Is the ranking point system broken?

First off yes I know a lot has changed and please refrain from it’s a dead game or bad or whatever .

I haven’t played in 3 years , was a high gold , low platinum player , and was pretty straight forward on ranks and ranking up. I’ve came back started a new account . I started in silver league , in the past 3 or so days I’ve won about 22 out of 30 games yet I’m going no where . I find this hard to believe .

I am not complaining or being toxic , just trying to understand .


The rank system is broken. Not broken as in error but this is the system and it sucks

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That’s to bad , guess it’s just roll with the lunches and try to make the best of it . Sucks cause all my buddies who did play , don’t play .

So it’s a bit hard to rank up . Wish blizzard would stop being China $ greedy but that’s another discussion . Appreciate the response

No one wants to play a broken ranked system that doesnt even match players properly, supports trolling and afking and encourages smurfing. Best to go play another game if you wanna enjoy something competitive.

Rank system is fine. You win you rank up, you lose you rank down.
I’m not sure what you mean by going nowhere. Are you getting less than 200 points for a win (I doubt it)? 22/30 wins should be +2 ranks, so most likely still in silver. Although on a new account, you should have been getting ±500 points per game at start, so if you lost those first games… :slight_smile:

P.S. Don’t listen to hunterbees44, he doesn’t even play ranked but keeps talking about it. I’ve ranked up and down my main from plat to master and back and then up again. And when I play on my gold smurfs… Well let’s just say, those are not fair games for the enemies :slight_smile: I could get a bronze account up to at least plat in less than a week (200-300 games) playing solo.


Lol ive been diamond the last three seasons. I am sure I know more about this system than you do.

You most definitely don’t. I play 500-1k SL games every season. I have over 15k ranked games if I include all my smurfs. I’ve also done bronze5 smurf climbs 3 times now.
So really, you better just take my word as sacred truth. And take your ideas of 10 games per season elswhere.

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Yeah cause we are all hiding a grand master account right?