’ve only spent $4k on this game because of my “gotta have it all” OCD when it comes to games. I’m also an adult who budgets that money appropriately. Just because I usually spend it in just one place doesn’t really make it irresponsible either.

Either way, microtransactions aren’t under fire lately, it’s underage gambling and probably the real reason Blizzard stopped allowing players to buy chests with gems.


Its still predatory compared to LoL. But I wont bother arguing about it. I am not gonna deal with people who are probably lawyers by education

Comparison in this case is meaningless, the real question is if HotS can be considered predatory and by most standards it cannot. One might however consider practice of only dealing with people stupider than oneself to gain upper hand in conversation, predatory.

Regards: a lawyer


The real accusation you can levy at the HOTS currency model, is the fact you have to buy gems to purchase a hero or skin or whatever. Often you will have some gems left over after purchase that you can’t use. When it was a cash only model with no gems, you would just spend the dollar value of the item.

This isn’t a perfect system and it would be fair to be critical of that, though you haven’t really said such a thing. In defense of this system, as you get 150 gems every 25 player levels, it kind of balances it out. To be honest, I preferred the 1 for 1 cash system to what we have now.

Still, the system is much more fair and generous than other companies.


I’ve already obtained most of my favorite heroes without spending a single dime. I’ve been playing since I think October of last year and have already ran out of what to purchase.
What I’m trying to say is f2p microtransactions are not all predatory. It’s all to do with how much youre satisfied with your time exchange rather than money. If youre not feeling that’s enough then so be it. You can walk away when you like.

I told that any Loot Chests had too much to find these heroes in collections (via microtransactions) but I could have history about these Seasonal chests that I received any items that will have in the past:

  • When I first Login last year it’s was Toys Chests which had obtainable various skins & mounts.
  • With the Dark Nexus Chests had used to be The Caldeum Complex chest model gaining various skins & mounts (not yet to see The Caldeum Complex skins but did a mount which I would be more).
  • With Nexomania II Chests had used to be first Nexomania chest model gaining various skins & mounts (almost no Legendary skins prior to obtained Mecha Yrel Lunar tint that I would be more).
  • With Craft Wars Chests had used to be Hallow’s End chests had same model since Fall of King’s Crest gaining various skins & mounts (almost no Epic skins I save Zarya & Valeera seasonal look).
  • And currently Treasure Chests had based from Winter Veil chest model gaining some skins & several mounts (no new Epic & Legendary skins to be seen yet though I gaining Valla winter look).

With any new skins in last year being seasonal that I have to wants about next events that had no way for last year. even crossover events would be sure as I would see about what new to me? I will answer it.

It’s a free to play game with micro transactions. Take it or leave it. People complain it takes too long in hearthstone to get all the cards but guess what? No one forces you to play or pay if you don’t like the direction of the game. If a game is free to play In the sense eventually you will unlock all necessary parts of the game then it’s free to play.

Are you disadvantaged if you don’t have every card or hero? Sure? But eventually you’ll get everything in the end if you grind or pay money

That is what I was afraid of - people are ok with pay 2 win mechanics. Its all justified now.