Kael has been a priority ban for nearly 4 years

I have no problem with Kael’thas.
You have the opportunity to dodge his flame circle.
Bombs don’t do that much damage unless you group up, spread your one, then get hit by the 4 that come off your allies.

But Kel’Thuzad… he has a combo that can basically one hit kill you, and your only chance is to dodge a single chain skill shot.
It’s not fun to play against him, it’s not fun to play AS him.
He 's not overpowered or anything I just despise his design.
He’s too all or nothing.

It’s best to consider top level play, and bottom level play.
Get the skill ceiling as high as possible, and lower that skill floor as low as possible.
Raynor is in an interesting place I think.
He’s an auto-attack focused hero, and stutter stepping is an easy skill to learn, so he’s easy to pick up at low levels.
But he has a lot of little choices toward maximizing his play.
His trait can be used for the bonus damage on a single target, or you can aim to take advantage of the aoe.
His Q can be used to knock enemies away from an ally or yourself, or you can aim to knock enemies into a wall to take advantage of the slow, or you can use it for the aoe damage.
W instantly resets his basic attack cooldown, so timing that is something that’s probably easily over looked.
It’s not all about just using abilities on targets, but about choosing the right targets at the right time.
It’s a lot of small decisions that add up, and repeatedly making good choices is more difficult, and more interesting than just tossing everything into a kill combo like Kel’Thuzaad.

This. The number of 3-man+ Rings of Frost I’ve hit just this morning is…what. There are a lot of heroes in the game that are just as punishing to clumped up enemies.

Kael received unnecessary buffs in 2 patches. Revert them and people will stop banning Kael instantly.

Unfortunately, when I see all those Kael hate threats I expect silly nerfs like 120 sec Pyro or Arcane Barrier removal or making Living Bomb a skillshot.

I’m practicing Jaina now and I hope I’ll get good enough with her when Kael overnerf comes.

Necromancers… why? WHY only you guys strike in 2019!? Too much! :skull_and_crossbones:

Ok, let’s balance everything around bronze and bring Genji and Hanzo back to their former glory. Buff them until 50% winrate in bronze!



Selamma a shala nor eh