Is this game still around?

you’re claiming a bunch of overgereneralized nonsense that could be attributed to anything.

“oh pro’s said this”
“oh pro’s said that”

Direct citation is how information is conveyed, not a bunch of imaginary fluff that could be used to claim it verified whatever you want.

“oh it’s well documented” it that were the case then it would easy for you to provide an example instead of pretending an implied “look it up” is going to work. Different browsers have different bias, which is part of why people claiming something are supposed to provide “proof”.

It’s easy and lazy to claim whatever you want; that’s part of why people get fooled with ‘false positives’ and float around with a bunch of superstitions pretending that they know something.

If you don’t know what ‘proof’ entails, that it’s not ‘easy’ to "disprove’ something, you’re just not informed enough to know the difference.

Dota and LOL stand out because they continue to have a company that puts money into the game. HotS had the plug pulled, and most anything else beyond that is bad speculation by people without an attention span long enough to get them to type out an actual paragraph.

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ur right well check with the pro league thats running…o wait…

the documentation for what pros wanted and players wanted is here Heroes of the Storm Forums simply go from oldest to newest and find the pro players accounts lol.

they did its documented Heroes of the Storm Forums simply go from oldest to newest and find the pro accounts and read what players asked for when the game first came out.

If you don’t want to play this game, no one is forcing you to. Some of us still find it enjoyable, but why should that bother you?


so you don’t actually have anything to contribute, and yet you’ve magically convinced yourself that you have.

Try living on just air for sustenance and see how well that goes for you.

In case you haven’t actually noticeded

  1. the ‘pro’s’ don’t post here.

  2. Nothing on this forum is “well documented”

  3. This is the third iteration of this forum with the previous archives being ‘lost’ so even if what you claimed held up, it’s not there anymore.

Since you don’t seem to have an informed opinion, you have neither provided any ‘proof’, “easily” disproven what you claimed you could, or have figured out that there is a very big difference from anyone complaining about something compared to “pros” having “well documented” complaints.

Might wanna brush up on how to read a bit better instead of repeating yourself 3 times and still saying nothing. Otherwise your bad attempt at sass and sarcasm just indicates you’re but another complainer that can’t tell that the reason they predominated see crap everywhere is due to their head being stuck up their rectum.

I honestly don’t know how to fix that issue, let alone how it manages to get in their in the first place, but it certainly seems like your fear of paper extends to both books and bathroom essentials.

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Anti-snowball mechanics/changes:

  • nerfed objectives from previous iterations (and many objectives requiring 3 success)
  • team xp
  • xp without lasthitting
  • xp globes and the window you can pick them up even if you wasn’t even nearby
  • how scaling and talent tiers work
  • minion waves being more easily accessible from behind (plus extra catapult xp)
  • minions worth more xp than early kills (= early deaths aren’t really a factor)
  • fort xp nerfed
  • invulnerable healing fountains
  • Heroes aggroing forts if defended
  • Heroes from the team ahead give more xp, ones from behind less

Like do you want to remove the ability to leave the enemy behind, or why are these not enough? And how can you complain about snowballing here, and praise other mobas, when other mobas let you snowball harder?!

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I would love to see you link to some sources to back up that claim.

See above, sources please. Hots was healthy player base wise, until they pulled the plug on the HGC and even then, it only started a serious decline after they stopped making any new heroes.

Hots did indeed have many problems, but having more than a single map had no significant bearing on the popularity of the game or why it was shelved.

#Link a source that isn’t these forums, they only date back to 2018, with the old forums representing Hots at its prime, the history of which are now all deleted.

league and dota playerbase compared to hots.

General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums go from oldest to newest

Does it count that “other” mobas have items to make you move faster? Both of them at base level move exactly the same.

The catch up mechanic is still there even at pro level. Pros don’t utilize this because they know how not to fall behind…

Instead of shoveling steaming piles of moose dung, dig for those documents you claim exist.

Dota map sucks.

No. It’s because of unrelenting elitism of the community for thinking they are better than everyone else because they can do inane BS like last hitting and buy items.


Hots was late to the game, and yes, Dota probably always had a larger player base than Hots, I didn’t dispute that.

You made an unfounded and unsourced statement of: “The maps are terrible and its been well documented from the majority of the player base and pro players.”

You have posted nothing of substance to prove this claim, the only map people complained about (and still do) in any significant number is Blackheart’s Bay, which was one reason it was removed from the ranked map pool. Other maps that had problems, such as Braxis, were reworked until they were viable.

You claim the reason Hots failed was due to it having a large variety of maps, if it’s so well documented, link your sources.

As I pointed out to you, these forums only date back to 2018, so they don’t even represent Hots when it was in its prime, so it’s a very, incomplete source, that is, if you can even count random comments on a discussion forum as any kind of meaningful source (I don’t).

Hots had many problems, but your post is too lazy to highlight them, let alone back them up with hard data.


facts dont care about feelings in this matter I posted links but instead of accepting u simply moved the goalpost.

I pointed out that your “facts” are in fact anecdotes, which are far more closely related to “feelings” than “facts.”

Linking the forums which is comments, anecdotes, by randoms, does not equal facts.

Also, sadly, the “pros” didn’t really leave Hots, but were fired by an uncaring Blizzard, there wasn’t a mass exodus of “pro’s” due to the large map pool. You do understand there is a difference between pro’s and a Diamond, Master, or even GM player?


Well, you’re wrong.

I posted a well-documented source so you can figure out how.

Posting the a link to a ‘forum’ doesn’t mean much, outside of you indicating that you’re effectively illiterate and reveling in ignorance. You have a listed “11” topics viewed, so you don’t even have the knowledge of what the forums contains to point at anything useful.

Based on your posted history, you probably don’t even know when the game was announced to be on support, let alone ‘officially ded’ when the ‘devs were moved back’ to other projects well before you even asked for that to be a thing.

You aren’t knowledgable, you’re not posting useful things, and you don’t seem to know the difference.

I suggest you start by doing more than repeating yourself 3 times over and bother actually learning to read before prattling on what you incorrectly assert to be a ‘fact’.

If wiki doesn’t do it for you try Bing


LoL, gotta admit as someone who has been around the block on the internet, I’ve never seen someone just post the link to the forum as proof. It’s like citing a source and giving the front page to google. It’s honestly embarrassing.


Not sure what you expected from someone with grammar and vernacular like:

Not sure I’ve ever seen an intelligent reply from a “ur” user


y u b so mean… y r u?

SMS, Twitter and education system has consequences.
I mean, look at it, it’s X now.
I c u on X 2n8.


And it is when I am totally aware that I am not in. Took me a while to understand 2n8.


I promise you no one talks like this on twitter.

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Don’t bother, they just ignored my list of anti-snowball mechanics and changes. They don’t want and honest discussion, like just linking the forum we’re on in this moment should be a proof that it’s a troll.


The pros got kidnapped by a gang of rainbow colored teddy bears and have been held for ransom ever since; demanding an entire freighter’s worth of skittles.

Source: Trust me bro.


kids mad bc never got fixes it required to compete with league and dota2. dont worry blizzard will give yall metals and skins for the clear arguments. :slight_smile: