Junkrat has been junked

Pretty sure nobody cares but JR is just no fun anymore . Accuracy no longer feels as rewarding .Rip tire the only viable option with no upgrade to Rocket Ride . He is now clunky and does nowhere near the dmg he was doing another good character gutted when at the most some minor tweaking would have done the job. my Junk rat lvl is 280 and after playing a few games after the rework it will be a long time till he gets to 281 .Back to playing Murky until they re wreck i mean re work him.


Just played a few games as junkrat and trying out the new talentsā€¦holy hell has he been junked.

As you said he feels very clunky now. RIP to one of my favorite characters.


Played a couple games with him, tested normal Q/AA build, trap build, mine build. Got most damage with all of them. He feels pretty strong and has many different builds now. Rework is definitely a success. Dunno why you complaining.


Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!


Biggest grip is they didnā€™t explain any of the reasons for the changes. I would hazard a guess it is because great Junkrats could control the map with rocket ride at 20 and the 10% movement speed buff at 7 (correction moved to 1 but that means one loses the 2 seconds extra time on grenadesā€¦ which tactically let him create chaos with tri shot). I am hazarding a guess blizzard thought this wasnā€™t fun to play against and nerfed it without a wordā€¦ perhaps they didnā€™t like the two talents with his other talents made him specalist-eque.

The rest of Junkrat is effectively the sameā€¦ which leaves one of the few builds people goā€¦ if you didnā€™t realize they were there before then that is on you.

Arguably the q build with cd at 16 is the best high level talent to goā€¦ which is no-where near as fun as tri shot and rocket ride cd at 20. Tri shot was great is it synergized with rocket ride at 20ā€™s cooldowns, thus one could camp, ride into battle with a huge burst, or simply escape death and continue on.

They took away movement speed at 7 forcing one to choose between that and the 2 seconds extra grenade (obvious choice to go for the former but it does hurt) and added a garbage martyrdom talentā€¦ all that ever does is hit bad players when you die unless some cc is coordinatedā€¦ at which point you are out of position or being dived by something that can dodge itā€¦ little value in high level playā€¦ especially since minions cannot trigger it nor can one trigger it on command when going below the hp threshold.

It is not visually clear what the CD of one ult is when Junkrat has two ults and the other is shownā€¦ which defeats the purpose of all camps and ults having timersā€¦ one canā€™t even alt click their ult to show both ults cdā€™s.
Rip tire is garbage tactically vs teams that drafted right or no what they are doing (eg. ming lazer, mura q, etc.)ā€¦ especially on open air maps (limited blind spots). Rocket Ride at 20 infinite ults was effectively replaced with a garbage talent that makes you wait 12 seconds to mount your rocket mobility-wise and the unclear ult.

The infinite ults did leave the team without Junkrat, of which if Junkrat failed could put his team in a 4v5, which was part of the risk-reward systemā€¦ but could also be used to poke the opponent down and have him be more of a specalist.

Since they did these changes without communicating why, I think Iā€™ll drop the game over it and only play when a friend wants to (just like LOL)ā€¦ especially since the visual clarity of the game is now in question with this two ult gimmick. Once you stop communicating (managing expectations) with your community, especially when going counter to there plan to not force players to remember timers of talents/camps, it is time to question if you want to support the game anymore.


Why complain about this rework? Because heā€™s a mostly different hero now? I meanā€¦ what was the logic of tweaking any of his skills other than they want to see him played differently? He was much more fun, now heā€™s just mediocre at best. From a long range assassin (like a mobile Hammer) to a medium range die in three hits hero. He no longer counters the same heroes, he no longer harasses nearly as effectively, in general they made him live up to his name: Junk and Rat.

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because my experience was different and i didnā€™t enjoy it. why do you need this explained? maybe go make your own post about the positive experience you had instead of coming here and asking me to explain what was clearly stated

I will add that my point is that in the patch notes they did not explain the rework.

For PTR patch notes they did, and they are laughable as it is a prime example of them reworking a hero because people do not know how to play it and they did not address the specifics of why they changed talents at tiers.

ā€œOverall, we want to preserve Junkratā€™s general gameplay identity while significantly increasing his talent choices and allowing for multiple build paths. Weā€™ve focused on promoting a healthy balance of damage and carry capabilities for Junkrat while ensuring heā€™s not frustrating to play against. Junkratā€™s new and reworked talents are more powerful as a whole, but to compensate for that increase, weā€™ve reduced the damage on his baseline Basic Attack and Frag Launcher. The changes we made to Steel Trapā€”by tuning and adjusting functionality on its associated talentsā€”should make it a more attractive option. Finally, Rocket Rideā€™s marginal pick rate prompted us to up its steer speed and introduce a powerful level 20 upgrade.ā€ - Hero Reworks: Junkrat and Whitemane (since we canā€™t include links to blizzards websites even, that is the title of the article I pulled it from and this is an edit to add that title as well as this note)

Rocket Ride was the better ult, you could singlehandly win games with it against unaware teams in drawn out matchesā€¦ otherwise you could still be the difference maker. This makes my angry at Blizzards Devā€™s for taking the same point of view of bad players that think Rip Tire > Rocket Ride. Now thereā€™s effectively Blizzards logic of well, if someone took rocket ride at least they are forced to Rip Tire now. Also, we got rid of the movement speed at 7 but weā€™ll just imply it was unfun to play againstā€¦ what is Lunara? What is Brightwing? What is Lucio? I do not know how else to interpret the removal of that level 7 talentā€¦ (correction talent move to 1ā€¦ but costs giving up the 2nd talent that makes grenades live longer).

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I will finally add, if it is not clear already, at high level play this rework effectively means one of his two best builds were junked, now there are more CC options, but that is a role Malfurion fits better into for instance. If you want to argue visionā€¦ Zag, Lunara, Probius, Gaz a bitā€¦ vision and ccā€¦ Abathur. Junkrat now effectively has only his poke build as the Rocket Ride took a hard nerf in order to focus him more-so on team-play and less on ride up in your face on a rocket, tri shot you to death, satchel away, rocket ride your face, ride back in, repeatā€¦ or go to core, place a satchel on core, tri shot core, rocket ride, on way back when shield starts to rebuild blow satchel, ride to core, repeatā€¦ this strategy was hard to do as it was high risk to leaving your team without a hero for 60 secondsā€¦ as well as meant your team had to manage the rest of the map as 4 playersā€¦ but it was good on base, like Azā€™s minion waves or any Specalist that can safely push.


Oh my bad, didnā€™t realized itā€™s forbiden to post in this thread unless you hated the rework.



I played him and he doesnā€™t feel the same, iā€™m still on the fence about the rework.

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What do you consider high level play? Because Rocket Ride sure wasnā€™t being used in GM games.


No wonder people feel that way they finally elevated his skill floor.
Letā€™s not kid ourselves here , anyone could spam grenades from a mile away with put some english , do useless poke damage that only has value in a no healer QM , look at damage chart, see the numbers, pat themselves on the back and think they actually were usefull.
Having not played the hero yet there could be numbers tuning to do but the intent to make junkrat a more interactive hero to play and face is spot on.


he used to be fun to play for sure

is murky the new character to play that is fun then?

Literally just played with a junkrat one trick and he was very happy (diamond). Guess its a skill thing or youre a great junkrat who is just too lazy to thoroughly test out new talents


you might just need to give it a whileā€”both to let ā€˜em tweak things (as they almost always do), and to let yourself cool down

i think i understand how you feel, honestly. you had a build that no one else used & that you loved more than anything else in the game. seeing it removed in favor of other builds is frustrating; you didnā€™t want these builds!

i stopped playing for several months after li liā€™s rework for these reasons. but eventually i came back, tried again, and found different things to love about my hero. she lost the build that originally reeled me in, and i still miss certain talentsā€¦ but her current design turned out to be a lot of fun once i stopped trying to make it be something itā€™s not

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As Tychus would say ā€œitā€™s about damn timeā€.

But I think itā€™s funny that they nerf him to oblivion at the same time as they release new skins for him! :japanese_goblin:

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Told you scrubs will call it a nerf


I have been having a blast with junk, his trap build with riptire upgrade at 20 is a BLAST no pun intended, I think this was a good rework TBH I love a 2 second root with a 2.5 sec silence to then conc mine them into my team and due to my lv 1 because I hit them with conc mine/mine I do more damage, then I have another trap jittering around with 2 traps at 13, plus if they have dive I just place the traps defensively and they cant do anything unless they want to get bursted down, basically I am a ilidians worst nightmare, if he focuses me he will be rooted and silenced for 2.5 seconds basically, meaning he is DEAD or their frontline is constantly getting CCed from both our frontline and my traps, leaving our frontlines winning and them losing


yeah made his skins pointless since they ruined him with heavy handed and unnecessary changes that made him weak and pointless