Levels grossly imbalanced

You know that problem that happens in a lot of games? Smurfing? I commend blizz on their ingenious way to fix that, just throwing players together regardless of their level, so you’ll have single digits standing there trying to figure out how the game works, and others that exponentially higher level wrecking.


:salt: Yes it’s salt.

MMR is a thing in HotS you know. Single digits stood there trying to “figure” out the game whilst being stomped buy higher level players isn’t smurfing. Neither is throwing random groups together any fun.

Sore truth time.
HotS matches you with players of similar skill. So if your being grouped up with newbies that don’t really know how to play the game.
Guess what that means about your skill level… :nail_care:




The more years you spend on this game, the more you will realize account level has zero bearing on skill levels. There are countless people in this game at account level 1000+ who are playing in low bronze MMR and still haven’t learned basics of the game like stutterstepping after 4 years of daily playing.

Then you have level 10-30 smurfs slicing through diamond and master rated HL and TL games and make it seem easy.

If you really want a metric to follow in a players profile, instead of games played look at their winrate in human modes (qm, unranked, HL, TL). I would pick a level 160 with a 72% winrate after 300 HL games any day over a level 1600 who has 44% winrate over 3000 HL games (as a teammate).


Single digits stood there trying to “figure” out the game whilst being stomped buy higher level players isn’t smurfing

Yes, but the opposite is…if anything, it’s unintentional smurfing, that blizz not only condones, but encourages, apparently.

Neither is throwing random groups together any fun.

That’s exactly what I said, what your point?

So if your being grouped up with newbies that don’t really know how to play the game. Guess what that means about your skill level…

That I’m good as f*ck? When my team is all noobs and the other team is triple digits?

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Did you read anything of the recent AMA?

The issue with TL right now is that there is basically nothing to stop someone from making a new account, getting 4K gold, buying two heroes and queueing.

Next season it will require player level 50, which I Think is low. But it is an attempt to reduce/remove smurfing.

As “new player”, people are supposed to lose a few (read: a lot of) matches. And from the mistakes they made, they would improve upon it to get good. No one starts on the top anyway. It’s earned, not given.

Also, if someone is strong, they would continuously seek to battle those that stand above them. Is that not correct?

Or, as a community, we can complain about stuff so that things get nerfed, that way we don’t have to learn! #win

Literally, what’s been happening over the years.

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Silly noob is in denial.

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algorytm is perfect same skill player assignet with you… :smiley:
Who do you choose?? “same skill” noob with 10 HL or veteran with 1000 HL?

I definitely choose a veteran!
Because have experience with ALL hero with ALL maps and he simply knows what to do in every situation.

Nowadays there is no way to know whether a low level player is a new player or a smurf who already played every map hundreds of times and knows every hero in the game (on other accounts)

Therefore I will always invite the level 50 with 88% winrate after 200 matches, rather than a level 500 who has 46% winrate after 2000 matches.

Minor correction, it matches based on average TEAM mmr. One team can have a Master and 4 Bronze/Silver vs a team of high plat/diamonds, as long as the average mmr’s of the teams are roughly the same. I know this because I check Hotlogs after a game of URdraft where my teammates are just getting destroyed. This exact scenario has played out many times in my matches. Though this is a somewhat unrelated issue from smurfing.

This also might just be hearsay but I’ve read in a couple places that the matchmaking will can intentionally place high and low skill players together with the hope that those of lesser skill can take tips and learn from the higher skilled. Not sure if this is true, but it would certainly explain many of my UR draft matches, if it’s not just “average team mmr” matching.

To those complaining about smurfing, all I can say is play ranked.

Yes, but blizz can at least try to separate players by level, you don’t see this issue with any other game, and can only guess if someone’s a smurf.

Yes, but you don’t learn by getting wrecked over and over in seconds, and we’re talking about being matched with players of much higher level, not exactly the kind you want to battle against.

I didn’t suggest anything, I’m just pointing out a flawed argument.

but in a ranked play where you want to connect players based on skill.

And smurfs are most often used to play in groups with other players.

You’ll have to trust me, but I am very sure that HotS team does not WANT smurfs to make TL a worse experience. (I should note again, I think that hero level 50 is far to low a bar).

I feel like the opposite is a much bigger problem in this game. Seeing somebody go something like 0-12 only to find out that they were lvl 2 with that hero and had multiple tiers lower MMR has been so common lately that I’ve opted to not play the game outside grinding dailies out quickly against AI without a premade of 3+ because it’s such a garbage experience

I have to smurf, my main acct was banned, therefore I have to start over.

I’m not even talking about ranked play, here, nor am I talking about alt accounts, I’m talking about blizzard’s inappropriate matching in qp, which I’m forced to play due to my level, and puts high level players on main accounts with much lower level ones. But you’re saying that I only need to be level 50 for tl next season, what about hl?

Once again, not talking about the player’s choice of making another account.

The system uses internal skill metrics to get two teams it assumes both have a near 50% chance of winning the game.

I’ve got an alt i use to practice heroes I suck at, to practice. It’s level 125ish now.

How is that a problem? The game assessed my skill level on that account at matching close to the other players.

Or am I still misunderstanding you?

read the AMA… or at least check the answers for relevant things.
Here is a very good post Darak made which summarizes the questions/answers given.

The stronger the better, isn’t it? They would learn and improve even faster. It’s not that they are in any real danger either.

No…imagine playing your first bball game vs nba players

Again, even if such system is in place, there’s no point in putting pros and noobs in the same game, even if it’s balanced on both teams.

Not exactly the best source, though I’ll be surprised if they decided to do what I suggested after all this time.