I think that this unusual repetitive download of 137 mb should be considered as hacking. There are cases of Crypto currency mining that uses computer of other people to do mining for them without the owners knowledge… making your cpu or gpu usage around 15 percent and when you open your task manager it goes down… on blizzard’s case it uses internet , “the 137 mb” download that non of us knows the reason. maybe the blizzard has been hacked or whatever. but if you think about it. if its an error why does it take so long to fix it? why only heroes of the storm is affected? is it to make excuse to prolong this hacking? will the players find peace and just play the game? this reporter can only guess… NO…
once again this is Donny Vermillion(Starcraft 2) from UNN stay tuned for constant coverage
If you hadn’t noticed Blizz has been going though “stuff” lately. Hoku has already told you how to avoid the download. Just follow the instructions in the link below and you can avoid threats both real and imaginary.
Good luck with trying to sue Blizz though, get in line as they say.
Never doubt the stupidity of someone who assumes a major company would start using their least popular game to mine crypto while already in the middle of a major controversy.
I actually tried to run the Switcher (didn’t start up), changing permissions, but to no avail.
This download can be a problem to those with restricted data allowance, or reliable but slow internet. Officially I can still transfer 100GB per month, although I’m pretty sure I’m well above that, between Youtube and obligatory MS Teams. But I could - in theory - go to our cottage and use mobile internet for which I have 3 GB/month right now (totally not depleting it).
I’m pretty sure it’s just misconfiguration - as the launcher reinstalls the game after every single session, too, meaning I cannot remove the desktop icon! Horrors. The sad part, it’s 1.5 months, it surely isn’t that difficult.
No, it wasn’t actually. Your point was to accuse Blizz of hacking/installing fishy, illegal software in your system for nefarious purposes. That was what other people were not buying, skeptical about.
As for your new point, it’s an old one (surfaced months? ago), which many had, can agree with.
Downloading something does absolutely nothing in terms of mining. To mine something a process would need to be in the background constantly using up your GPU time (CPU’s are useless for mining since ~2013 or so).
Then that GPU processing power would be used to solve a cryptographic challenge (or a share of it for a mining pool) to earn cash upon submitting successful shares of work.
Then as a block of cryptocurrency is found (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) anyone who participated in ‘mining’ it is awarded BTC, ETH etc. in proportion to the work done by the GPU.
So the topic is funny to say the least. Nobody can “mine” by downloading data.
im just pressuring them blizzard to fix this 137 mb download… not really affected by 137 mb anyway… other players? also not affected so lets just continue downloading that 137 mb file size yeah? lols maybe reports on technical support forum are just for fun
im not saying “they are mining cryptos using internet download” what im saying is do you think we should consider this as stealing of internet resources? the same way mining malware stealing cpu/gpu resources?
I wouldn’t see it as stealing bandwidth since Blizzard isn’t benefiting in any way from it. For all we know it could be disgruntled ex employees who set it up this way to put further pressure on the company.
My twitter didn’t shut up about it for 4 WEEKS, even my dad who barely know anything when it comes to the side of CS/IT gaming corps has heard of it during work and told me about it.