Jaina BFA skin, please!

Blizz, please, model is already there… u just have to adapt it, c’mon


Garrosh = WoD

Gul´dan = WoD

Thrall = WoD and BfA

Anduin = In the BfA Cinematic

Sylvanas = Shadowlands

Tyrande = BfA

You forgot something?

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I would love to see a Lord Admiral skin for Jaina!

EVERY wow hero has updated models or very similar one, but Jaina.

She is the only hero with a very outdated warcraft 1 alpha model and I really can’t get why they do not fix her. Sometimes looking at her vs the other heroes while playing is like a punch on your face.

I can understand ppl could like the current one because of “old memories”, and I also can understand that devs today think only about money as game has been a flop and Activision is just a marketing company (that put on sale red dots for 5 bucks :face_with_raised_eyebrow:), so I’m not expecting them to make “a free remodel”, but at least sell that as a skin. It would be an insta buy from tons of players

I don’t think you understand how art works.

They can’t just “adapt” the existing model, they’d have to make one entirely from scratch to work with her existing silhouette and animations.

Man I remember when they finally gave us the post theramore Jaina skin. That one was highly requested. Not long after wow released that new Jaina model


This skin would be awesome

This Legion tint is same appearance to an main universe only that different from Alternate Draenor timeline here.

The Draenor Guldan looks a lot better and the parallel universe has nothing to do with looks.

Who will refuse that?

Maybe her quotes of the Daughter of the Seas skin would be WC3 one rather than the post-Theramore one.

Some of the skins I wanna see are:

  • Death Knight Whitemane (she is raised as one in Legion by Thassarian);
  • Post-Second War Zul’jin (where he has a missing arm and an eye);
  • Legion Greymane (with the short hair, long coat and white Worgen form);
  • Corrupted Medivh (he had a different attire back when he was possessed by Sargeras - I know he already has a “Dark Medivh” tint which references that, but still).