Kael has been a priority ban for nearly 4 years

Let put this in perspective.
Two melee attacks Jaina, who puts Blizzard on both of them. They have to reposition like against Kael. Losing dmg in the process but also avoiding it.
It’s not a Kael-only “problem”.


So why is this a problem again? Two melee go at a target, one goes left or top while the other goes right or below. When bomb is about to go off you take one step away to not spread it as it explodes and move back losing average of 1 AA.

So if your ally is chased by Fenix who has his Q running around or his planet cracker shooting a beam do you just eat it like a potato and get roasted or do simply move and dodge like anybody with common sense would? You do know KT bomb is not a proximity mine, it has a timer so you know exactly when you need to not be in range and how long you can be in range before it goes off…?

So it’s like with most abilities and heroes…?

Never ever have I not seen living bomb. More than likely is problem with your computer, eyes or brain. Sound might not go off if very many sound effects go off at once but it’s pretty rare.

Again is banned in potato leagues. The same places where people can’t do basic functions you’re expected in every MOBA like stutter step and dodge abilities. Once they do learn to play the game it no longer is an issue.


an organized team that communicates and knows each other’s style can deal with Kael pretty well. The problem is when you’re just queing solo he’s the biggest PITA hero in the game.

There’s just no good reason to have to deal with him if you can ban him instead.

Being immensely un-fun to play against is built into his kit.

I personally can’t stand him and ban him first every time. Again, no reason to have to play against him if you can just ban him.

I do not feel the same way about the other top bans. Mal’Ganis, Dibles, Orphea, etc… are all excellent heroes and excellent bans. But i don’t mind facing any of them. I do mind facing Kael Thas.

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I agree. He’s just really un-fun to play against.


You rang.:stuck_out_tongue:

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Except if you don’t balance the game with the majority of the player base in mind…the majority of the player base will get frustrated and leave the game. Please don’t misinterpret that as saying everything should be balanced around low level people but if there is a single mechanic that is damaging to the majority of players, maybe take a look at it.

Personally, I think it’s more of an awareness problem than a purely mechanical one. If they gave a larger more noticeable indicator people would be more likely to react once lit on fire.

The problem the forums are very MINOR part of almost any community, and majority of the hots forums are filled with people who barely any game knowledge. Or common sense.

We can’t judge what the majority is or isn’t struggling with unless they put out a massive poll to each person who has an active hots account.

This is the mindset that made eSports successful for this game, right?

people love playing heroes that are anti-fun for the other team.

living bomb is just the most oboxiously annoying spell in the game.

‘counters heroes who stick close together’

i mean, thats the point of the game. ‘group up’ = purpose of team brawler.

but it also affects minions, so he can has the most mindless waveclear in the game.

kt is not stupidly overpowered, but he is definitely one of the most annoying heroes in the game and absolutely one of the most common heroes i play with or against in quickmatch.

Not cool man. I don’t appreciate being disrespected :confused:

No it isnt the middle applies it. Its the person closest to the middle gets it.

It is a 100% chance to 1 person, the one closest to the middle.

I’m just giving you a hard time. Sorry if it genuinely bothered you, bud.

Nope! this is actually a popular argument from people who don’t play many competitive games and those who play very casually. However the reality is that changes based around skilled play eventually trickle down to lower skill play (via encouraging players to play better, learn more heroes, etc). This is because people realize that their only method of climbing is to increase their skill level (it also doesn’t help that high skill streamers will often shown how effective playing better can be).

it’s not a misinterpretation. it’s factually correct. 70% or more HOTS players are gold or lower. One of the devs even stated on reddit that 35% of players being in silver was a GOAL. asking to balance around the majority is asking to balance around bad players.

The problem is you keep trying to using a logical fallacy known as “Appeal to the majority”. You think a majority of players being bad means things just need to be balanced around their badness. However that is an arbitrary assumption that has no basis in anything objective.

Nope! People really are just that bad. I’ve been playing since late 2016 and bad players always spread living bomb. they just assume KT is broken or too strong and don’t take steps to improve their play. I have a close friend who I kinda coached from silver up to low plat. as he got better at the game, he spread living bomb less and less. it is directly proportional to skill.


considering most balance changes over the past few years were aimed at low skill players, obviously not. Very few changes have been aimed at skilled play. The issue with esports was the devs constantly trying to cater to people like yourself who have no interest in getting better at the game. If they had catered to skill players, Esports would be thriving and HOTS would be in a golden age.

The rewards for getting better would be immense and people would be doing their best to try to get better. Instead what we have now is a bunch of low skill, hyper casual players who type GG 2 minutes in because they spread living bomb 8 times due to not caring. A huge amount of skilled players have left.


I don’t mind KT. He’s only trouble if your team cannot kill him.

Sure, the same can be said about any here to some degree, but w/KT it’s especially pertinent as he’s clothie and has poor escape capabilities.


Seriously, why are people still whining about one of the most easily countered heroes in the game?

Jaina has built in CC on every ability, can deal just as much (if not more) damage in the same amount of time as KT, and has several utility effects to allow her to escape more easily.
She has way less potential counterplay than KT, so why don’t you guys go whine about her?

I’ll answer my own question. It’s because you don’t pay attention.

The only requirement to nullify the majority of KT’s damage is paying attention to positioning: yours, your teammates’, and your opponents’. KT’s abilities have some pretty flamboyant and obvious visual and aural cues for a reason, and that’s to help you keep track of when they are active. If you don’t pay enough attention and end up passing on or picking up that LB he just threw out, that’s on you for not paying attention, not KT being “too strong.”

There are only 3 situations in which KT should be consistently dominating as much as many of you are describing:
A) The comps very heavily favor his playstyle.
B) You’re in ARAM.
C) His opponents are unskilled or inattentive.

Option A) means you got screwed by matchmaking (in QM) or by poor drafting (in Draft Modes), and is not an issue exclusive to KT.

Option B) means you chose to play a game mode you knew favored Mages like KT, likely in the hopes that you’d get a good mage of your own, so that’s on you.

Option C) is what’s left over if neither A) nor B) are true. If KT is dominating a standard mode match with roughly balanced comps, then the issue is the skill differential between the KT and his opponents, not that KT is somehow “OP” despite a balanced winrate.


I just want to say. I really enjoy your posts. I wish I had your patience with these country bumpkins.


Honestly this is the stuff that pushed me away from the game together with the terrible matchmaking which they tried to fix years too late when there was no playerbase to support it anymore. Getting terrible subjective changes to heroes because a lot of low tier players and devs are so distant from the reality of balance just killed most of the heroes I liked to play because they got left behind as new heroes and power creep became a thing. My most 2 played heroes are Kael’Thas and Li-Ming and both of them have been in a terrible spot forever with some certain niche exceptions like Melee heavy comps or Tychus, TLV and so on, but the chances of those being played over the meta heroes is almost non-existent. I picked up Cho’Gall with my friend to have fun in QM but now they’ve been destroyed too. I picked Whitemane because her gameplay excellently highlighted proper positioning, high APM, good reaction time, game knowledge and even managed to include a semi-skillshot but she’s getting terrible changes too.

There’s no future for this game because of these changes.

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He’s so worth a single ban because then I don’t have to deal with him, or my dumb teammates helping Kael win. Probably my situation that doesn’t allow me to play with a regular team, but in my case that makes banning him all the more worth.

And I’ll keep doing that. Not because he’s OP, but because he’s simply not fun to play against especially on small/obj maps. Teamfight? Sure, I don’t care. But something like Garden of Terror flower obj?! Hell no. Best single ban ever spent.

To the embodiment of the “Fire and forget” mage, welcome to the ban hammer. Again and again and again.

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