Is Cho so hard to play?

My Cho and Gall winrates are so opposite of each other, that I want to have a friendly discussion about what are ppl’s opinions about Cho’Gall.
How much success do you guys have? How strong/weak do you feel they are?

I played with a lot of Chos to finally reach lvl 15 as Gall (for the portraits) and what I saw was the it’s not that Cho is weak, but ppl don’t really know what to do with/as him (oh, those Q casts… ><"). And my personal experience as Cho is that I [Cho’Gall] am really strong.


Positioning is hard.


I’m lvl 25 as Cho and I play him as a magic based bruiser rather than a tank. I usually soften the enemy team up with Gall’s (or my team’s) ranged abilities before diving in and separating/body blocking/denying escape via twilight’s hammer.

A lot of Cho’s mijudge their tankiness and get popped because he isn’t that tanky.


very weak.
With the removal of unstoppable, lowering their hp, and the nerfing of Bomb build without a better alternative being brought in they feel very weak for a hero that is worth 2 deaths when killed.


The higher MMR player should always be controlling Cho. Cho has about 20x more influence on the end result of the game than Gall does. He decides where they go, which macro decisions to make, when to go to an objective or skip it…

And since I have seen OP in SL at diamond 1 / master I am pretty sure most Cho’s you get to play with are not quite up to the task.


Well put it this way, if silver 5 Gall just ults every now and then and spams abilities in the enemys general direction while master Cho pilots, you have a pretty high chance to win.

Now, if silver 5 Cho is piloting while Master Gall desperately pings him not to suicide, clear a camp, go to a teamfight etc. it’s going to end up badly…


Does that matter in QM as well?

I didn’t have the opportunity to play with a Cho on my lvl, but QM is rather chaotic, so it shouldn’t matter that much in that mode imo.

it always matters, probably moreso in QM becuase you can have such skill disparity as well as random matchups


As one of the Chos, I can agree that a lot of it is being used to a certain amount of tankiness, as well as a true tank kit, and then going in on a hero that … isn’t really a tank. I freely admit to using Q inappropriately, although I did get over that, but I did forget that he had an HP nerf, among other things, since the last time I had played him regularly.

I think it comes down to the nerfs he has had, as well as the fact that you need to play him more like a Thrall or Ragnaros style bruiser, than an Imperius or Artanis bruiser. And casting him as a tank is inappropriate. Anyone who comes in with a tank mindset will likely get themselves killed. Repeatedly.

I agree with Pyobe, maybe even more in QM than in Ranked since the skill difference between master and a QM main who never ventured into Ranked can be so massive.

Having the Master play Gall instead of the casual will be a disaster most of the time.

This is true add to that that if you gall decides to use his trait without your mutual consent you lose 25 armor.

It maybe nice for C’G to have a seperate trait with a partial permanent bonus as a passive and the activable part.

I may add that now that we get something like DW , even if there may be nerfs awaiting him, i see no reason not to buff back a two deaths worth one body hero like them.

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I only play him with a friend and we’re on voice so I’ll let him know when he can turn on his trait again.

I didn’t like the nerf to his bowling build. Good aim allowed for infinite scaling and I used to be able to reverse games if we could delay the loss long enough for me to get enough stacks to start 90%ing people with a bowling ball.

I agree with the general feeling that cho should go to the higher skill player. Not only does he get to make every decision, but he also has his displacement ults which can influence the outcome of a fight. Knowing how and when to use them is generally harder to grasp than playing gall, which is essentially a damage bot.

All in all, chogall is pretty weak nowadays after the barrage of nerfs.

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I am a cho main (have a moment to laugh) and I think cho’gall is weak . Because every game my gall tops dmg and I am second almost every game. And that is after very much time put in to learn cho’gall. On other Heroes we would have much better performance. I really hope they buff cho’gall in the next patch.

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Cho wins the Duel of Giants :smiley:

People say Gall is easy, but so many galls ive played with totally forget they have a Z and vision wards

My favourite Z use is getting my Cho out of Moshpit :smirk:
Also like to dodge spells with it.

(And if we’re not on voice with Cho, sometimes I use it to show “this way!”.)

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Is going D talents on 1/7 lvls stupid? (as Cho)

I can see their usage. But I like Gall having the trait and with W talent I can get value even during that. So I’d say they are niche.

Lol I have the same general ratios. I generally do well when I Cho, but when my friend wants to pick him which I’m totally fine with when I just feel lazy and want to get in the backseat, we tend to lose a lot.

My friend is generally really good, but I’m usually the one supporting him, so he sometimes goes in too deep. When under normal conditions we would be fine being there for each other. As Gall it’s a bit different so there’s a give and take to playing with Cho especially if you don’t have a healer. Oh that and I always get health orbs lol.