Incoming Transmission (New Hero Teaser)

That’s Anduin. Has been leaked a few days ago.

Maybe I just have bad memory.

Was Malthael candle teaser also a 3 days one?

I believe so. His was a weird one though, because rather than post his PTR or spotlight, the reveal was his model and kit on the Heroes of the Storm website.

Afaik his teasers was 3 candles that every day one of the candle’s fire went out until he was revealed.

Deathwing confirmed.

Wait a second…

Deathwing obv… (if I say it often enough…)

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It is possible it’s Deathwing. The yellow could be flames, and the blue and yellow could be an alliance crest that Deathwing is “chest bursting” from.

Haha jokes doesn’t get old. :ok_hand: :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

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Our summons have been heed
Manduin is comig!!!
Praise the nexus
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Inkeeper from hearthstone.

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Well, the gold-rimed blue cloth does resemble some Hearthstone stuff, but the Holy Light themes don’t exactly say “Innkeeper” to me :man_shrugging:

On the other hand, I’d like to remind everyone that we have gotten teasers for non-hero content in the past (Mechastorm, Warchrome, and Rebels, for example).
Though I guess those tend to be a little more overt (Mechastorm and Rebels outright showed a hero in his new skin on each image).
But still, probably better not to over-hype and end up (possibly) dissapointed.

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Its pretty obviously Anduin, which is fine, Im kinda hoping they can still give him a discipline kit even though it’s been pretty much given to Whitemane.

Maybe instead of direct healing, he puts divine shields on allies and replenishes them through directly interacting with shielded heroes or by having them deal damage.

that would be nice, and it makes sense, to me its clearly alliance colors, with the blue and bit of gold, and holy light is either paladin, or priest, though i think they said anduin was not the next hero at some point? I could be wrong on that tho

Guys, it’s obviously Deathwing, the picture is of the Dragon Soul.


After Kevin left which was heartbreaking… this was needed. Thank you, devs.

FOOLS! This is a teaser for the Energizer Bunny!

It looks like a titan keeper to me rn.

I’m not a WoW player. So what does that spark have to do with Anduin?

Diablo and Wacraft have a similar color-coding system for their spell effects. Yellow is usually associated with Holy, or at least The Light.

With the Bfa trailer, anduin puts on a spectacular mass heal effect that’s showcase in yellow, so the blue/gold background alongside the yellow ‘spark’ may suggest an association with the alliance and someone who can use the light, such as a priest or paladin.

However, the spark shown is a bit oddly shaped imo, and I have anti-hype for anduin, so I’d be more in want to assume that the ‘obvious’ details compared to the less obvious ones may suggest the obvious suggestion of anduin is meant to throw people off and thus is a redherring akin to some of the other teasers that threw many people for a loop on the obvious answer.