My Comic AMA:
As Rexxar is mostly in the back, watching Misha do stuff, im in favour of switching costumes and making Rexxar Robin. Initial letters also fit.
Rexxar looks more Batman-like.
maiev is more batman than both of them together
Maiev can also cosplay as Batsie, super kami guru allows that!
First thing I fought about when I saw Rexxar and Misha was a TV series starring Bruce Lee. Silly me XD.
The original Green Hornet. Legendary
Yeah didn’t remeber the name but that’s it the Green Hornet. I guess i am (we are?) getting old? XD
And now add BatWing.
I’m pretty sure (my mind is a bit old and forgetful) that you’re the first person to suggest a Batman skin for Brightwing, ever since I have wanted that so much.
I’ve actually never seen the series nor the Movie by Seth Rogen
OK OK, I am getting old.
The movie isn’t by Michel Gondry ? (the director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Well one thing is for sure, Junkrat is the Joker. And Xul the Scarecrow. Valla could have a Huntress skin,and Cassia a Wonder Woman one !
I tought it was only Amazonish but now that you say it, it’s true that colours fit…
My favourite skin inspired by comic-books is the Raynor / Ghost Rider one, I really like this one ! From the Marvel universe I imagine those skins:
Black Widow for Tracer
Scarlet Witch for Alextrasza
Thanos for Garrosh
Iron Man for Kramer
Winter Soldier for Raynor
Groot for Malfurion
Miss Hulk for Sonya
Dr Strange for Kael’thas
The Punisher for Tychus
that’s a bit problematic since his Treant is already named Groot
But I would love to hear Malfurion say “I am root” (pun intended I’m afraid)
Wolverine is Kharazim
The high art of getting right in between “that´s definitely that character” and “what do you mean royalties? it´s clearly legally distinct!”.