I told you i was banned for “toxicity” for posting criticism. You disregard what i say entirely and insist that blizzard handled the situation correctly and insinuate that i’m lying or misleading in some way.
This is exactly what i mean when i allude to the idea that only in this market (video games) do customers do this kind of thing … actively working against their own best interests. I don’t know if it’s a lack of critical thinking skills, lack of common sense, or both.
I’ve never seen anything like it in any other market. Usually when a customer posts a bad experience or mistreatment by a company, other customers give their fellow customers the benefit of the doubt because they know their own interest align with theirs.
But you seem to be working overtime to defend blizzard and are blindly loyal to them despite you being just another number the company is trying to milk resources from. It’s really twisted and bizarre.
I never said your post was aimed at me, I said your post wasn’t a reply to anyone specifically. I replied to your post as many people have not been silenced for berating, criticizing or being rude, which was the assertion in your post.
I was replying to the content of your post from my perspective, not in the order your post appeared. I didn’t know it was a rule that I could only reply to a post if it is directly a reply to me specifically.
yea, and some things are allowed to be censored. I get your whole issues with ‘censorship’ as a whole and you thus equate any to the results of 1984. However, as demonstrated again, when particulars come up, you don’t care, you have your message to sell at all else. The functional issue with your tirade against ‘the system’ is the consequences of a lack of censorship (in violation of the terms of use) can be see in Myanmar/Burma, so the principal of what you’re advocating has a demonstrable backlash that’s more real than dystopian fiction — esp given you may not have even read the books you’re trying to reference.
Here’s the thing: 1984 can be read almost anywhere for free, and without effort. You fixation on ‘censorship’ at all suggest to me you’re not familiar with the book, only a summary that suited the narrative you want to claim. as a consequence of your willful ignorance in this regard, I’d argue that your conduct advocates for a select form of thought, a perpetual and almost insurmountable ‘enemy’, a segregation of people via ideology (with those not agreeing with you beneath you) and criticism against your methods as unintelligible, or the product of the [enemy] (so to speak) and can thus be regarding as ‘propaganda’ to be substituted with your own.
In effect, your conduct seems more indicative of being apart of ‘The Party’ when comparing others to the effectual thought police or Big Brother, to which, you either don’t realize you do this, cuz yay ignorance, and would rather remain ignorant to be distracted by gratification — and thus model yourself after the populace of the World State — or you accept the contradiction of your cause and claim and thus display apparent ‘doublethink’.
I try to be particular with specifics on how criticism is conveyed as some issues can be from user-based perspectives, as it is common that people are so assured of themselves to be right, that they’ll [example from dystopian novel] but I’m under the impression you’re more keen on the idea of what you expect things to mean, then the specifics at hand.
Trouble is, both game feedback and discourse inspired by cautionary fiction benefit from people being willing to read the material at hand, rather than deride it as some ‘enemy’ of their thought and desire.
I wish I knew what the OP was referencing. I’ve seen a few really awful examples of overzealous moderation, but there’s also a lion’s share actually breaking the rules.
Either way, there’s no recourse for players affected by unnecessary moderation, and I can attest that it does actually happen, but it’s hard to tell what’s legitimate and what’s not.
Blizzard doesn’t like criticism even when it is well constructed in a polite manner. I personally don’t know how you went about yours as I don’t think I went to any of those post but just stating that as it seems to be true.
you didnt have to say it, you thought that my post 6 down from you was aimed at you when it was for the OP, (anything untagged is presumably for the OP) if you didnt then why’d you take personal offense to it?
Your post is about the topic of this forum, I didn’t think it was specifically aimed at me. Your comment did however relate to my experiences, it is irrelevant if you were addressing me directly.
It is not against the rules or forum etiquette for me to or anyone to reply to a comment they want to engage with, as long as they do so respectfully. Which I did so.
You inferring meaning from that, telling me what posts I should engage with or not, is not your responsibility or call to make.
if youve been silenced i doubt its been respectful
ive been criticizing people in game every since i joined for the DVA police skin for overwatch but the reason ive never been silenced cause i dont berate people.
so im very doubtful of the amount of respect given
I didn’t invoke 1984, but you went off on that. Also, your post is almost unreadable between the misspellings and disjointed method of sentence structure.
Let’s try to keep it simple so you don’t write another novella. The censorship Bzzzzd engages in is very obvious and very harmful to legitimate criticism which would normally serve to provide helpful feedback.