Level 189 Whitemane AMA

I was going to wait until 200 but then shadowlands came out so im just 189 whitemane AMA lol.
Yeah im lazy but Ve’nari rep aint gonna grind its self.

Proof- https://gyazo.com/714a01882e3329ff2c34761ce5e3e7e7


Should I save up to buy showstopper or witch Whitemane? Which looks better on the map?

Do you E first or W first?


Do you still think the hero is worth playing after the rework?

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Witch Whitemane is amazing and you E first than W which is helpful for the level 16 talent that roots them.

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Almost half of waterlong’s levels are post-rework if not more.
I think that answers it.

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Whitemane is a great hero.

I personally like her post-rework since she’s less dependent on her mana management, but I do miss her old W talents that refreshed her zeals.

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What factors decide your build path before the gates open?
Why do you almost always take Saintly Greatstaff nowadays?
Who is harder to master between Whitemane and Alex?
Why aren’t you GM yet? You’re at least the top 5 Whitemane by looking at your stats.
If the enemy has lots of good players and dive, what’s your strategy?


I had no idea it was your ask me anything, my bad

Since this thread seems to have gone off the rails already (sorry about that), I just wanted to say that I love that she uses the same voice actress as Ana! The first two days I was doing her quests, it was driving me insane as I knew that voice, but since it was so out of context, it took me longer than it should have to figure it out.


lvl 260 Whitemane here, buy the witch skin.


I buying her Showstopper skin.

How many AI / QM matches? All of them?

Dva’s intent to cancel your comment was notorious and I admit that he should have been nicer. I think he should get a sanction since you responded in a good way and he was hostile.

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First time doing the English, bub?

I like the blue one the most
E first just about every time. The only time W heals more is in single target.

Yes but youve got to have some dedication to learning her or your not going to be as helpful as you would with just about any other healer. Its pretty easy to totaly mess up and do nothing. Shes definitely still strong. Shes kinda like alarak where if you master her, i believe you cam be absolutely unstoppable. Theres just so many plates to spin. Even i still mess up :stuck_out_tongue:

Rip infinite mana. Altho for me, i was always more invested in the god mode levels of healing and the disc priest playstyle so i wasnt totaly heart broken with the rework but i can see why so many people dropped her.

E build is my favorite, its just tons of healing against clustered enemies and you get to also be a dps. Ill take full W but the E talent at 13 with if im fighting thinga that are gonna be hard to hit and ill go full W if i have to against eye wateringly high damage but thats my least favorite build.

A few reasons. 1, its just a ton of healing. 55 doesn’t look like much but you can get that bonus 2-4 times per E and with the way WMs healing works thats essentially multiplied by how many your healing. 2, worst cleanse in the game. Ive always liked the idea of just out healing the damage rather then using a cleanse (kinda like how uther does it). When i am fighting dangerous CC scarlet aegis does the job just fine and at 20 its even better. 3, zealous spirit is more of a training wheels talent imo so i just dont pick it anymore (not that its a bad talent, anything that makes WM easier to play is a good thing bit ive just been playing her for so long that i feel i dont need it. It takes a while to get good at greatstaff but i think its definitely worth it.

Short answer: whitemane
Long answer: i think alex is deceptively difficult but most of that difficulty comes form just good game sense. Timing and placing your Ws will make or break an alex and using dragon at the right time is crucial. A new player would have a very hard time with alex but i think a veteran player who decided to switch to alex would do alright. However whitemane is so mechanically difficult to get the most out of that youve almost got to relearn the game.

Im just not super in to ranked play and working at walmart drains my soul. I really think i could get there if i just tried but coming home after a hard day is not when im looking to ramp things up further. Last time i did try tho i went from silver to diamond 2 in about a week before i decided that the queue times got to long. :stuck_out_tongue:

How dare they even try.
Altho if im ever actually scared of something I take Aegis and thats usualy enough.

Lol yeah, thats all i can thinl about when i talk t0 her

I sorta awnsered this earlier. If old WM were still here today theres no doubt id be ending the world with her infinite mana and almost twice as much damage as she has now. I do miss wielding that godlike power. New WM absolutely has some issues but it’s not all bad. Baselining financial power is great and her new 4 talents are way better. Its hard to say which version is better for the game. Old was far easier and more forgiving, lota of people could play her effectively while new ia definitely easier to balance. I think new WM alienated alot of people when one of the more unique healers ever became unplayable over night but im pretty biased sense i can still play her.

Mostly QM. AI games wernt included in that winrate. Altho as stated above, ranked dosent really suit me.

Aww common, dont be like that. I don’t want to play another 200 levels before i retry this whole ama thing.


Lovely answer. Thank you.

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What kind of mane is best?

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I’m actually very rusty with Whitemane lately. Just find myself playing tanks and bruisers more.

What do you think is Whitemane’s best niche? When you feel she’s the best pick?
I’m actually starting to re-think this so I’m curious of your answer.

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Only the whitest of white. We want none of that gray mane around here and dont even get me started on black mane.

Your in luck! Whitemane is a briuser xp

I wouldnt say shes a niche pick even if shes a niche hero. I think you can make her work with alot of things. Some things you gotta look out for tho…
Healing reductions. WM does nothing but healing so if you take out the healing shes kinda nothing. I wouldnt play her against things like ana, varian, or deckard but if you get this matchup in QM then go aegis. The armor can make up for some of the lack of healing.
Poke. Your healing out of combat isnt bad but its very expensive. You will go oom very fast if youve only got Qs and clemency. Theres not much you can do about this one other then nudge your team in to a fight or away altogether.
CC. When your playing WM you kinda get in to a rhythm and “in the zone”. Even the smallest stun can throw you off if your not expecting it so id avoid things like trynde who will flare you every time you W and malganis who will malganis at you. Who cares if your teams getting all the CC tho, just heal through it. Avoiding this is more of a get good kinda thing but WM does have it worse then other healers.
Armor. Reducing WMs damage will hurt your healing alot. Yeah, you can just not attack the garosh or the deathwing but it does complicate things on an already difficult hero.

Other then that you can kinda go nuts. Try not to get in to the mindset of “my team did something stupid so imma try less hard”. When your doing a rehgar ults worth of healing every second you can make alot of seemingly bad situations work. Its just actually doing that much healing thats the hard part.

Edit: Shes good against and with dive also.


Oh shet, you got me. I give up :joy:.