It seems to me at my elo

That the best hero choice is to be someone that can take care of dual wave clear because in silver it feels like when you lose it’s because people arnt soaking… like at all.

I want to heal but I have to sit there and watch my lanes get run down because I can’t clear the wave.

Again this is in losing matches what I notice

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Healers and tanks sadly are only as good as your dps. If your dps does not soak and get camps, you will lose most of your games from that alone.

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This is why my tychus and tassadar have such high win rates I think


THose are great heroes, master them and you will climb well.

Nah, if you are agains 5 potatoes, you can win with slapAbathur…

There are a few options you have to both heal and handle waves. The most obvious one is Rehgar, who can easily solo waves with Lighting Shield and his auto attacks while still retaining some abilities of a healer. Less obvious is Alexstraza who can spam her Flame Buffet at them while they are lined up for large damage. There is also Auriel who can go Sacred Sweep quest build to quickly kill minion waves. Uther may also be an option who between Holy Radiance (heals allied minions as well, rare mechanic) and some talents can do moderate wave clear. There is also, surprisingly, Lt Morales who’s Displacement Grenade is pretty good at dealing large minion wave damage, especially if talented and she is also one of the few heroes who can heal minions.

Avoid healers like Whitemane, Kharazim, Anduin, Malfurion, Tryande, Ana, Lucio and Li Li since they have pretty poor non-hero damage.

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I really like playing Anduin though.
I find his healing output is great for the mass amounts of damage my teammates can unnecessarily take sometimes