Johanna vs Diablo

Which one to use when?

I been playing Johanna n Diablo if im forced to tank, This season have 60%+ winrate on both,

Just wanted to see what people use on Johanna n Diablo

My Johanna Build=
lvl1 = Hold Your Ground (Reinforce if heavy AA range heroes)
lvl4 = Conviction
lvl7 = Subdue (Zealous Glare if heavy AA mele heroes)
lvl10=Blessed shield
lvl13=Blesses Hammer
lvl16=Holy Renewal
lvl20=Indestructible (I take ulti upgrade if in coordinated play)

My Diablo Build=
lvl1 = Devil’s Due
lvl4 = Souls to the Flame
lvl7 = Eternal Flames
lvl16=Overpowering Nightmare
lvl20=Lord of Terror (Or Hellgate)

The W build allows sustain, as i go tank only if i have to (mostly its solo queue if im tanking)

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Reinforce (1) kind of requires Blessed Momentum (7)…?

Johanna is better in that she is less dependent on her team, and can provide wave clear if the draft isn’t ideal. Diablo is better in a coordinated environment when people can follow up on his stuns or displacement, as well as combo with Apoc. Personally, I play Diablo when I am queuing with friends, and know the coordination will be there, mostly because I have more fun crashing around on him. I play Johanna if I am solo queuing into SL.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you do not draft her early, Johanna is more likely to be banned or picked by the other team than Diablo.


yeah i tried it, but it runs me out of mana reallly fast. so i didnt use it much now.
mostly its subdue.

Though im more comfortable on diablo, bcoz of the insane self sustain on W build…
specially on the maps where the whole team is at one place, to get more healing from my W by hitting more people.
But im fine with either of the 2.

How bad is my build? for solo queue, as theres no way im playing tank in coordinated play… damage is my job in the 5man-party :smiley:

Eternal Retaliation (4) fits well with Reinforce and Blessed Momentum, and helps the mana situation. Also synergizes later with Holy Fury (13).

it gives you cooldowns on your W, but on hitting max targets, it gives you half the mana back only.

you wil run out of mana faster with this talent.

Also i havent checked if its only minions, or the infernal shrines gaurdians also proc this … if they do… then its good while in team fight there.

the build u provided is an interesting one, but i thought tht fanaticism isnt a good talent… imposing presence is far better against mele AA heroes, and even has a 20% attack speed reduction on range AA heroes…
mmmm cant make up my mind

It’s not bad, and certainly easy to use. Personally, I prefer Malevolence at level 7, if I am taking Hellfire at 13, as the spell power boost from Hellfire does buff Malevolence. Similarly, I take Lightning Breath at 10 to also get the boost from Hellfire. Last but not least, I prefer Domination at 16, as the Q, E, Q combo can wreck people. One thing to remember is to Firestomp as you go in, and sneak in an AA between each ability, as that will get the maximum damage possible from the Malevolence and Hellfire buffs. When people complain about still being one shot by Diablo, that is usually what happened.

These are two different tanks with completely different advantages and disadvantages. Johhanna is a defensive tank, while Diablo is an offensive tank.

I don’t think this comparison makes sense, but Johanna is currently better.

Hellfire is lightning breath talent only imo

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with his, obviously you can drop overpowering nightmare,
but honestly, your damage potential is much higher with overpowering nightmare,

as the Q E Q combo, u wont have time to use an aa until you Q him back into team, so basically you miss to proc ur lvl7 for the first q n then the E.

But with overpowering nightmare, u hav 2 EXTRA charges of E, n thts hitting abilitiles which will proc ur lvl7.

I take eternal flames just for sustain. as when no one wants to tank. and people dnt follow up good enough… the least i can do is stand as a wall between enemy and my team…

most diablo games i see i have 60% damage taken, with 2 deaths and 4 to 5 kills.

and in team fights, there is inumerable times that they focus on me and just cant kill me, my health bar goes like = 100 → 90 ->70 → 85 → 70 → 50 → 65 → 60 → 75 → 50 ->65 …

coz every stun i hit a W facing the enemy… n its hilarious to see one W coming into me n healing one after the other…

generally i go in front, hit W, Qinto wall, hit another W, overpower hit another W…
but the time 3rd W i hit, the 1st W is returning, and then i hav 2 charges of overpower, its W W W all the way :smiley:

but yes, i need to shift to Malevolence, which i can if i hav a coordinated healer and assassins, else i would b blown up faster

i thought thts a bad talent, as it roots you , hmmm

I fixed the text in my post :slight_smile:

Increasing duration synergizes nicely with decreasing cooldown, but yes Imposing Presence is certainly very strong!

Not true. The stun is definitely long enough to get an AA in between each move. For me, I usually do the following: W, Q, AA, E, AA, Q, AA, /dance on corpse. On any tank, and actually any hero, you should always be getting in as many AAs as possible, as that is typically your main damage source. With Malevolence and Hellfire, that is a truck-ton of damage going into a single target. In addition, if you are connecting with walls with your Q, you are getting Hellfire buffed damage from that as well.

Granted, this works best on maps where there are a lot of tight spaces so every Q hits a wall, but if you are playing on a large, open map, I would probably draft a different tank any way.


i think increasing duration doesnt benefit much at all, the shield gets blown up before the ful duration, ending the shield n unstopable both. , but the movement speed can help to flee or be agressive.

ok, it means i just need a better laptop and internet connection then :smiley:

I definitely know that feeling! When I play on EU with friends, the lag is real. I did some QM the other day with Dr Logan, Narha, and Karabars, and it was a little frustrating having my timing be so off!

Honestly, if theres no wall stun, generall wht i believe is, hitting a Q and then E is like 100% sure
i miss those too, the E doesnt register at time. and i tries using quick cast, its more of a problem than benefit

Apox is bad if your not into a coordinated team
Pick lightning breath (also goes really well with fenix)

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will try this out,
i didnt take it mostly bcoz it roots you, and then you are a target.

specially, after i saw a murky KILL a full health diablo, who hit his lightning breath, and murky slime build just kept rotating and hitting him while the diablo was turning with flaming mouth, ultra slowly till he died :stuck_out_tongue:

i cant bear the embarasment :open_mouth:

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Yes but who cares if your spitting out fire and also doing a 40% slow
Stun someone then press R so they are still close to you. One great thing about dibbles is that he can do a lot of things himself

Dont ask me how he did that. Think the dibbles was just bad xD but the ult is really impactful especially in close quarters i liked the ult before they introduced the slow

hmm, thts good. but taking the ugrade is viable? i think u cant cancel the ulti once it starts, same like how DW can