List of reasons I don't think the Medallion should stay

This will be the last anomaly we’ll ever get anyway so…

I like how you just assumed I’m having all these problems with players using the Medallion in my games. It’s a minor annoyance for me at most.


So why you are moaning over an balanced talent the community demanded long ago? And yes people demanded being able to more solo carry and the devs reacted to give the people the opportunity to play more aggressive and being rewarded for timing and they still cry…

Because there are better ways to implement it.


why not suggesting your “better ways”? I only see your moaning and no suggestions at all. And sorry but your suggestion to just differ the talent from hero to hero is weird, you didn’t even tried to be more precisely about it.

Then you cannot read.

I want each hero, on a case-by-case basis, to be given their own ways to address this issue in their baseline abilities or talents. It doesn’t have to be Unstoppable either.

When Kerrigan got a talent overhaul for example she received Chrysallis, a very unique version of what is basically a stasis. It gives her an answer and it’s not a generic ability that is slapped onto every hero.


Why so complicated for the same purpose and not just GM? Simple solutions doesn’t mean they are bad, but effective.

It’s a lazy solution is more like it.

The Medallion may work out well for some of the heroes, but not all of them. It very disproportionally provides benefits to the cast of heroes, which is why a case-by-case basis, giving each of them what they actually need for their specific situation, is necessary.

Different heroes deserve different treatment.


It might be “lazy” due to it’s simplicity, but it is also very skillful to use and not just a cleanse like in WoW.

Can you be more detailed here? Some examples would be nice. Thanks.


For example, Deathwing does not benefit from this in any way, shape, or form. It is an indirect nerf to DW due to powercreep; Everyone else got a buff and he didn’t.

Next, heroes that were hard to pin down and kill are now even more difficult to catch, such as Zeratul or Samuro. Heroes that are already difficult to kill in the 1st place benefit from this the most, because they potentially can save their Medallion for those few times when they would have normally died.


Wait what? Are you really serious about that? Someone, who is completely unstoppable got nerfed due to 1 sec powercreep for minute cd? :joy: Sorry, but this is bs, it even would be more understandable, if you were talking about Gall, because he is basically binded on Cho’s body and I would agree that giving him an medal to protect Cho would be great. But talking about Deathwing is stupid, sorry. DW has other problems, not the medal being a disadvantage.

Ok this reasoning is more solid, but I still disagree, because yes the medallion gives this heroes another protection tool to their already strong defensive options, but still everyone gets it and I don’t see a problem here. This heroes relies on their strong defensive options, because they are melee assasines in an already unfavoured position compared to ranges and the amount of cc is already in the game.

Uh… Yes, yes I am.

When you buff everyone else, the one person who you did not is, by extension, nerfed because he is now weaker by comparison. Doesn’t matter how slight the change is, change is still change.


Not at all, this change don’t affect DW at all. His problems DW has, they were the same before the GM and they aren’t affected by the GM at all. It is a total different topic.

Why is powercreep so difficult to understand? It really isn’t.

It’s the same deal as with the Weather effects. DW was not affected by them. Everyone else got intervals of stealth and extra movespeed and lightning orbs except him. That is powercreep.

And again, it doesn’t matter how small the change is. Doesn’t matter what problems he had or did not have before the change was implemented.


Because on this topic there is no powercreep compared to DW. Not at all.

The weather anomaly is a different story though, because it should indeed also affect DW and it did to some degree.

It clearly does.

Like mentioned, it just benefits some heroes way too much compared to others. It neutralizes (not to say hard counters because of 5 min timer) some heroes ultimate abilities too hard.

Like the other day I was with a Butcher and Chromie both with time warp and lamb to slaughter… yea.

The argument of cooldown should be considered but not in a vacuum. Have to put in context. You probably not use Time Warp every 50 secs. Not that you dont want to, but instead, the appropiate conditions are not met to use it effectively every time is available.

In fact, some maps actually come down to that SINGLE or RARE turn in (Blackhears Bay) or that game deciding UNIQUE or RARE level 20 teamfight. It is then and there that hard countering kills or ultimates with GM can be a disproportionate advantage to some heroes over others.


Yeah I’m lost on how to explain this any further.

I feel like a parrot for repeating myself: Everyone else got a buff, Deathwing did not. Everyone is now comparable stronger than they were before, except for Deathwing. The change that was implemented, we assume, is miniscule, but it is still there.

Therefore, Deathwing is now, by comparison to those heroes, weaker than he was before the change, even if the change was small.

If you gave every hero except Deathwing +1 HP that would also be powercreep. It’s an incredibly miniscule change that barely matters but it’s still change nonetheless.


So in LoL, champions with the same summoner spells make them less unique?

I get what you’re trying to say. But the whole point is to counter CC. Plus. Since it’s an anomaly, it may get removed.

If it’s quite literally the same ability between them, then literally speaking yes.

Unique (adjective) - being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

This is the stupidest reasoning I’ve ever seen. You agree that his reasoning is solid and that already slippery heroes are given another protection tool but don’t see how its unbalanced?

One way to alleviate heavy CC is to give healers who don’t have a cleanse more ways to keep their teammates alive. Another is to cut back on how often CC is available.

Here’s some examples:

  • Change Tyrande’s Celestial Attunement to an unstoppable (cleanse) instead of just removing CC that has already been applied.
  • Give Lt Morales a talent where whoever has Safeguard on them gains a shield when stunned, rooted, or silenced, but lower armor to 25 to compensate.
  • Increase Uther’s stun cooldown on both ult and basic ability, but lower CD’s on healing to compensate.
  • Fix Imperius’s stun hit box. I see it really often where he missed but enemies are pulled into it anyway.

I can sit here and think of more but those are the ones off the top of my head. Giving a blanket buff on everyone doesn’t fix the issue. Its just a bandaid. It won’t save a Jaina or Kael who aren’t as mobile as much as it will save a Zeratul, Samuro, Genji, and Tracer who can pop the GM and be gone right after.

It benefits some heroes almost none, nerfs heroes who rely on CC and buffs heroes who are already really mobile. It doesn’t fix the main issue which was players feeling helpless when stun locked.

How is that a good, balanced solution to the CC problem?