leaving in ranked draft ? -500 points is kinda of a very heave incentive not to leave imho. thats between 1 and 5 immediate losses, depending on wether or not you are still in (soft*) placement games or not.
*soft placement games are the 7 placement games after your first three… just because blizzard says: “folks, be happy you now only have to play 3 placement games”, does not mean they are not placement games
Leaver status is okay, if you leave imho, even if it is not your fault, i.e. power outage, but the game can’t know this, tough luck for these folks, but they could also just be making it up for all everyone else knows.
I wish they would stop with the effing stats in general in this game. Don’t show this toxic garbage. Don’t show last hit if it does not matter. But apperently some are then very unhappy… They should also stop the truly random awards for players at the end of the game. How often do you truly see bad players and they get mvp at the end of the game… They literally caused you to lose the game end the engine tells them and you they were mvp -.- marvellous. Here’s an idea, dont show anything just show all 10 players and let the players upvote 1,2 or even 3 of em, and also downvote one or two (you probably won’t do the downvote cause you’ll hurt feelings…), most likely you’ll get true mvp’s and awards then, i.e. best 3 players. This can be easily proven when you look at votes and see how often non-mvp’s get the most votes. But often the best players are not even on the board, i mean legendary tassadar walls for example count towards nothing, its not a stun not a root :).
I am sure the new leaver criteria was implemented in good-faith, but the fact is it has created more issues than what it actually tries to solve. Although it might rightfully effect those that intentionally leave a game, its the players that have an unintentional disconnect that are penalized unproportionately. This has been going on for awhile and it doesn’t seem like its being addressed by Blizzard/HoTS dev team.
It’s not an issue if you don’t dc, so there is nothing to address or fix. If you dc, you are ruining the game for 9 other players no matter if it’s a connection issue or a rage quit.
If you constantly get leaver games, fix your PC or internet before playing.
Chiming in here, really don’t like this change. I got hit with leaver penalty when no one in my ranked game picked a hero (did my whole team get it? just me?). Now I am struggling to win a brawl or a quick match with the leaver queue, 1-5. I got 3 games I have to win, essentially I think this means I will retire my account, why would I grind this? Very bad change. Check my account I play a lot and have d/ced maybe 5 games in 4 years? And this means I can’t play ranked until I win?
No one will show any sympathy if you come with that exact attitude, because even with all its flaws, the main goal of the system is to ensure you don’t ruin more games intentionally or by accidents caused through technical difficulties.
Rather than complaining, be constructive and suggest a reasonable alternative. No one is trying to inconvenience you on purpose, they’re just protecting other players from the few individuals that tend to waste everyone’s time and ruin the fun. If you can’t grasp this simple concept in a multiplayer environment, there are many single player games you could be playing instead.
This is extremely frustrating. It has happened 3 times that I had a small lag spike exactly as the game ended (winning game btw, 1 in ranked) and I got flagged as a leaver because I wasn’t there when the game ended. That is for a few seconds due to the lag spike. The same happened when my system crashed and I didn’t manage to rejoin in time (lowering the graphics fixed the crashes). Today it happened again, I am now matched with extremely bad players, 5 games in and I still haven’t won a single QM and I need to win 2. Which means I haven’t even been matched with a favourable team comp to make my wins. I have spent almost 3 hours playing horrible games just to get rid of the punishment. This is VEEERRYY frustrating, especially when I’m not at fault.
Why? Why is this a change? Just to make the already frustrated few of us players quit? We already lose to DC’s or trolls as it is, why hit us when we’re down and restrict game modes because of it? Just because something happened IRL and I had to leave 1 ARAM early shouldn’t mean I have to perform a massive solo climb against the odds and trolls/noobs/dcs just to start the already-terrible solo climb that ranked already is.
You are totaly right … i played this game like 6 or 7 month ago and i leave for i dont know which reason maybe baby needed help or something like that and now i came back to play with friend to see that i need to win a game THAT I WILL ONLY PLAY WITH LEAVER and this take for ever to enter a game and its full of leaver lolllll
So GG blizzard you lose an other player cause of this stupid penality system !!
Most of this thread is discussing the impact on draft modes, I kinda understand, but why the heck does it apply to Quick Match?? Leaving one QM puts you in what is possibly an account-ending status.
If you were a newer player, already getting punished because the small player base, you’d never win a match to climb out. The leaver queue takes forever, and then the matches are filled with AFK / repeat leavers.
As soon as a match looks unwinnable in the leaver queue, everyone goes AFK. It took me 6 QM matches to climb out, and I feel like I was extremely lucky. The way it works, there’s 0 incentive to just play a regular game, time is better spent AFK until you get a better match.
A below average player is simply going to be stuck unable to win a QM match, and unaware of why their teammates go AFK after they lose a teamfight.
Just to be clear about the new penalty, if you cross whatever undocumented threshold is in HotS, even if it’s in QM, you must win a QM / ARAM match to remove the status. You may have even crossed this threshold BEFORE the new leaver penalty was put in place. I took a 1 year break, and felt like coming back for the nostalgia, and had something come up, like everyone does occasionally. Even though it was QM it still sticks me with leaver status until I won a match. Seems like it’s designed to thin the dwindling player base to me…
The Leaver Punishment System is literally the worst piece of :rainbowpoo: that has ever been in hots so say you wanted to play ranked and dc or have an issue where u afk during draft then the system punishes you making you win 2,3,4 games in order to get back into ranked. It’s the biggest slap in the face of any fan when you’re punishing players multiple times for the same offense (losing points and leaver queue). This is the kind of hot garbage that developers think are a good idea but ends up being the kind of dumb :rainbowpoo: that makes people quit games. BLIZZARD THIS IS LAZY!
Furthermore, why is it that MVP or ending up on the board at the end of a game isn’t enough to get out. It’s specifically “Win” it’s lazy it doesn’t solve the problem and it continues an unpleasant experience and by not fixing or addressing this issue ITS LAZY
While in general the MVP award in HotS means little, I do agree it could be an alternative way to clear leaver penalties besides acquiring a win. The conditions could be “be MVP or win a match”.
After all, it was changed from “play X amount of games” because leavers would continue leaving in leaver que to clear the games - only to continue leaving in normal games afterwards.
So I understand why they made that change. It also weeds out players who have such bad connections or computers that they ruin the match for 9 other people constantly by disconnecting all the time.
But that MVP idea is good. Since the point is to ensure the player actually participated and tried their best, and MVP is pretty hard to get in human matches without trying (whether you win or lose).