Kith's Lost Vikings Review + Rework

Hello, friends. My name is Kith and I like videogames.

Today’s offering is about the Lost Vikings. Once upon a 2017, I did a Review + Rework of them in a huge Google Doc because the HOTS Forums at the time didn’t support images. Now they do, and I am here to produce the updated version.

I’m going to skip the in-depth Review this time and just provide the bullet points - The Lost Vikings’ issues are pretty well-known, and the majority of what I said in the original Review + Rework is still valid for that purpose (although I have updated the Rework significantly, hence the new thread).

Let’s get started.

Hero Features

  • Unique Playstyle - Having to manage three different units is definitely a departure from the standard.
  • The Viking Soak - Because The Lost Vikings are three Hero Units instead of one, they can be present in up to three places at once - and absorb XP from each location at the same time.

Design Issues

  • The Viking Soak is Practically Everything - Between the advantages that the Viking Soak grants the team and the typical weakness of a grouped TLV, the Viking Soak is usually the only thing worth caring about.
  • Viking Hoard actively punishes you for not doing the Viking Soak - The more time you spend not soaking and gathering Regeneration Globes, the lower your overall durability will be in the late-game - and you will need to be durable in the late-game.
  • The Viking Soak isn’t interesting - Standard characters have a back-and-forth where sometimes risks are taken and kills are secured. The Vikings stand in lane and retreat when they’re threatened. Granted, having to do that for three lanes at once can get very intensive if the enemy is playing aggressively, but “intense” does not mean “mentally engaging”.
  • Empty Kit without Talents - The only activatable abilities that a Talentless TLV has are Go, Go, Go! and Olaf’s charge (which doesn’t even have a button). Outside of that, TLV are basically upgraded Lane Minions that can earn XP.
  • Nearly Mandatory Talents - Viking Bribery, Spin to Win! and Jump! are taken 99% of the time because they both play to TLV’s strengths extremely well and give TLV an actual kit.
  • Extremely uneven Heroic Viability - Play Again! is far beyond Longboat Raid! in power and utility because it enables the Viking Soak and Longboat Raid! does not. It also allows TLV to come back from a bad teamfight in the late game, something else that is extremely important.

All concepts discussed in this Rework are free to use by Blizzard without credit.

  • Viking Soak is no longer Practically Everything - While the Viking Soak maneuver is still possible and still very strong, it’s not the entire summation of The Lost Vikings experience. If the player wants to group up in the early game, TLV may not be as effective as a complete Hero, but they won’t be nearly as weak as they currently are.
  • Baseline Abilities - Spin to Win! and Jump! are now packaged by default, meaning you don’t have to spend Talents to get a full Ability suite.
  • New Trait - Each Viking comes with their own Aura that provides benefits to themselves and the other Vikings, a minor buff to their individual strength and a significant buff to their grouped strength.

Rework Detail

Teamwork! is Viking Hoard’s replacement, focusing on giving each Viking a bit of extra gameplay flavor and rewarding grouping them together.

With all of the Nice Things™ that I’ve given to the Vikings in this Rework to balance out their performance when grouped, the charge was just too too strong, so it’s getting replaced.

I know that claiming a part of TLV’s base kit is too strong may sound weird for someone who’s basing all of this effort off of the idea that TLV is often extremely weak in group play, but they can also be insanely overpowering - and a major contributing factor to when they are is the ability to consistently apply a point-and-click slow or stun.

Fierceness is an aura-based Battle Momentum, allowing Baelog (and Vikings near Baelog) to mill the cooldowns of Spin to Win! and Jump!. The impact isn’t much when it’s just Baelog, but all three Vikings combined can easily provide significant benefit.

Erik has had his passive Movement Speed bonus replaced by Swiftness. For him there’s no difference, but now he can share it with his fellow Vikings.

Spin to Win! has become baseline, but its power has been adjusted to compensate - it deals slightly less damage and has a longer cooldown (although Fierceness can reduce it considerably).

Jump! is also baseline and has also had its power adjusted accordingly, featuring an increased cooldown and -33% duration.

  • Level 1 Talents: E is for Expansion
  • Level 4 Talents: Viking Tactics
  • Level 7 Talents: Teamwork! Boosters
  • Level 10 Talents: Heroics
  • Level 13 Talents: Escape Plans
  • Level 16 Talents: Power Ups
  • Level 20 Talents: Storm Tier

The Rework’s Talents are pretty straightforward, but of special note is that Level 1 fills in the empty E slot in the Viking’s ability bar - hence the name.

Runic Shield allows Olaf to pick up some extra durability and adjust it on the fly, adapting to his lane opponent or the enemy team in general.

Raid and Plunder! combines the effects of Explosive Attacks and Pain Don’t Hurt, allowing players to push more effectively with Baelog or invest into his survivability.

Spy Games increases Erik’s ability to soak safely by either hiding him better or by warning him of incoming threats more easily, but also has potential for making him into a better scout by allowing him to check Bushes without actually entering them.

Guess what’s unchanged? If you guessed Viking Bribery, you’re correct!

Hunka’ Burning Olaf is the same, it’s just had its damage adjusted to make up for being available so much earlier.

If Baelog’s splash coverage wasn’t enough for you, good news: you can double it. Broad Swords vastly increases Baelog’s waveclearing strength and makes him much more effective at fighting Objective Monsters (such as Zerg or Shrine Guardians), but also significantly increases his strength in Teamfights. And hey, this wouldn’t even require any new assets - just do like Jaina’s Ice Floes does and staple two of the existing graphics together.

The only difference the Rework’s It’s a Sabotage! has is a differently colored icon because it’s the only Erik-specific talent on this tier.

Yes, I did in fact dig up Resurgence of the Storm’s icon to use here.

There’s a lot to talk about where Spirit Stones is concerned. Its primary goal is to make grouped play a little stronger by making deaths easier to bounce back from, but it also allows someone performing the Viking Soak to shift a Viking into the empty lane to try and get the dead Viking back on the field faster.

It also comes with the added benefit of showing off the Viking Gravestone assets more - I’ve always thought it was a real shame that they just sat in the Hall of Storms.

Norse Force has traded global reach for a permanent duration and more Shields.

Baelog the Fierce (the talent), but adapted to the Rework’s mechanics. While stacks can be generated by all Vikings and benefit all Vikings with Fierceness, the amount of attacks required to get to the total bonus has gone from 6 to 30.

A replacement for Erik the Swift (the talent) that provides benefit to the entire team instead of just Erik.

Mercenary Lord with a fresh coat of paint and tied into the Rework’s mechanics.

It is important to note that Damage and Attack Speed are multiplicative increases in DPS when combined instead of additive - a 25% increase to Damage and Attack Speed factors out to a 56% increase to DPS instead of being added together to make 50%. While one Viking alone cannot achieve the same level of effectiveness that the original Mercenary Lord can, two or more can surpass it easily.

Play Again! has had its Cooldown increased by 10 seconds to cut back a little on how strong it is and how effective it is at enabling the Viking Soak.

Longboat Raid! has received pretty significant changes:

  • Summons all living Vikings to Longboat location on cast. This will give the Longboat more tactical opportunities for use, such as summoning all of the Vikings into a single lane for pushing purposes or to turn around a gank attempt.
  • No longer has a Mortar Ability. While I liked the Mortar, it muddies the waters in terms of what the Longboat is actually doing.
  • Each Viking in the Longboat provides a unique upgrade. Instead of scaling up the Longboat’s health for each Viking present, each Viking upgrades the Longboat in a unique (and thematic) way.
  • DPS increased substantially (from 112 to 180). This is mostly to make up for the loss of the Mortar, but also to give the Longboat some usability upgrades in general.

Ideally, all of this will be enough to make it competitive with Play Again! so TLV can have two Heroics instead of just one.

Gives TLV some defense against Melee Assassins who like to dive Vikings and delete them.

Brings Jump! back up to its original duration.

64 KB Marathon is one of those rare unchanged Talents in the Rework, although it comes a Tier earlier now.

Nordic Attack Squad lives on in a new form, converted into a passive to avoid trying to work in an extra button on TLV’s already crowded bars.

To clarify, each Viking can contribute stacks for activation of the bonus damage.

Gives Spin to Win! some really big, nasty teeth and encourages the player to land all three Spins.

Paying homage to platformers everywhere, TLV can now jump on enemies’ heads.

In a twist of fate, neither of TLV’s Heroics has a unique Storm talent, with The Sequel! serving as an upgrade to both. I did this for three reasons:

  • I’m kinda scared of the Rework’s Longboat. On paper it sounds reasonably balanced, but I know exactly how strong being able to summon all three Vikings to one location is, and adding that functionality alone has some pretty scary potential.
  • Checkpoint Reached doesn’t really feel that useful. Every experienced TLV player I interviewed felt this way, always preferring to pick up Fury of the Storm instead.
  • The original form of The Sequel! was basically a poorer version of Play Again! Also Spirit Stones exists now as a method to reduce Death Timers.

Stoutness of the Storm makes the Vikings significantly more durable against targeted attacks when grouped, helping them stay alive in the event of getting focused. However, they’re still as vulnerable as ever to AOE attacks.

The rune on Olaf’s shield is Inguz, for good health.

It’s important to note that the Missing Health of each Viking is calculated individually, but the damage bonus is shared. So for example, if all Vikings were missing 40% of their Maximum Health, Fierceness of the Storm would be providing a 30% damage bonus.

The rune on Baelog’s sword is Isa, for challenge.

If you like Going Fast™, then Swiftness of the Storm should scratch that itch by practically guaranteeing that you’ll have Go, Go, Go! active at any given time - and by being able to extend it when it is.

The rune on Erik’s slingshot is Raido, for travel.

I genuinely love the concept behind The Lost Vikings, but I feel like their potential has been squandered. Between being incredibly focused on defensive play and their lack of a full kit without Talents, the Lost Vikings feel unpolished - even unfinished. Even though players like MutedWarrior can turn them into absolute monsters, that’s extremely uncommon and they’re almost always merely soak machines.

The goal of the Rework isn’t to buff The Lost Vikings into supremacy, but to give them the the reason to do something other than the Viking Soak without requiring excessive levels of skill. And of course, keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong with the Viking Soak itself - but when that’s all there is to do for the vast majority of the playerbase, the concept loses a lot of its luster.

Anyways, that’s all I have for now. I hope you liked it and if you didn’t, I hope you’ll tell me why.

Thank you for reading. :wave:

i just wanna work on HOTS for real, man


i don’t play vikings but i agree on the part where their soaking isn’t everything anymore ever since the EXP changes happened. heroes give far more exp and forts doesn’t whatsoever.


Mass production kith!

I don’t know if I really agree with that. The Viking Soak is still an incredibly, incredibly powerful thing.

I hope that means you approve!

I’m not sure what this means, haha.


You did varian and vikings in one week!
Hire him blizz

More like I finished them in one week. I’ve had Varian notes floating around roughly since he released, but then Blizzard reworked him, so I put that on the backburner and have been slowly working on it ever since. I just happened to get the motivation to sit down and translate everything recently.

TLV is a similar situation, although this time I was working off of something more complete - I did the original Lost Vikings Review + Rework something like two years ago and this thread is basically just updating the Rework and putting it somewhere that’s not Google Docs.

This is not to say that both weren’t a lot of work, because they definitely were, but it’s not something I put my shoulder to and worked on start to finish over the past couple days.

It’s very flattering to hear this. Thank you.

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Ofcourse you been under my rader after the dva rework. Now i have some insight what heroes you play. Mostly bruisers and off heroes

Not really, actually - I primarily play Ranged Assassins like Tychus, Zul’jin, Junkrat, Cassia, and Nazeebo.

So high inpacfull heroes
Thats nice!

it’s a sweat rework because of the variety and it looks funnier to play

I prefere the actual norse force since it has better chance to save isolated viking (theoritically)

There’s one thing I really don’t like it’s you removed the upgraded move speed talent that also gives regen while moving for Erik, and i can’t see myself play vikings without this, and you didn’t provide an alternative :frowning:

moving nordique atk squad to 16 :frowning: and you nerfed its current burst power, I feel like you removed an actual good talent (even though with the tripple aura they are more sustained dps, but it’s not burst)

man removing the charge for Olaf, no. + the Stun, sounds like an identity removal rework
kidding, but just for this ability it is, and personally I would miss it, even though I have new tools to play with

I think you did an awesome job with the aura mechanic, but what about if it’s too much broken, like sustain / speed and cdr.
Slipery vikings uncatchable with too much jumps that spin to win you non-stop. I’d like to see. But nice job for the upgraded power when you need to have tf impact.
(Although does it really replaces the good impact of the actual nordique atk squad + Olaf’s stun ? :stuck_out_tongue:)

finaly the longboat, I’m gonna be honest I prefere the actual one since I don’t need baelog to have the mortar AoE replacement
i don’t need Erik to have the unstoppable
and I’d be pissed if I don’t get the armor from Olaf
What I mean is you made it mandatory to have the 3 vikings alive to make it decent. Compared to the actual one.
And losing the mortar is huge, but it’s just imo.

And also, actual sequel is nice and really turns tied late game around. Just like cho’gall’s version. imo it’s a huge nerf.

The 20 storm auras are awesome, nice job ! Just like the auras idea

I think you really nailed the lvl 1 talents. Although we can’t combine block and the healing for Baelog anymore. I know there’s the auras but let’s not act like the vikings are not more than half of the game splitted.
Talking about this, it’s what “irritates” me in your rework, no more sustain for the other vikings without Olaf’s aura, cause no more globes stacks and no more “erik the swift” at 4, or mandatory baelog’s upgrade at 1.

It’s nice that you put olaf’s burning rage so early, I really love it. But no more mercenary talent ? So no more full push build + how do we solo boss with this and the globes gone, not sure +2% hp second does the job (picture morales selfheal, it’s an out of combat sustain really)

Spirits stones is a very cool idea but in reality it’s a win more mechanic cause the enemies will just make sure you don’t exploit it if they won the tf, if they didn’t, you see my point ^^

lvl 7 : delicious (just a tiny nerf to norse force imo…)
I love mercenary raid :slight_smile:
(although we can’t have this + norse force now and also losing the armor vs mercs & minions is huge)

increased cd on play again, rhaaaaaaaa. it’s ok :smiley:

lvl 13, congrats
especially the knockback but man your vikings are gonna put a mess in tf with this + the jump + the cdr :smiley:

okay for me the winner is “Look Out Below!”, yes we have to use the jump to make up for Olaf’s charge loss and to get the stun, but, the mechanic is FUN and it provides cc (even AoE cc) to the vikings which can actually be broken in fact. Especially with the rest of the buffs you gave them, man the more I look at it the more I feel the grouped vikings are gonna be a bit broken late game, like blow them up in an AoE THROUGH the jump or you’re in for unstoppable troubles… Need to see.

I think it’s a very good rework, a bit broken imo and no more solo boss likely. Some meme talents but overall it’s fun, it’s new, we have choices, it’s more “interractive”. Really I love it
although I might miss some actuall stuff but there’s a lot more you added

I disagree. As a relatively newbie lost vikings player, I really don’t feel like it’s not interesting.

You note intense v. mentally engaging, but I do find that especially in the later stages of the game They are also very intense, but I think the idea they’re not interesting to play is false.

No. I know you’re being hyperbolic, but part of this is a perception issue, and the fact that other talents tend to be weaker.

so you make me micro more for minute buffs. This is literally adding micro for the sake of adding micro.

Why does this still exist?
Someone with more experience on the vikings could weigh in, but this is an utterly worthless talent and it would benefit the hero to remove or completely rework it.

… So basically you make a must pick talent on specific maps. Great design Kith!

nerf. nerf. nerf.

Oh yeah, let’s nerf a talent and put it at a higher level.

Note: the nerf is in regards to the armor taking camps.

but you literally gave it splash… Especially because longboat isn’t hindered by vikings being spread out on the map.

It’s only issue now in my relatively extensive usage of it is how squishy it is.

And I think it could use a movement speed buff.

Gee, maybe because you gave it massive buffs, and than buffed it some more.

Maybe all the people who probably have played vikings a lot longer than me said differently, but:
-large buffs baseline
-increased micro to get optimal talents
-on the face feels like forced talents on some maps
-stupid buffs to longboat
-abilities which are straight up buffs to the vikings but requires additional micro/skill.

The skill part isn’t an issue, but to gain value you do need to micro more. Which makes it harder for people to try the Vikings.

Yeah, seems like a failure to me.

It feels to me like you went “vikings auras with each other, oh, let’s design everything around that and insert random massive buffs and nerfs to talents.”.

Oh, and you kept It’s a Sabatoge for some reason, without changing what it does.

I understand not wanting to remove talents, but all that talent does is give newbies/noobs on vikings the option to talent into a dead/worthless talent.

Given I’m a relatively newbie TLV player, I’m willing to give ground or be wrong–but I feel like the point flew way over your head.

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I’m glad that you think it looks fun!

Well, the Rework gives you Jump! for free, so that should help.

The replacement for Erik the Swift is Speedrun Tactics:

In this replacement, three exchanges were made:

  • The baseline extra Movement Speed was exchanged to a contextual one because Erik’s extra Movement Speed is no longer exclusive to Erik.
  • The default bonus was reduced from 10% to 0%, but the maximum bonus was increased to 20%.
  • Erik’s healing was exchanged for a baseline Jump!, although this is not exclusive to Erik the Swift - many things were exchanged for a baseline Jump!.

The last part is the most important - in the context of an Erik that always has access to Jump!, the talent Erik the Swift practically guaranteed that Erik would always survive. While I’m perfectly fine with Erik being slippery, that was too much - so I made some trades.

Yes, but the current Lost Vikings have to choose either Jump! or Nordic Attack Squad. With the Rework, they have access to both. Furthermore, you can take Let’s Get 'Em! at Level 7, getting up to 30% increased Attack Speed for all Vikings, and therefore 30% more applications of the bonus Health Shred. I’m open to the concept of buffing Nordic Attack Squad if you feel it should be buffed, but I didn’t make the Rework’s version as strong as the Current version for a reason.

As the videos I linked in the OP showed, TLV was very difficult to get away from - almost impossible - if a skilled player decided that they were going to go after you. The Vikings already have access to a very potent movement ability in Go, Go, Go! and the Rework built upon that by with Erik’s Movement Speed bonus from Swiftness, plus Spin to Win! and Jump! adding to the Viking’s offensive and defensive power significantly. Olaf’s charge was just too much in that context, so I cut it.

The “replacement” for Olaf’s charge is this Talent at Level 13:

While it’s not a slow or a stun, a clever player can easily turn this defensive talent into an offensive one by knocking enemies back into danger by using Spin to Win! aggressively.

Well, if it’s too strong, I imagine it’d get nerfed. The numbers aren’t as important as the design itself.

Not by default, but it can.

I can understand this viewpoint, but I wanted Longboat Raid! to directly contrast Play Again! by having the majority of its value come from having as many living Vikings as possible. I also wanted there to be some kind of counterplay to reward teams that manage to take down a Viking or two before Longboat Raid! hits the field, given how powerful I made it.

All of the Vikings players that I spoke to said that the only talent to take at Level 20 was Fury of the Storm and that - and this is a direct quote - “If you wipe your Vikings and don’t have Play Again!, you deserve everything you get.”

I’m glad you like them!

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not like Regeneration Globes or Healing Fountains or healing at the Hall of Storms aren’t available anymore. Like, yeah, your Viking might get bullied out of the lane and you might have to back, but you’re still getting XP from other lanes.

I might add to their Health Regeneration a bit - make them slightly better at bouncing back from damage and ease the pain of losing Viking Hoard - but I don’t think the lack of native sustain outside of Olaf is a genuine issue.

Mercenary Lord has been changed into Mercenary Raid, which is available at Level 7. Full Push Build is still very possible.

As for how you solo Boss, if that’s something you want to do, you’d probably pick up Runic Shield (Vanguard is 25 Physical Armor for everything, not just vs Heroes), Burnin’ Olaf (for the extra DPS), and Let’s Get 'Em! (also for the extra DPS). It’d require some testing to make sure, of course, but I believe it’d still be very possible given everything else.

I feel it’s less of a “win more” and more of a “lose less” situation considering that it grants you no value if your Vikings never die. The primary benefit of the stones is that they continue to provide the Teamwork! aura after the Viking in question dies, so you’re not completely out of a third of the Rework’s central mechanic in the event of a Viking getting blown up.

I’m glad you like Mercenary Raid!

Yeah, but you also have to consider the gains - Olaf heals constantly, for example, and you get Spin to Win! regardless of your build instead of having to pick between it, Baelog the Fierce, and Norse Force.

It’s only a little! :wink:

That’s the goal!

This is part of why I cut Olaf’s charge - it let me do fun stuff like this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad that you like it, and I appreciate all of the feedback! If you don’t mind my asking, what parts do you think are particularly broken?

Luckily, that is never going to happen :slight_smile:

Thank you kith, very cool.

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Like you making friends?

He pointed out to the hire him comment

tfw when samisha uses your own reaction image against you

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I’m not really sure what inspired you to be so nasty all the time, but I’d appreciate it if you stopped.


I’m just stating the perfectly obvious.

What’s so obvious about it?

I go into better detail on what I mean by “isn’t interesting” in the original Google Document:

99% of the Viking Soak experience is just flipping between the lanes and keeping the Vikings out of trouble - usually making them retreat as soon as they start taking damage (which they happen to have a unique minimap kicker for, so it’s even easy to tell when it’s happening). Passively soaking a lane is not interesting, no matter how you slice it - even if you’re slicing it three ways.

The goal of the Viking Soak is to have a body in every lane, no matter what. This almost always involves the Viking in question fleeing at the first sign of trouble to keep themselves alive. This neatly avoids the usual back-and-forth of the laning phase where both sides busy themselves with trying to kill one another, cutting out a huge part of the tug-of-war that the laning phase represents. If you genuinely feel that’s interesting, then more power to you, but for myself and everyone else I interviewed, it’s really not.

Uh… yes? Viking Bribery is almost always taken when you draft TLV because you’re drafting them on a map where you can get the most value out of their unique mechanics, which also happens to neatly coincide with maps that have good Mercenary value.

Spin to Win! is almost always taken because of how versatile it is: it’s good for split pushing, waveclear, burst damage, so on and so forth.

Lastly, Jump! is almost always on the menu because it’s a full second and a half of Invulnerability and that’s really, really, really good - especially on a Hero (Heroes?) that’s burst-prone.

Not really - they’re two talents bundled together that you can switch to as you feel the need to do so. There’s nothing stopping you from taking one of the modal talents, flipping it to whatever you want, and leaving it like that for the rest of the match. If you want to carefully micro that, then that’s up to you.

It’s a Sabotage! was heavily requested to be left alone when I was gathering feedback from the TLV-proficient players that I knew because of how powerful it makes Erik’s split-pushing. 50 extra DPS may not seem like much, but Erik has a DPS of 88, so it’s over a 50% DPS bonus if he’s focusing down a building.

Coincidentally, It’s a Sabotage! has actually been significantly buffed with the Rework - it used to be that you chose it in the event of skipping out on Mercenary Lord, but now Erik can take both.

The only maps I can think of that it would be considered a “must pick” on are Braxis Holdout and Infernal Shrines. The former I’m comfortable with because TLV needs all the help they can get on two-lane maps and the latter I’m also comfortable with because, even if Broad Swords is a strong pick there, it’s not like TLV is going to be completely stuck with Shrine Clearing duty. There are going to be four other guys on your team and at least one is likely to be chosen for their ability to kill Shrine Guardians en masse.

What would you consider making Spin to Win! and Jump! baseline?

I won’t argue that the Rework is missing out on the Non-Heroic Armor that Mercenary Lord gave, but it’s not like it hasn’t gained other things in exchange.

I know I did. I cut Mortar because it’s a slow and awkward skillshot, not because it hits in an area. TLV already has a ton of mechanics to keep track of, and I feel that Longboat Raid! should keep it simple.

There are a lot of problems with the Longboat, including but not limited to:

  • Play Again! pulls the Vikings together no matter where they are and the Longboat doesn’t.
  • The Longboat’s DPS (with Mortar) only matches the various Vikings’ DPS instead of outdoing it.
  • The Longboat is a big, glowing “PLEASE HIT ME” because it stuns the Vikings when you break it.
  • Longboat Raid! only works when you’re already in a strong position. Play Again! works in any position.

I don’t mean to disparage your experience, but when everyone I’ve spoken to sees the Longboat as a deathtrap and MutedWarrior made an entire Vikings Highlight Reel called “BuffLongboat.mp4”, I think it needs more than some health and Movement Speed.

Because it needs it.

I can’t tell what your position is supposed to be. You say things like this:

And then follow up with the rework is a failure because you think it’s too strong, even though you haven’t really given any detail or context about why you think it’s too strong.

This feedback would be much more helpful if you explained what you think the “random massive buffs” are.

Because It’s a Sabotage! is incredibly strong when used properly.

Given that it gives Erik a 56% increase in DPS versus structures (if he’s only attacking one, if you add a little micro you can easily keep the DOT on three buildings at once) and Erik spends an awful lot of time as far away from the teamfight/objective as possible to beat up buildings, I would say it’s a Talent that has a lot of potential. It’s typically overshadowed by Mercenary Lord, but with the Rework altering and moving Mercenary Lord, that’s not so much of an issue anymore.

I’m very interested to know what you think the point is in this context.