Is Cho so hard to play?

Cho’Gall can be a monster. A well played Cho’Gall with a good healer (Morales, Alex, NOT Auriel) is nigh unkillable.

I play Gall and my Cho and I are both well over level 200 in our respective heroes. We ended last season with a 59% win rate over 337 games with a 6.95 KDA in Ranked play. I only play Gall and he only plays Cho and we only Cho’Gall with each other. No randos.

Cho’Gall is a partnership unlike any other in the game. You can partner up with another hero to gank, execute combos or hunt, but in those scenarios you are still fully in charge of your destiny. As Cho’Gall this is never the case:

  • Cho doesn’t own all the damage and depends on Gall to make simply standing within range of him a painful experience for the enemy. Gall also provides vision, lands that perfectly timed slap to avoid AOE or escape that gank, as well as firing that critical blast of damage to secure the kill.
  • Gall doesn’t get to decide if it’s too risky to dive that Deathwing or gank that camp. He has to trust Cho to get him into the best position to deal the most effective damage and then get him back out alive.

We see Cho’Gall is our own team and we don’t blame each other when things goes bad. We figure out what went wrong, own the mistake and try not to do it again. Needless to say, voice comms are absolutely required. We are constantly communicating over build choices and trading the Trait back and forth. We both take responsibility for the macro game.

Just because Gall doesn’t drive, doesn’t mean he has nothing to do outside of a fight. When we are travelling I am scanning the map, checking camps, spotting the enemy, dropping vision, etc.

I almost forgot to post the definitive Cho’Gall guide.