All concepts discussed in this Rework are free to use by Blizzard without credit.
So now we’re on the part where I make suggestions on how to fix all of these problems that I’ve pointed out. Since Artanis’s core is very strong, my goals are simple:
- Buff underperforming Talents
- Push Artanis closer to a more cohesive design
Because my goals for Artanis are reserved compared to what I normally do, I will only be listing the Talents that I feel need to be changed to keep things brief. If a talent has been added to or modified, the alterations will be listed in italics.
Reactive Parry’s block charges are the hefty 75 Armor kind, but it’s very difficult to compete with the other damage-oriented options when that’s all it has to offer. Adding some extra cooldown reduction for Shield Overload goes a long way towards making Reactive Parry into a more attractive choice.
Once upon a time, I made an offhand comment about how Zealot Charge should be the reward for a reworked Seasoned Marksman. When I saw that multiple people had liked it, I decided to cook up a design on how to make that happen, and now that very same design is seeing the light of day as part of my Artanis Rework. You could even argue that I wrote this entire thing just to showcase this one idea, but, heh, that’d be silly!
i am intensely silly
History lesson aside, this is just a more Twin Blades-themed Seasoned Marksman that incorporates Zealot Charge as a quest reward. It’s very important to note that Zealotry only gives stacks per hit, so things like Blinds and Evasion will deny stacks. It is also important to note that Triple Strike will make Zealotry stack 50% more per activation of Twin Blades due to the additional hit.
Allowing players to keep the Armor by engaging in Artanis’s favorite pasttime gives Psionic Synergy a niche as an aggressive option that’s focused on actively mitigating damage instead of relying on Shield Overload to passively mitigate it.
Shield Battery only needs a smidgen of a buff to compete more evenly with Shield Surge, so it gets to trigger 5% Maximum Health earlier.
I should mention that I’m spitballing 33% - the intended effect is that Artanis’s extended Psi Blades get counted for the hitbox of Solarite Reaper, so whatever value suits that purpose is the goal.
That said, the original Solarite Reaper is a nice enough idea, but the other options at the tier simply offer too much for it to compete fairly. An increased width would go a long way towards making Blade Dash a more effective choice by making it easier to mill Shield Overload’s cooldown and better at clearing waves.
The original Titan Killer is the only Level 16 Talent that doesn’t provide Artanis some form of sustain, so I stapled on some minor healing. It creates an interesting opportunity for the player to restore some of the health they’ve sacrificed for Shields without being so effective that it drowns out the other options.
The updated Plasma Burn comes with a new and shiny defensive benefit, encouraging you to go as ham as you possibly can. It might not be enough to lure folks away from the Heroic Talents, but at the very least it’s a step in the right direction and the amount of cooldown reduction can always be increased if it’s not enough.
With Heirarch’s Zeal granting Zealot Charge as a Quest reward, the source Talent doesn’t need to stick around - the last thing we need is an Artanis with triple the normal charge range.
Artanis is in an incredibly solid place right now and the majority of his options are basically perfect, he just needs a little extra spice in a couple spots to give him some better Talent variety and theming.
Anyways, that’s all I have for now. I hope you liked it and, if you didn’t, I hope you’ll tell me why.
Thank you for reading.
blizz pls giv kith job ;-;