Impossible to climb out of Bronze

What a late reply. Two can play at that game!

I do. You don’t need to explain to me what heroesprofile does. You just don’t seemed to understand how the site works.

You can upload your games manually or automatically. It’s by the players, not by Blizz. This means if the players don’t upload their games, the site won’t have the data even though the games actually took place, existing in Blizz server. Some of your games can be on the site server if you were in a game where someone who uploaded the game.

[A1, A2, A3, A4, you] vs [B1, B2, B3, B4, B5]

If any of the player present uploads that game, it will be on the server.

But that is in no way reliable for full picture. You seriously didn’t know this? The limitation of sites like heroesprofile?

Very shallow logic from a person who has very limited view, info, knowledge of the matter. I already explained how sites like heresprofile have limitation. There are still Hots streamers. I only watch EU, but guess how many games they play.

FanHotS, NA streamer case destroyes your nonsensical claim. He does it every several months or something. I mentioned this in my previous posts. Seriously? Think before you make nonsense claims.

Indeed. Read what I said again. What can I say. You’re just wrong in every claim you made. And obviously I’m way smarter than you. Well, then again, smartness has little to do with it. You’re talking out of your behind because you think you know the full picture.

How cute. A person who keeps being ignorant about how data site works. Your replay site is likely worse than limitation of heroesprofile.


Matchmaking is broken i have 10 win streake and my next 5 games with AFK trolls lost lost lost (it os not normal have 10games with normal peaople and next 5 in row with AFK) it is HOTS matchmaking… you win and matchmaking “correct” to your 50% winrate add worse and worse player add to your team… SAD STORY

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That’s a complete lie
Fanhots forms parties to rank up. So its not the same experience that someone who is trying to rank up playing solo has. Ranks on this game mean nothing. You can have premades of 5 people farming randoms, but does it make them good or superior as individual performances? No. Does it mean your team got clueless randoms and you are condemned to lose no matter what you do? Yes. Rank system is screwed since the moment this game matches people in parties vs randoms. Most stupid decision hots team ever took.

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You got to be kidding me. You do know he streams his entire progress right? Everytime he does his B2GM, it’s on record.


, everything you said afterwards is waste of your time and mine.

What kind of reality do you live in to think that kind of lie would work when this streamer has it on record of solo-ing Bronze to GM?

Pffff. There is videos of him from his “highlight moments” where he is talking in party chat. As he is playing ranked in bronze/silver. Yeah you gonna tell me he doesn’t party up to climb up and get out from hell ranks. Sure, keep believing and living in your false reality. It is proved that carrying doesn’t exist on this game. I can prove it to you if you want. Come lets play together. Ill play dumb mode and I want you to carry that. Ill be feeding 10 + deads, not going for objective, etc. Fanhots did group up. But idc what u wanna believe

When you say party chat, which are you talking about? Chatting on actual party chat doesn’t mean he’s grouped up. He has a discord server chat thing, as per usual for streamers. He has in-game chat channel made, as per usual for streamers.

Chatting on any of them doesn’t mean he is grouped up.

The irony. Do you know how you know someone is grouped up? Hint: it shows in-game.

I believe in facts and reality. You don’t. Check his VODs or whatever. I’m sure Twitch still has them (they keep VODs for a month afaik). Game shows if you’re grouped up. Do that, come back, then talk facts and reality.

Actually, I’m gonna add this just in case. B2GM =/= ARAM games.

He has party chat with people playing in the same match he is. And i know how every kind of party chat looks. I know how a party chat from someone who grouped up looks. Add to that, the guys are even laughing in the chat in the same game with fanhots when they did something funny. But whatever. I dont really care to convince you. You can go search his videos, etc. Watch carefully. If you wanna keep believing the opposite its ok. Keep living in a lie. Carrying is impossible in hots. Also Ridiculous that a game allows to play ranked between people who grouped and randoms. Again, rank means nothing on this game.

I didn’t watch his current run, I watched his previous run climb from B9 to B5. Didn’t see him grouped up with any. Didn’t see him being grouped up in his youtube vids (B2GM) either. You can prove me otherwise by either linking Twitch VOD or youtube link.

Apparently not, if you claim he grouped up in his B2GM games.

By all means, link me the game. He occasionally plays GM games (though, I don’t know if he groups up in that or not), he plays ARAM games with his sub (as 5-man group). Didn’t saw him grouped up in B2GM.

That proves anything, how? The point is if it was B2GM game or not.

You’re not talking about Twitch chat, are you?

That depends on the extent. Fan does lose Bronze games from time to time, he still climbs (on his previous run, with low 80% wr in Bronze). I easily climbed out of Bronze (new account place you in Bronze, when, when HotS was more popular, it was S4).

That’s a separate topic.

Fan clearly goes from bronze 5 to gm legitimately a couple of times a year at least.

You can watch the entire thing on twitch or a lot of the games on youtube.

What I find interesting is he seems to spend the most time in bronze and silver and it flies by when he gets to the higher ranks.

He’s also an ex pro player and streaming storm league is pretty much his job so he’s obviously going to be better than 99.99 % of the playerbase at doing it.

I’ve been in bronze 1-2 a few times when i’ve made a new account but never been in bronze 5.

I’m nowhere near as good as Fan but i’m barely in bronze for more than a handful of games.

I’ve never tried climbing out of bronze 5 though so i’ve no idea if it’s this almost impossible task.

I’d suggest making a new account, if you srop back down the bronze ladder again that’s where you belong unless you improve unfortunately.

That’s because there is a hidden more wider rank baked in B5. There is B5, and there is hardstuck B5 as Fan refers it. You may call it Wood league or Iron league.

Ranking up from B10 to B6 requires same win numbers as that of ranking up from S5 to P3 -ish. And then you need 5 more wins to get out of B5 (reaching B4). Granted, Fan rarely plays with B10 accounts (mostly B8 ones).

edit: let me rephrase that. Ranking up from bottom of B5 to G5 is around the same as ranking up from G5 to GM, win numbers wise. I’m saying your perception, how you felt is correct.

Aside from the hidden rank, it’s the same deal. Instead of requiring 5 wins to rank up each bracket, you need around 12 (all the way from B10 to B6).

So yes, it has always been possible. Not trying to be offensive, but players who couldn’t just don’t have the skills beyond that level.

I saw once that his opponent would know it’s fan and would reply in twitch chat during the game. Maybe there were cases where he adds someone from allies if they happen to recognize him do dicord, but that’s still not grouping imo.

party chat is not ingame group, also add some links as proof please.

Although not sure what the point would be even if you manage to proove grouping, like if he wins easily with dumb strats solo anyway, who cares if there would be 1-2 party games here or there, it’s still easy to climb

Be more precise, it is not possible alone, but in a team of 5 it is very easy.

Use aimbot to guarantee headshots. You’ll be best in HoTS.

Here’s how i fell and climbed from wood 5 (literal depth of bronze 5 - zero point) to silver 3 in one season in the EU server.

As an incompetetive player ranked Silver 3 in 2019 Preseason with 48% win rate in 353 games.

Skipped 1 season and came back in 2020 Season 1, ended the season in Bronze 1 with 33% win rate in 49 games.

Skipped 1 more season and placed in Bronze 4 in 2020 Season. Frustrated, left it with 57% win rate in 23 games in Bronze 4.

Skipped next 3 seasons (btw they were longer with 2 seasons in a year instead of 4) and came back in 2022 Season 1. Placed in Bronze 4 again and fell to Bronze 5. How? I was a total noob! A suicidal, incompetent, ignorant noob! Absolute zero map awareness, zero synergycal picks, zero countering picks, zero soak, zero positioning… Only looking for fights and getting ganked… Frustration led to team chat pissing contests, sabotage, feeding, cursing and all the stuff you very well know. (And btw i probably have been reported countless times and nothing happened to my account, gj blizz) After a while i only wanted to see an empty rank bar in Bronze 5 and eventually managed it.

Then, i finally made peace with my noobness and googled the magic words: “How to play Heroes of the Storm ranked”. Found a video, it basicly said, play a hero which can effectively clear minions and SOAK in the EARLY GAME with it. Preferably with a cc to get out of sticky situations. Never get overextended on a lane. Never look for fights. If they push you hard just switch lane and keep soaking until you have a clear level advantage or at least be on par with the enemy. Fight ONLY on objectives and ONLY if you are on equal numbers or outnumber them. If they left a man out to soak and if the obj is away from you, you stay out to soak, otherwise go in, get a kill, get out and SOAK. After level 13 stick with the team, hunt objectives and enemy players. If the plan dont work, just keep soaking. Never let your team fall behind on level and especially NEVER FIGHT THE ENEMY WITH TALENT DISADVANTAGE.

Then i looked at my collection and eliminated the options with slow minion clear, no cc abilities and extra squishiness.

Eliminated all the melee assassins because none have enough durability or get out of sticky situations card.

Eliminated the mages because everyone wants to play ranged assassin so the competiton is high.

Eliminated the tank and healer because if you drop the fight or the obj and go for soak, you lose anyway because the ones who has to soak will be fighting the enemy.

Eventually this logic placed me into playing bruiser. Now you have plenty of options available here. I will not tell you what to pick but i’ve picked Gazlowe for my adventure. Not the most reliable cc, not the most durable, not the highest damage, not the fastest wave clear but can do all these up to a point and if you know how to play him, he has exceptional area control. Can chain cc multiple enemy, can create kill options for high damage one way heroes, can save a chased friend with a well placed stun… Can do many things up to a point with an average field awareness and positioning. And in bronzes, you dont need to be more than average.

With this mindset -mostly soaking and only fighting when necessary- jumped in to learn how to play the hero, looked for a couple of builds, decided on a cc build and went on to learn it. Then wins started pouring… When your team is in the level advantage even if you dont participate, your team wins the team fights, then the objectives then the game! Magic… When we are behind on level, i went back to a lane, clear it, went back to the sieged tower, throw a couple of stuns to relieve the pressure, went back to other lane to clear it all the while 4 people defending that one lane and this way kept the team in the game and turned many losses into wins.

But there was a problem… I was still getting 20-25 pts per win even with 75-80% of the rank bar filled up. It took more than 50 games to get out of the Bronze 5, then something happened which i never knew existed in the game… First win of Bronze 4 awarded around 500 pts! in 4 games its Bronze 3. Again 500 pts on first win… Figured, the game awards huge points when you climb up a rank and it decays as you keep playing. At some point i managed to get up to 75% win rate with Gazlowe and the remaining bronzes ended rather quicker.

As i climbed i was less comfortable with the style i was playing because some people knew how to counter Gazlowe or some teams had a player dedicated to soak and kept their team in the game. Eventually my climb came to a halt at Silver 3 with 53% win rate in 485 games. Probably 100 of these games took place in Bronze 5 prior to my enlightment and i think it took around 20 games to stabilize myself in the Silver 3. So i think my skills are at this rank now. I’m in Silver 3 this season aswell, as of 2023 season 1. Considering i worked my way up here from the catacombs of Bronze 5, i call it an achievement for myself as i am no pro gamer nor i’ll ever be… I’m just a middle aged man who plays some games after work and before sleep.

As of this season, i still play the soak game even if i’m not playing Gazlowe and i think combining cc heroes into a team in silvers is almost a guaranteed win. Never seen a team with 3 cc heroes fail to win. 4 cc; domination. 5 cc; something no one deserves to be against.

Never seen at any point, under any circumstances, an Illidan do anything useful, combine Abathur with Varian or Artanis and compare it to Illidan… Never seen a Nova without enablers to score a kill, a Sgt Hammer without protection to survive. Incalcualted picks like these are only noob or troll plays and you’ll have to cover their asses too if they are to be useful. And if you insist on picking a one way in, no way out hero, at least be sure there is enough support for you to do your thing.

So thats how i view the game with my Silver 3 abilities and how i climbed from Bronze 5.

TLDR; SOAK, get your team to choose heroes with cc abilities and SOAK MORE!


Yes impossible 4 RND potato determine YOUR PERSONAL rank! :smiley:
this game is “funy”
YOu play well you have best. kill. best dmg. best XP. 0 death .but your 4 potato with 0 kill 10% your XP. lost your RANK and you lost same it doesn’t matter how well you played