Kicked, De-ranked, and given Leaver status for being active

So I’m not that good at HOTS. I’m a silver 2 on his demotion game trying to stay in silver 2, (now silver 3), who’s just gotten in to the competitive scene. I started the queue solo and found a game. During the draft, however, I said the usual “how are we doing team” that I always ask to get communication started off right. Only one guy responds which is kinda standard. Some people go to the bathroom or such during queue, it’s not really a problem. Our ban guy does his first two bans, and it’s our turn to lock our first two, after the enemy team locks their first. So we have a great comp with preferences, a ranged assassin, healer (me), melee assassin, bruiser, and tank, (quite the well rounded primary prefs). The clock is counting down and NOBODY has even SELECTED a hero, including me. I’m talking in chat asking for picks and desperately trying to get some ideas started, (asking to lock a tank and a good solid damage). the clock hits zero and a probius locks in desperation and all the four remaining teammates including me have nobody selected. Keep in mind probius and I are the ONLY one’s who have even ATTEMPTED communication through text AND voice.
Chat logs for that draft: imgur . com/SO5lGLu Remove the two spaces

That’s where I get kicked. We don’t get a second lock and the draft kicks everyone back to the queue screen with the message, (you were removed from the lobby due to inactivity), and the queue rejects me because I now have leaver status. Now I kinda understand how I could’ve been considered inactive for me not selecting a hero but what upsets me is that I was both actively talking in both chats and looking at my teammates profiles for possible pick synergy’s. I still don’t know if it was only me who was punished but I can’t do anything about that easily. I was really mad that the MOST ACTIVE player in the match got kicked and punished for supposed inactivity, but I shrugged it off and played two games of brawl for fun so I could go back to playing some competitive.

This is what pisses me off. Getting falsely removed for inactivity and given leaver status? No big deal, I understand where the game was coming from and I like brawl and I had plenty of time to play HOTS. I come back from brawl to find I have lost my silver 2 rank and I’m now 600 points in the red AFTER the demotion.
Rank Image: imgur . com/gTli7tV Remove the two spaces

Furious, I look at the logs and whisper all my teammates for that game. Turns out, my 3 inactive, no communication or selection teammates, got ZERO punishment and the probius naturally got no punishment as well cause he was active. However, I got punished for inactivity while being active in both chats and inspecting profiles while the 3 COMPLETELY INACTIVE people got off fine! (according to my chats with them)

Why was I hit with the de-rank hammer? And if it was me, then the other 3 CERTANLY should’ve been hit too!


Were you top of the draft or something like that?

Not at all, I was second to bottom.

Maybe it was a bug? Might be worth linking topic in the technical support forum as well

I think overall the decision to make Storm League like Team League rather than Hero League is a huge fundamental flaw. Not everyone wants to or has the time to be e-sport.

Not everyone has a friend online or prefers playing with their friends. Maybe you prefer a game that was supposed to (performance match making) capture your skill level and properly assess your team and opponents.

Back on topic; solution. Only allow 5 man teams to queue up for Storm League or Solo queue, i’ll explain.

It is much easier to evaluate a 5 man team that plays together repeatedly then a mix n match team. What does that mean? You can easily give an extra difficulty multiplier for 5 man teams vs Solo Queue.

An example would be 5 man team average team rating of Diamond that has a win streak of 3 is now considered Master or Grand Master so that is what opponents they will face.

edit: Back on point to the OP: Hero League system forced you to pick 1 Hero at a time where Team League forces 1 out of 5 of you to make a decision (catering to premade teams)

I really hope a lot of devs got fired. This game and mostly the system behind, is complete garbage.