Even tho you said that you don’t get what i mean, knowing you from the forums. I’m still 100% convinced that you know what i mean. That’s why i didn’t reply.
Because it IS team-based, queing as a solo will HEAVILY rely on you getting the right allies. But you have no control over what allies you get, that part is random.
So because it IS random and your success relies on it your own progress will be determined by the MM most of the time (key words). (Seeing as you can’t 1v5 like other Mobas).
Now a Grand Master player is a GM player, this dudes enviroment is around good players that rarely do misstakes Diamond and below players do. When an ally pings “Danger” in higher leagues, generally they know why they get pinged. They play smarter (generally) and they position themselves smarter (generally). Everything they do is more fine tuned than a lower player. so when they go bronze - masters they get more successful on that journey than a say Platinum player trying it. I’ve personally done a bronze - diamond 3.
Obviously you can affect some matches, which i occationally do, but if you’re in a team that’s getting hard stomped you can’t carry it. Draft is important, but so is the random players you get who creates that draft.
MM → Players → Draft.
Draft → Players
Text is too long but i’ll stop with what i said above, The game can be competitive, and it IS sometimes competitive but the game is not competitive when you zoom out and look at the big picture.
Or to formulate it differently, compared to Other Mobas, this particular Moba is the least competitive. Maybe that’s a more fair way of putting it.
I’m pretty sure those other MOBAs are also feel like that (I did search MM complains for LoL to prove a point in the past and I saw what I see here).
But it is true, that LoL for example has a higher carry-potential, but I personally think it’s because that game is less balanced, since solo-carrying a team-game on your skill lvl should not be a thing. Snowballing is not fair.
-Tho no one can win all the time- I personally consider every loss as my personal failing. I do blame ppl for their mistakes, but never truly for the loss, because if I consider myself better, or I want to be better, I should be able to carry. This mentality pushed me higher and higher.
And I did carried some insane games. My fav is when I carried with 2 AI teammates. When DC-ed at the start. The other went AFK cuz “we lost, why not give up, have fun losing, bye”.
Sure, once we reach our heights we are dependant on our allies (will they be above or below the average which we are on that lvl), but that won’t make it random, won’t make it a coin-flip or a luck game.
This is competitive, because you can always get better. You can always try harder. And you can learn a lot of things to go higher.
That is more fair and since I’m inexperienced with other MOBAs, I can’t argue with that (nor confirm it).
They really don’t, they probably have their own problems from some other angle not throu the MM. If there is a MM problem, a player who’s in my seat would just take a carry and “balance” the problem, maybe even bend it to your favor.
I remember playing as Support in Heroes of Newerth Moba, carrying with a freakin support.
Tbh you are being to harsh on yourself then… I simply can’t believe that you don’t experinece total miss-matches… If you blame yourself when your team gets totally anahilated by the opponent team at the same time as you literally SEE, you see it every minute of the game… allies playing so bad you cringe. It’s really not fair to yourself to swallow that truth and blame yourself. Even when you know that whatever hero you’d pick, the end resault would be the exact same with those particular allies.
If you can’t see any reason in this above, then man… i would LOVE to have your matches. You make it sound like HotS heaven.
Nice one, what hero did you play?
Allthou it’s nice you were able to carry it, matches where you are able to are mainly set by the MM giving you good enough allies to just be able to pull it off.
Imagine if you had 2 afk’s and 2 REALLY poor allies, or even troll/feeders. That match would’ve looked diffrently. That’s why matches like those are exceptions of this thread.
I’ve had matches where a Bad ETC left the match and never came back. The very first team fight the Bot ETC scored a 5man mosh pit and we ripped them apart.
as i said matches like these are just special ones. they don’t occur often enough to be included.
I do blame my allies, but i don’t bash on their heads for playing poorly. I usually try to indirectly advice them. I don’t directly say it cuz then they’d get stubborn. So i do reverse psychology on 'em and it usually works to correct their behavior even tho we still don’t win.
Most of my matches when my team loses usually ends with me saying:
“bg gl next”. I don’t just say it cuz i lose, i say it when the match-up is too uneven and we lose cuz the skill/experience gap is WAY to large between the 2 sides. Which happens pretty much 80% of the loses.
My remaining allies weren’t the opposite of “really poor”. I had to get camps, engage, get kills while staying alive. I had to be the one who pinged the afk Heroes on myself so they don’t stay at base.
I also try to give advices.
If it wouldn’t be, why would I play it? I play HotS because I hella love it. I enjoy playing it.
Look, I’m just a low master. I was yet to be higher than 2.7k Masters. I’m still someone who objectively could be better. So when I lose (so I couldn’t carry), I look how could’ve I done even more, so it’d’ve been a win. Because there are ppl who could’ve carried that game. There are ppl who win more often than I do because they’re better than me.
So when I’m not winning, I can’t say “allies bad”, when there are ppl who are good enough to not care about them.
Imo if you lose and blame those you think you’re better than, then you just try to hide the fact that you’re worse than you think. Imo, blaming the MM for anything other then some occasional sloppy, hard games you lost is just a lazy way to not get better.
You talked enough times about not climbing high enough, mm hurr-durr that you give me the impression that you’re just salty and try to create a bubble for yourself.
Believe it or not, i love the game too, probably have thousands of hours on it
It’s probably the reason that you’re Master that you can’t say that as frequently as i can.
I’m a positive guy despite the impression i might give here. I’m sucha negativity disarmer for friends that they even get mad sometimes cuz i don’t let them be negative
Yea, no cuz I play QM a lot more often and there it’s rare that any of my allies are Masters.
Plus I was lower in Rank years ago, I blamed myself then as well. Thst’s what I tried to say. I always looked for ways to improve myself instead of just saying “there’s nothing I could do”.
there is LITERALLY a mode called ranked, which by definition means it is competitive, anything where there is a winner and a loser it is competitive, also if the game is SO luck based, why is it GM players do bronze to GM all the time?