LoL got another Hero - and the feedback is quite negative

Any moba I’d want to play hero amount timeline:

Release: at least 40 characters available with a balanced role roster

1-5 years: 20 characters a year
Total 5 years: 140 characters

6-10 years: 12 characters a year
Total 10 years: 200 characters

Post 10 years: up for debate of the public what they want but I’d do at least 10 but not more than 12 a year

To get at least one role each year you’d need at least 5-6 characters a year. Not to mention in some mobas supports can be tank/enchanter/mage within the support role so maybe 8-9 characters a year to fill the roles

So nobody is going to talk about Yone who just cloned Yassuo’s Passive and Q?

There’s nothing (aside from perhaps a map editor) I’d love more than a huge flow of hero releases every year, but this is a character every 0.6 months. 18 days per hero, assuming a 30 day month. That’s insane. The only time the game released these many heroes was during its “birth” year back in 2014.


True, but some where completely broken at release.
For Example, Maiev and Fenix had to be nerft several times after their Release.

The problem with LOL is that since they have too many heroes, some are bound to overlap. Which results in a lot of powercreep and balance issues.

It is very hard to make every hero completely different from one another.


ehh That’s too different from now. New heroes are often overtuned.

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But the two got nerft over the whole year 2018. Iirc, where no other Hero that much overtuned at Release than Maiev and Fenix.

You’re right. Though I think Fenix and Maiev were the only ones that strong.

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and those, who differ more than others get often negative conceived like Zoe, Neeko and Yuumi.

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well, we’ll probably see one in November, release in December?

With Blizzcon delayed, their blizzcon hero will be arriving before virtual bizzcon, presumably. Given they’ve promised another hero after Mei this year.

It better be Rock N Roll racer.


Samuro is also on that list


does ess count?
I’m not sure.

that’s pretty insane.
I would like them to hit 4 heroes a year realistically. 6 a year hopefully.

Hero → balance patch → Rework(s) → balance patch → repeat. A 3 month cycle.

I think that is healthy given how many heroes the game has.

I wouldn’t complain if it was Hero → rework → balance patch either. With 6ish new heroes a year.

But we don’t need a deluge of heroes at this point. IN MY OPINION.

there are really 4 rolls:

arguably 3 (tank/tanky frontline, assassin, healer).

It certainly isn’t more than 6.

Zarya is basically a pseudo-bruiser. Medivh is basically an assassin. Abathur and TLV are their own thing. Not worth dedicated a role for.


Zarya isn’t considered a bruiser though, Medivh isn’t considered an assassin (?) and there could have been other supports too. I say supports are heroes with cc and shields, but not heals. That’s why in LoL all healers are supports, but not all supports are healers

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that’s the role they essentially take in game, much more true for Medivh than Zarya.

But support isn’t a real role. Or at least not a role they plan to add to.

It’s basically a “catch all” role. And Medivh isn’t classified as an assassin because, uh. IDK? People suck at using his Q?


The last time we got a Support hero was before the role rework. So basically when “support” was actually the healer category.

I agree with this.
I’d like it if they could make 4 new heroes each year, released between seasonal events, so the events don’t feel like they last forever.

Something along the lines of:

  1. Seasonal events with new skins (and hopefully quests and stuff)
  2. New Hero release (hero takes the spotlight for a while)
  3. “sub-event” (smaller event w/ no quests, and with skins that aren’t time-limited).

Any new anomalies would usualy be released along a seasonal event, but not necesarily tied to it thematically.
The sub-events would also likely include hero reworks, and ideally a new skin for the reworked hero(es).

each of those points would last roughly a month, and the cycle repeats 4 times each year.

Of course, I’d like it even more if they could manage a schedule with 5 heroes per year: one for each of the major franchises (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Overwatch), and one more that’s a “flex” release.

For example, the fifth hero can be a “joke” type hero like Murky or E.T.C., but the fans won’t rage that it “took the spot” of their big-name hero like Anduin or Deathwing, because the normal Warcraft hero was also released.

Or the fifth hero could be a classic (Blackthorne / Rock 'n Roll Racer) or even an ocational Nexus Original (only one every few years, though), wihtout neglecting any of the main franchises (as Starcraft is currently being neglected).

Of course, 9 or so heroes / year would be awesome (asuming they weren’t broken or stuff), but hoping for that is quite unrealistic at the moment. (but I think 4 is achievable… Maybe?)


Better focus on making the heroes we got better insteed of releasing tons of heroes with game issues


I know they’re working on making their art system easier to do stuff in. But idk if that is the holdup is on new heroes or if it is elsewhere in the pipeline.

I would think it is? But very uncertain.

I like seeing people reaching for the middle ground saying 4. I’d say if they’re working extra hard, they can manage 3. Let’s not forget this is a small team. Animating, voice-acting, and programming are all time consuming processes.

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I would love for them to finish WC heroes (Pit Lord, Naga Sea Witch, Shadow Hunter, Tauren Chieftain and Goblin Alchemist) and then the Diablo evils (Baal, Duriel, Andariel and Belial), because we would finally have them all.