List of reasons I don't think the Medallion should stay

The following are the list of reasons why I, personally, don’t believe the Gladiator’s Medallion should stay in the game:

  1. It’s clunky. I have to constantly swap it off the 6 button at the beginning of each game because it feels so awkward to use there. And on certain characters I already have a lot of additional talent buttons to manage anyway so it’s hard to keep track of it in addition to them. (I do NOT want it to start on the 1 key. I’ve committed a bunch of my current talents to muscle memory so I don’t want this pushing them further down).

  2. It makes all heroes less unique. It’s literally the same generic ability for all characters, the thing we were trying to move away from with things like the floating Sentry that granted vision. On some heroes it made sense, but on a lot of them it didn’t.

  3. Some heroes benefit from it far more than others, some have little use for it and will still die with or without it, and some quite literally do not benefit from it at all (Deathwing).

I have no problem with giving more heroes access to some form of Unstoppable. If you want people to have more ways of not getting blown up by CC that’s completely fine, but each hero should be granted different abilities/talents on a case-by-case basis for what’s appropriate to them. Not every hero needs to have access to their own self-cleanse or [insert mechanic here] and not every hero should.


Na I don’t want it to be a talent choice. Unstoppable as a talent choice makes me waste a talent tier I could be picking something interesting for.

I agree with blizzard’s idea to have a baseline unstoppable for all heroes. It could be tweaked to work differently for every hero but it should be baseline, not a talent.


Its a fine anomaly. ANOMALY.


If it stays Qhria bettter be gettin a buff is all I’m saying. To make up for the fact that LITERALLY EVERYONE has a button that lets them single handedly murder her.


it also gives every hero the talent option of unstoppable if you think about it

The concept seems to be fine but I agree that it is a huge buff to hyper mobility heroes like tracer,Genji, and zeratul. With my Zeratul, the hero I played the most, I am now dying in average 1-2 times a game instead of 2-3. Mostly because the best way to kill me as Zeratul, without considering my mistakes, are the point and click CC which are predictable but inevitable.

But overall I like the anomaly…I don’t remember who proposed to modified it by giving it to the healer with smaller CD and the possibility to use it on allies. But this idea seems great to me, that’s is perfectly adapted to healers and seems unbalanced in the hands on Genji, Zeratul and Tracer.


Tbh gonna get hate for this, but this is what the LoL rune system has… unique options for tanks to pick, mages vs marksmen can pick… you might argue that there’d be cookie cutter builds based on what role your hero will be, but there’s still a few choices you can make even within the same role. Example: gathering power in LoL is a late game rune that literally gets more powerful the longer the game goes. This rune is not picked sometimes because the champion would rather have lane sustain.

Very well said, this talent actually does more impact than people give it credit for.

This anomaly just ticked off the balance scale so hard some heroes are just being plainly nerfed from it whilst others getting buffed and the rest is completely unchanged.

But hey xD, Sylvanas with 3 unstoppables haha nothing to worry about.


4 actually
2 waves (because 13), one at 16 and GM.

L2p issue, next.

I don’t see how the heroes lose their unique playstyle, if everyone gets an talent against cc of the storm. Next.

Well it is a counter to the massive cc in the game, if some heroes, who already have unstoppable (DW), it is fine to me, because it balance the overall cc. I don’t see your point.

It is not a self cleanse, but a well timed 1 second protection and if your KTZ cannot handle a 1 second protection on a 5 cd cooldown, then it is rather a skill issue.

GM is totally fine for me.

It’s an okey anomaly, boring, but ok.

I honestly wonder if they will keep it though, if they do, a lot of heroes gonna need some trimming in power and any future hero needs to be made with the medal in mind.

Kinda how Flash in lol is a must pick for heroes nine out of ten times these days.

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I like it because most heroes it’s actually good against (chromie, garrosh, qhira) who’re quite annoying with their point/hit click to kill. By design these heroes force you to play passive but with medallion it opens up another layer of playmaking. The CD is long enough to not break the game

  • Hard to track
  • Makes Tank engage a lot harder/riskier (since they can just Cleanse themselves).
  • Makes stomps stronger/comebacks harder:
    Yesterday I had a game as KT (the lich, the other, the hot one is Kael) and the enemy had a lot of divers, and a good amount of CC.
    So they swept the floor with us. But once we reached 10 (still not on equal lvls), I’d be able to turn the tides with Frostblast.
    But since they had the upperhands, they all had their Med, so when I casted my ult finally, it got removed immediately (before impact).
    And sure, Med is 5 mins, Frostblast is 50 sec, but I wasted a Heroic there. It doesn’t matter that my Heroic will be up faster than the Med, we lost our engage with one button for the next 50 sec.
    And who guarantees that I can catch the same target again (so they can’t Cleanse my Ult again because I used it on a different target).

I don’t mind that we have this atm, but I hope this won’t stay.


No its not. Its a design flaw.

Yeah and CC is supposed to counter heroes like Genji, Zeratul, and Tracer so giving them unstoppable takes away a huge counter for them, making them a lot more problematic.

Its not just a KTZ problem, its a problem with many heroes.


Genji and tracer still aren’t tearing up the nexus even with the medallion.

Eh it’s not my favorite because it’s an extra button I have to think about BUT at least we aren’t stuck with the weather effects. :slight_smile:

I agree with all these points.

This is my biggest problem. It’s a one-size-fits-all solution to the problem the devs saw. Heroes moved away from that concept with no items/runes/summoner abilites and removing the generic talents that were here earlier on.

Anomalies become permanent additions to the game if they’re popular enough.


Indeed, Qhira has dropped significantly.
I noticed it, too, but I was lucky at the beginning so can’t tell how much of the problem is me. Some of it I guess.
But her E gets removed now quite a lot. Combined with natural hits & misses, I can see why her winrate dropped from 50 to 46% - and that’s despite a buff.
Curiously her R winrate didn’t change much. Although it was usually interrupted before as well.

I didn’t expect such a difference myself.
She even got less popular, down from 9.5% to 7.5%.

Every hero has to adjust and still I don’t see why it should be bad, but instead the GM creates new space to be aggressive in a cc heavy meta, so the goal of the devs was a success to me. I even noticed how many players misunderstood the medal and use it for almost everything as a red button and realized later that this talent won’t save them. :joy:

#1 reason the medallion shouldn’t stay is the genius programmers couldn’t even be bothered to save the position of the button between states (Dva in pilot/mech mode, abathur ultimate evolution, etc.) :expressionless:

at the end of the day, it’s clearly obvious that some heroes need the medallion and others don’t. when this anomaly ends, maybe they can keep the medallion on melee assassins only. someone like illidan deserves to have an unstoppable button for sure.

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