Just had two updates within 3 hrs

What’s going on in the game?

Well one thing I noticed is that Hogger can’t spin forever vertically anymore on the WHJ boss now even when the line is perfectly straight. He’ll keep bouncing for a little while and then stop for some reason.

Not sure if that applies elsewhere (it probably does).

How does that work? If it’s vertical doesn’t make sense for the bounce angle to change after a while

I don’t know. And the thing is that the bounce angle stayed perfectly straight the entire time too.

It’s more like the ability just ran out of duration just before he hit the wall, which doesn’t make sense because he had been hitting both walls multiple times by then.

Patch Hotfix patch)

  • Fixed an issue where several skins and mounts would not be available for selection in the loadout after purchasing
  • Fixed an issue where Hogger’s mesh collision hitbox would not be reduced while Hogg Wild is active
  • Fixed an issue where Hogger’s voice lines could not be properly purchased
  • Removed access to the D.Va Speederbike :frowning:

Found this on Reddit.


I still have the D.Va bike in my collection though and I can still see it pop up in loadouts.

Does that mean I’m just not able to equip it? I’m scared to try

Something very weird is going on here. A patch happened a few hours ago and it fixed the skins/mounts bug while removing the PinkBikeOfLock. But less than an hour ago, we have another patch and both the bike and the bug are back.

Don’t it locks all your skins

There is still something else they need to fix and thats Hogger can go into enemy spawn and not get kicked out if he hog wild into it. It’s pretty funny and the ultimate BM.

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I still have no voice on Hogger.

what does this mean :expressionless:

this BM must be fixed immediately :expressionless:

I can also confirm I still have the D.Va speederbike and I’m able to select it. I’m still locked out of a bunch of skins/mounts as well.

The first update was a mess up

so they had to rollback and make another update. Hopefully this time they fixed everything for good.

hah. I knew upgrading the Mac OS was a bad idea. 10.15.6 master race here :expressionless:

No patch for me! No update! Nothing! I have been waiting the whole day! Damn this is getting me on the nerve.