LoL got another Hero - and the feedback is quite negative

It’s natural for heroes to have a tier structure based on their overall power. I’m on the side where you will never have complete balance. Weaker heroes will be forgotten except if they have an “appeal” somehow. Just pump out those unique hero kits.

While yes Mei in HotS is quite different from Mei in OW, her kit isn’t that groundbreaking. She gets 2 new abilities (3 if you count avalanche), has her ult and basic ability switched (which stayed like the OW version more or less), and only has her health increased and damage reduced. Mercy and Auriel/Morales would be more difficult as her identity is kind of lost between the two. Single target dedicated healer? Morales. Resurrection? Auriel. Dashing to allied heroes? Lucio and Kharazim (Auriel sort of with her 20 Angelic Flight).

Idk why people are so against clone characters. Like peach and daisy in smash bro’s, there was disappointment that they were clones. Clones do take up resource time but theoretically it should take up less resources than a totally new hero. Unlike a rework, you have two heroes instead of losing one, gaining one Scenario

At least mercy and auriel could have half their kits/talents different

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Because a total clone of an existing hero would not just be redundant, it would be a waste of time and resources, no matter how ‘uncostly’ you say it would be. Why bother making a new hero then if you can just make it into a skin.

That is why a creative take on Mercy is needed to avoid making her a jack of all between Morales and Auriel. However be prepared to not feel like you’re playing Mercy from OW since her kit would have to be vastly different.


I’ve always played Mei as a Tank in OW. This is something she can excel at. She is quite hard to counter, when played this way.

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Well. Correct. But what if Mercy’s healing beam had cooldown (Also prevents her from basic attacking)? I’m not sure what can they do with her Guardian Angel cause Mercy is supposed to be a mobile healer.

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I totally agree. This year’s reworks have also been insanely successful at making less useful heroes more viable as well. Tassadar, Cassia, Gaz and all are so much more enjoyable to play in my opinion while being very solid picks in the right drafts.

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its not just about a heroes we get update like every 2 months i takes forever to balance one hero . And quality of new content is so low

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totally agree. Adding heroes every month is less important than balancing those already released and solving game issues or adding more things to the game from (imho) less needed things like skins to more needed things like permanent features (new game modes, more social add like whatch friends play and both team chat, enhanched replay setup and so on)

I was really impressed with Aphelios. His kit is super original and executed well. But like, every other hero they’ve showed has been boring as hell. It’s like they’re just filling a quota, like if they take a break to really work on something people will get bored and leave.

Also, a canonical K-pop star fits LoL about as well as Qhira fits HotS. If those two heroes swapped games, I feel like they would’ve matched each other perfectly. Although I’ll give Qhira this - at least she came from a place of genuine passion for a creative kit, and wasn’t blatantly made to market the game.

yeah, even Necrit made some comments towards this decision. He is disappointed that her k/da Existence has more Lore than her Runeterra-Version.

I’m looking forward to the map adjustments they are planning to implement once the anomaly season ends. Heroes can and will get banned based on their popularity and power so often that you might not see any of them in a game for quite a while. There isn’t a map veto feature however so the game can easily be freshened up and everybody will be able to enjoy something new much more frequently.

I don’t believe it would be too much work to swap the tilesets on some of the maps either. Players seem to love snow and sand. Cursed Hollow winter version already exists in the game file and was used for an older weekly-style brawl.

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It’s easy to make a hero viable when you overbuff them

with a few minor exceptions, patches have arrived every 3-4 weeks?

end of December it was 5 weeks, March → April was 5 weeks. And I think that’s about it.

maybe 11-18 days is a month in your parallel world?

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Which game has more players?

is this any argument for quality?
Millions of people buy at discounters because it’s cheap. Is the quality the same as in specialised groceries?
You can’t compare LoL with HotS just with this argument


And you think HOTS is of better quality than league. People don’t flock to lower quality games without a reason. HOTS and League are both f2P games. Yet one has a much larger and stronger playerbase. Better matchmaking, more heroes that have depth, and better queue times.

It’s easy to have more negative feedback when you have 10x the playerbase.

just one question:
Why are you here, when LoL is so much better?


In many/most cases for groceries… yeah. The store brand and national brand are made by the national brand.

For more premium brands, that is not true.

But like, I’m 99% sure the big grocery chain I work for buys most of it’s cereal from General Mills. Sometimes the box our version of the cereal comes in looks identical. Both the individual cereal boxes, and the package that the cereal boxes are in.

… I got a bit off topic… sue me (please don’t).

LoL had first move advantage of being a well made dota-clone.

That’s the main reason (i would say 80%+ of the reason) it blew up and became the “go to moba”.

dota2 wouldn’t have been a blip on the radar if not for it truly being F2P.

If HoN had launched as F2P, i’m guessing it would be in Dota2’s spot, except it would be more popular, and LoL would be a bit less popular.

The fact that HotS even exists and is decently successful shows the strength of Blizzard’s IP AS WELL AS the design of the game being very solid.

also RIP dawngate. I honestly don’t remember how the game played, but I remember trying it and loving it. Only went to HotS because it died, and I wanted off of the WC3 style visuals.


It’s even worse.

Oh yeah, 30 mins in queue is better than 10, i guess.

Maybe because HotS has better client, launcher, code? Less bugs, broken things etc?

I don’t know anyone who plays LoL because it’s good, and not because it’s popular.