It's time for a Warcraft MOBA

For years and years now, I and many others have wanted a Warcraft MOBA.

HotS was fun and innovative but lacked in many departments for a lot of players, combine that with the jarring element of Overwatch, Starcraft, and Diablo mixed with Warcraft, mishandling of certain elements, and a forced Esports scene, you have a recipe for disaster.

When I first saw the Warcraft Rumble reveal in 2022, I instantly thought the artstyle and leader Minis would be perfect for a MOBA.

HotS was a cool game, but I think the gold standard for MOBAs is just too good to throw away:

  • Single map with 3 lanes and a jungle
  • Gold from farming creeps, jungle camps, or bosses
  • Items

Take that orginal formula and make it a more simplistic, easier to understand game like LoL.
Throw in 30 years of Iconic Warcraft Characters like Malfurion, Grommash, Khadgar, Kil’jaeden and so on.
You have a banger game without even getting into the smaller details of MOBAs.

The solution isn’t to “go play dota” or “league already exists”.
Those aren’t authentic Warcraft mobas.

One of the things that appealed to me about HotS was specifically the mix of universes. I can fight Diablo or be Diablo? Heck yeah! I also enjoy a variety of maps with different strategies and objectives, so while developing a LoL clone isn’t necessarily a bad idea, I can’t see myself being drawn to it.



You can play DotA in Warcraft 3.

People still play it today.

I sometimes watch it streamed live.

Here’s one:


I’m well aware that DotA 1 exists within Warcraft 3.
Again, its just as clunky and tedious to play as DotA 2, I’m talking about a more streamlined modern MOBA, similar to LoL.
With some elements of DotA.

Also the game looks awful, and visuals are one of the most important aspects of MOBAs, for visual clarity.

Unfortunately, modern day Blizzard lacks the skilled individuals to do…anything really. HotS going in maintenance mode saved it and that is a hill I will die upon. Take a gander at the other games such as Overwatch, WoW, and Diablo. They got shafted in some form or another.

HotS had so many problems and a lot of them were in house, and since it “failed”, there is a higher chance of an ice age to occur in the next 5-10 years than for Blizzard to take another crack at the MOBA market.


I think it looks fantastic. :man_shrugging:

But it is very much a Warcraft MOBA.

What you want is a new game that has Warcraft aesthetics but I think that’s not at all necessary given all the current options.

SC 2 editor has all the warcraft models. I’m sure you could whip one up to you liking.

LOL, that actually made me laugh IRL.

We’re in the middle of an ice age currently. It’s the recession of the glacial maximum, but it is an ice age. I don’t mean to be pedantic, but that misconception gets on my nerves.


I was about to throw scientific hands until I googled it to ensure I did not look like a clown. Huh.

Alright, sweetheart, since you had to torpedo my ship; there is a higher chance of a glacier running over where I live (I live in a place that had once been under a glacier as late as twelve thousand years ago) before Blizzard takes another shot at the MOBA scene. A glacial portion of the Ice Age.

Or should I swap over to major eruptions? Tambora or Krakatoa? Pompei? Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes? Mt. Saint Helens? I need a measurement here, or can we just stick with the unscientific term of ‘super volcanoes’? Do ongoing eruptions count? If so, Stromboli?

Also, thank you for making me use my brain. I knew at one point in time–Dark Ages–Earth was about to go spelunking in a classic Ice Age, I had not realized we technically are in one. At least according to Google.

The sixty degree weather when it should be snowing says otherwise though.

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The lack of gold from creeps is exactly what lets hots have the constant fighting we come here for tho.
And what would you do about all the healers? Dota and League stay far away from powerful healers because when they get ahead during the laning phase they are incredibly oppressive.

I guess, do you like warhead junction? Thats the closest hots gets to a normal moba. Personally, I’m not thrilled at the idea of only playing warhead forever. I don’t hate the map or anything but its defiantly not my favorite.


Ice age just means there are glacial sheets on the Earth currently, which we have in Greenland and Antarctica. Periodically the Earth warms up enough that there are no polar ice caps whatsoever. It’s honestly a really frustrating quirk of the planet because a lot of climate change denialism stems from that.


Yeah…maybe I am misreading it, but I get annoyed when people harp that up. Climate has been changing on Earth since it ceased being a ball of molten rock. It’s constantly changing, along with everything else, and there isn’t anything we can do about it.

I remember watching some video concerning carbon emission. It may not have been scientifically accurate, but the person that spoke said the carbon in the atmoisphere had risen by .01% in the last hundred years from .03 to .04. According to that video, going below .02% would be world ending as there wouldn’t be enough carbon for plant life. Don’t quote me on that, and it has been a while since I watched that particular video.

My view on the environmental people harping on for wind mills and solar panels is not pleasant, but that is a topic not fit for this thread.

Electric cars especially I do not view highly for various reasons.

That’s why HotS would remain as its own game for everyone who enjoys HotS.

Objectively not true, both games have healers, DotA less so.
It’s all about design and number tuning.
You can very easily have heavy healing heroes, in a traditional moba like league or dota.

Supports don’t particularly “get ahead” in league or dota because the items they have to buy and their hero kits aren’t designed for that.

I guess a quick example would be Soraka from league.
Lets say Soraka is playing really well with the hero she’s supporting.
Soraka gets 3 assists, her duo has 3 kills.
Soraka will be on average 1 level ahead, and because she’s getting assists, maybe 400ish extra gold?
That’s about an Amplifying Tome (20AP) worth of gold OR just over half a Forbidden Idol (50% base Mana regen & 8% heal and shield power), which ultimately is going to do very little for her heal at that point in the game.
Point is, supports like Soraka don’t get massive power spikes from getting a few assists.

And what does warhead junction have anything to do with an entirely seperate moba, themed after Warcraft?
Warhead junction is just another map with a different set of objectives.
Wouldn’t say its like a traditional moba at all.

Yes, that game is called Heroes of the Storm.

Yes it is, because they include your “gold standard” for mobas, and Warcraft knock-offs.
Single map with 3 lanes and a jungle
Gold from farming creeps, jungle camps, or bosses

If Blizz attempts to make another moba with just Warcraft characters, I would tell them to get a job, and stop recycling their IPs. Then I will continue to ignore Blizz as I have for over 15 years now.

You’re asking for Dota with Warcraft characters made by Blizz. They could’ve done this, but instead made something different: HOTS.

I have to say this; you’re idea is extremely boring.


All I’ve obtained from this reply, is that you don’t actually like mobas and also don’t like any of blizzards orginal IP’s.

What are you doing here since thats the case?

Also, if that sounds boring to you, maybe the game just wouldn’t be for you?
There’s a serious issue in todays world, people say “what about me” to anything that doesn’t jive with them.
Expecting everything to cater to you. You fit in that group perfectly.

Notice how I didn’t say HotS should shut down its servers?
I said the game would still exist for those who love it.
As per usual though, you’re one of the people who don’t like when others have fun or enjoy different things.

I enjoyed them. It’s time to move on.

Not sure. Assume more and you’ll get your answer?

Well, yes!

This is exactly what you’re saying with your post.

Yes, thus it was wasn’t argued. Do you want a cookie or something?

It would still be here whether you made your post or not. It would still be here even if I don’t care for the game much anymore.

Asking for a game that already exists but with Warcraft characters isn’t different. It’s catering to what you want.

Please consider, money. Money is what this company is about now, not about making quality games anymore. Consider if this rehash of a game you’re asking for will make them infinite money. Assume it will have all the hallmarks of treating the player like a wallet, and not a gamer. Are you ok with this?


No, a Warcraft only MOBA does not exist.
DotA 2 does not have Warcraft characters, it has characters that are inspired by Warcraft for copyright sakes because Valve legally had to.
League does not have any Warcraft characters.
HotS is jumbled with a bunch of other games, once again not a Warcraft MOBA.

All games are rehashed, there is nothing unique anymore.
Quite an exaggeration to insinuate “infinite money”.
Every game treats the player like a wallet, everything costs money.
Elden Ring treats you like a wallet, PoE treats you like a wallet. The list is endless.
The best part about f2p mobas, is you can opt to not spend a single cent for the entirety of its lifespan.

I’ll let you simmer on the finer points on your own, as being blunt wasn’t enough to get my point across.

The best part of F2P games is laughing at the people that demand all the things for free until the end of time.


the best part of a f2p moba is grinding for an even skin going to the shop and realizing its not available right now
it took me two years before i got whitemane witch skin :melting_face:


I didn’t say lol and dota dont have healers. I said i was very worried about how they would make the laning phase hell for the other guys as soon as they started to get a lead.
Soraka does restore hp, yes but only after she lands a Q. Otherwise she losses as much hp as ahe gives and she gets hit while trying to land that Q then shes right back to donating health rather then giving it. Thats how healing in league has to be. Its extremely uninteractive to have a good, reliable heal and the ones that do exist like nami W or bard are pretty mana inefficient for the first half of the game.
but league has lots of champs that can heal but most of their healing is so pathetic you didnt even bother to mention more then one of them and theres a reason for that.

Im not saying any of this to be mean, im just sick of all these super genaric mobas that dont eve try to evolve the genre.