Imac OS Big Sur cannot give Hots mic permissions

I apologize for making a redundant thread, I just needed to know that this issue will be seen since I can’t seem to submit one individual support ticket.

On imac, I cannot use my microphone because HOTS does not prompt to ask permission to use it. I have already posted this message today in an older thread with some solutions in it, found here.

Edits 1-2: Additionally, it is worth noting here that I am currently running MacOS Big Sur, and the error code I receive when attempting to use the Catalina workaround is:

Error: table access has 13 columns but 12 values were supplied

I completely expect one of these threads to merge. Thank you in advance for your time.

Big Sur HOTS microphone fix

Wow, I managed to do it. All you need to do is add an extra value into the line which fills in that extra column for Big Sur. So the script now is:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ “INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES(‘kTCCServiceMicrophone’,‘com.blizzard.heroesofthestorm’,0,0,1,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,‘UNUSED’,NULL,0,1541440109);”

The rest of the process is the exact same and don’t forget to re-enable the system integrity check

[Catalina] Voice Chat not working in Heroes of the Storm (follow the solved post by Zentgraf for everything else)

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Hey! Mac has permitted Hots to use the microphone.

It’s kind of glitchy when I test it, and unfortunately I haven’t been in a party yet to live test it, but afaik right now it works just great.

It’s Turkey Day as I’m writing this so I’m not able to play HOTs tonight, but if there is some other fatal flaw with mic permissions for Big Sur I will post here again.

Thank you so much!!

Hello, I have the new Big Sur on my Mac and the microphone doesn’t work at all. The command in terminal with added 0 gives me this: Error: near “UNUSED”: syntax error. Please help.

I had the exact same error. I went online and did some digging and got this from a league reddit thread. I only change the league part into hots and it works like a charm:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ “INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES(‘kTCCServiceMicrophone’,‘com.blizzard.heroesofthestorm’,0,2,0,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,‘UNUSED’,NULL,0,1551892126);”

Hope this helps!

Unfortunately this has not worked for me. I rebooted in recovery, disabled SIP, started up again and from terminal used:

I got the following response:

zsh: unknown file attribute: ^"
zsh: command not found: ”

Hopefully someone can assist. Thank you!

By the way, in the command used, what’s the “1551892126” referring to?

Here to save the day. It’s the damn apostrophes.

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceMicrophone','com.blizzard.heroesofthestorm',0,2,0,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,0,1541440109);"

Notice the difference in the apostrophes. They are different unicode characters, and sqlite3 only likes the straight ones. This command, pasted directly into the terminal, should work.

EDIT: Learning from my own mistakes here people, the markdown blockquote feature will not preserve the unicode formatting of each character, the “code” (4-space-indent) feature will.

PSA: When you’re pasting code into this forum, use the “</>” button instead of the " one, otherwise you’re going to have a bad time.


Thank you! this helped and now I have mic on HotS again! basic functionality that blizz can’t get right :frowning:

Hello, I have not solved the problem yet, I do not understand well how the procedures are, it would be possible that you can tell me the steps to be able to fix the voice chat. Thanks

The second step I do not understand how to do it, if someone who has worked the method, could explain to me