Looking for a weekly team


Me and my duo partner discussed about forming a team for games 1 spesific day a week.

Looking for players that sit in the Diamond Area currently or above.
What we are looking for in a player;
Good spirit
Proper motivation
Time (expecting showup on the set day atleast 95% of the time)
Good attitude

These are the main factors.
Information on ourselfs;

I have been playing since the beta (didn’t get alpha access #sadface)
About a year ago i reached master and climbed my way to Master 3000 which is currently my record.
At the moment i sit in Diamond 1 after the holiday decay stil climbing.
I roam the forum quite often aswell so most frequent posters usually recognize my name.
My most known roles are AA assassins, woth Valla as my main, apart from that i jump on my healers when needed.

My friend has also been into the master league, he currently sits at D3.
He mainly plays tanks and healers.
Healer main, Lili.
Tank main, ETC/Diablo.

Looking forward to some proper response.
If you would write alitle about yourselfs, will take lower ranking players posting seriously so feel free to write nomatter the rank, all will be considered, but be prepared to lose your spot to Diamond+ players.


i’d consider this myself but I am a healer main myself, Mostly lucio, alex and sometimes bw and lili. I have been diamond 4 the last 3 seaons and this season I am currently diamond 4 with a 54% win rate. I am somewhat flexable but tank is by far my weakest role. I really do enjoy this game but I can not stand people who make dumb plays like diving 1v3 and so on.

I’d love to be a part of this. I haven’t played much ever since the release of Classic WOW, but I’m starting to get back into HOTS.

My highest rank was Platinum, so I’d be losing out to higher ranks which is fine. I main tank/ranged dps.

My preferable tanks are ETC, Diablo, Garrosh, Stiches, Mura, and MalGanis.

My preferred dps include Li Ming, GulDan, Kael Thas, Jaina, Valla, Falstad, and Cassia.

I played on a team for months and never missed a game. I main tanked but have always been a reliable dps and flex player.

Feel free to add me!

I’m low master on NA, Diamond 1 on EU. Best at healer but mostly play ranged assassin when i solo queue.
Main: Brightwing and Tyrande.

Good replies guys.

Think you will fit well into the team.
Just add Treibal#2141

You got a huge roster atleast.
You seem like a good add with a good spirit.
Highly considerable.
You will hear from me.

Got anyside roles you play?
Hows your roster besides BW and Tyrande?