How does it feel being the most broken Healer who’s only being kept away from nerfs by how hard you are?
Once apon a time my W hit for over 100 damage per lash.
Now a days my first world problems know no bounds.
Alright here’s something resembling a question
Have you ever tried Whitemane Uther dual healer and if so was it not the most disgusting levesl of unkillable ever.
What do you mean?
Yes and it is the most brutal form for never die ive ever had the pleasure of taking part in. The sheer number of ways they compliment each other is enough to make a whole other topic for lol.
I’m an Alex main with her being my highest ranking healer.
The question was, how easy is it to learn Whitemane now that I’ve mastered Alex?
I occasionally joke about calling WM a tank but she’s closer to a bruiser at her tackiest, I guess.
And yeah, those are the situation where I reconsider but I also feel Whitemane is effective at most situations. I just sat down thinking that okay, Whitemane can do these things but can’t I have a better specialist? What is Whitemane’s specialty which influences the draft?
First off, for reasons you mentioned she isn’t first draft material. She isn’t that hardcounterable but she can be still beaten with draft. Second, she’s a burst healer who has to be at medium-short range healer who needs her team. I personally don’t think she’s the go-to choice for supporting divers. What I think she excels the most is amusingly games where you got big fights on the objectives. She can work in smaller groups but supporting a 4-man or 5-man could enable her real potential. I think her best niche is countering burst damage. She has cleanse/unstoppables, she has burst heal of multiple types, she can provide armor and she can also reduce enemy damage. While you don’t need all this the potential is in Whitemane to shut these attempts down. When you position well then you make the enemy pay for not being able to focus on you.
Long story short, a burst healer anti-dive and anti-focus hero who is the best at keeping the enemy team’s target alive.
Ah. Well all the basic “good at healers” stuff still applies for the most part and the recource (and cooldown) management still applies. The apm requirements are way higher but youve got alot more self sustain to work with.
It might take alot of getting used to but all the healer experience is good. Shes like a more extreme version of malfurion gameplay wise.
I know that since her rework have some of that hero talent which could be seen in sometime. I main Whitemane along with Morales as Healer because I see that would need help them.
Malfurion is not my preferred healer but I know how to play him.
If she is in free rotation, I’ll give it a try
After being taught whitemane i could suddenly play malfurion at a high level lol. 10000% this. Great ama
When do you justify picking armor ult?
OK, more serious question, which heroes do you most like to see drafted with your Whitemane? I generally prefer to play tanks, and have been working on being more aggressive on them, so in particular, what do you like to see on your front line?
Ill be honest, im not the best at drafting but ill do my best
I think the only thing that will hardcore shut you down is anti healing. Any time i see ana i switch to anduin or something.
Id say she’s both a burst and sustain healer at the same time. Her ults are both crazy burst while E or W spam (depending on the build) +AAs can get good numbers for the rest of the fight. Shes not the best diver support but the enemy being focused on tour teams divers rather then you really helps you do your thing. You gotta pre Q your teams dive hero and then probably attack the enemy teams frontline. You can also use the speedboost at 4 to keep up. I wouldnt specifically pick her to help out with diveing but i wouldn’t say she’d be a bad choice.
Overall tho i think the best drafts for whitemane are more about wether your team can keep you protected and if they can keep up on pve. WM is one of the few healers where you do want to focus down first so preventing that from happening while still doing all your healing will make for a very one sided teamfight.
In terms of building my team i generally have alot of success with heroes who arent total glass cannons. Much like in wow, WM healing has a bit of a ramp to it and its nice to have some time to react so that your not spending to much mana on pre Qing ppl. WM really likes to fight against a clumped up enemy team so anyone who can keep them like that is great (she also likes to fight a heavy front line for the same reason).
WM is also a great candidate for a double healer comp. Shes got some good damage if you build for it and sense her healing takes a second to really get going any instant response from the other healer (or support) makes for a good combo. She particularly good with uther or zarya. Make sure your good on pve tho as whitemane is a serious contender for worst pve in the game.
Some more heroes other then ones stated above would be…
Garrosh; very good deterrent for anyone who would want to jump you. Its also nice to not get one on the other team.
Arthas; his self healing sux baseline. Good thing your whitemane. Allowing arthas to take all the CC talents with out worrying about sustain can be pretty spooky. Hes also a good deterrent like garrosh is.
Vikings; maybe a bit of a wierd choice but one of the best ways to play with a vikings is to roam the map and fight/distract the red team all day and thats exactly what whitemane likes. Whitemane is also very scarry with any kind of level lead beacuse of how the math works out on her healing. Much like an illidan or a tb varian, whitemane can just go full on unkillable lifesteal tank.
That kinda thing.
2 main reasons. Your scared of something or theres to much mobility to get a good damage ult. Sometimes you just need the armor and instant burst heal to live things like a ZJ or KTZ.
Armor ult is pretty good but damage ult is better so any time damage ult ia bad, armor ult is probably good. Sounds weird but theres rarely a time when both ults are bad. Its hard to go wrong with ult choice on WM.
Its also a good tool to learn whitemane with sense it can instantly zeal your whole team and zeal managment is generally the hardest part of wm.
I’d just like to add onto this point of drafting
Because Whitemane only has healing for her utility she struggles with comps that are built particuarly squishy, as in if you have 2 or more heroes who can be bursted down in the span of 1 CC like Glass cannon Ming, Murky and heroes in that calibre you might want to skip Whitemane and go for a healer with more Utility (mainly CC)
That’s just my experience thought I’d add it
Yeah, that’s about right.
I… just realized I glossed over you saying exactly that… my bad.
The general discussion forum is really crowded, I really get headaches and dizziness every time I come in here. The need for revisions/reconsidering is here.
Thanks to you, I gave Saintly Greatstaff a shot.
I also took every strongest talent from HP’s stats no matter their low pickrate and tested out Scarlet Wrath for old time’s sake on her full AA build. I think you should give it a shot too with your switch on Saintly Greatstaff. I know Lashing Out gives you more proc of Saintly Greatstaff, but, I don’t know, Scarlet Wrath felt good nonetheless.
With my build, it was like: Q, Q, Q, R, D, E, W, AA
Ive tried it before but Ill give the talent another chance. It just dosent feel good for me. Really wish it had some kind of throughput boost or some interaction with W tho :s.
Assuming your taking divine Reckoning and greatstaff.
Its harder to do but they this
Q, R, Q, Q, AA, E, W or AA
and using D any time as needed.
Sense divine Reckoning takes a second to get going you can use Q twice before Reckoning starts doing its damage. You can also launch an AA at near max range and then immediately E and the AA will pop the first greatstaff staff proc before the second lash hits so your not missing any greatstaff marks.
In theory, you can do
Q, R, Q, AA, E, Q, AA, W
and using D any time as needed.
to do it even faster sense your AA and E also have a short delay but this is approaching TAS levels of apm and I dont even try to do this all the time.
Ok so a few questions
- When exactly would you want to pick whitemane over other healers?
- Unwavering Faith vs. Martyrdom: what’s your take?
- Do you think Scarlet Wrath is good talent design and just needs number buffs, or should it be redesigned?
- What is your decision making process for which ult to take?
- How worthwhile are the ult upgrades at 20?
- Am I doing it wrong if I’m using penance on allies in the middle of combat?
That’s all the questions I can think of, aside from how the actual hell do you keep track of it all in an actual game?