Internet disconnects when I start Heroes of the Storm

Hello everyone, I’m getting desperate trying to find a fix for this:

I’v been having issues connecting to Heroes of the Storm. when I start the game it tells me that the current region is unavailabe right now, when I Alt+Tab to it shows that it’s trying to connect and my Internet (using Wifi) shows that Internet isn’t availabe. this only happens AFTER I start Heroes of the Storm. mind you, this issue doesn’t occur when playing from Ethernet, but I should be able to play from Wifi, like my wife who’s using a Laptop and never had an issue like this before.

For me only HOTS does not work from blizzard games it says right after I have installed the game: Files in your Heroes of the storm installation are damaged… No support…

I found solution. I had to reset In-game options in Battle net Heroes of The Storm settings, and the game started.

Thank you, but that’s a seperate solution to a seperate issue. Glad you got yours working again though!