Karabot comic #172: Scared to be vegan

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My Comic AMA:


Ya know, it’ll be a sad day when these stop showing up. One of the few reasons I still view these forums.


Thanks! Glad that my comics matter to some people!

I’ll make these as long as either I run out of ideas (currently 44+ listed on my note for planned comics) or the HotS servers shut down (in that case, I won’t make comics, even if I still have ideas).


True story: I had a game with a butcher the other day, he started by saying to our team “I’m vegan”. We lost.


I love this one, it’s adorable. The Butcher is a big softie at heart, he is always laughing, and his needs are very modest; fresh meat and slaughter.


Makes me wonder if the Reddit guys share the same thoughts about it. I see you post it there aswell.

Yea, I post my cartoons there as well because it was suggested to me to do so, and why shouldn’t I share it to as many possible HotS/Carbot fans as possible.
But no idea how well liked they are, or if any would miss it. I know a few ppl started to follow me due to them.


Oh good! You will run out of ideas before the servers shut down.

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Wishful thinking :smiley:


Come now. ALL the servers to all their games are still up.

It does Kara. Is it hard at times to come up with new ideas?

Not yet. I still have new ideas and ones which I wrote down years ago.

Nice, looking foward to those.

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